Top round roast

Anybody cook anything interesting this weekend? Or do anything not related to the current geopolitical situation?

I made Cajun Red Beans and Rice for a Mardi Gras shindig at church on Saturday. Just had some leftovers for lunch. Such a cheap meal that gives me so much satisfaction!

Went to the women's game on Sunday, great crowd. Wisconsin played really well, but the Hawks pulled away and won by 15. I was a little worried that the Hawks were going to lose some of the support/momentum they had built over the last 4 years during that 5-game losing streak...but what a response by the Hawks over the past month!

I wanted to make some pho over the weekend, but I ran out of time...I might try to throw that together tomorrow morning and let it crock-pot all day.

My weight loss is going well, so far. I am down about 8 pounds since I started in mid-January, everything I am doing feels sustainable, and I handled these crazy busy last 2 weeks pretty well.
Big congrats to you.

Thanks...I am really trying to take the long view here.

I have done the Core4 gravel ride with my kid that last 2 years (25 mile two years ago, then the 40 mile last year), but my conditioning has been held back by the fact my body can't seem to handle high volumes at this point. I get to around 50+ miles per week of biking, and things start to go sideways.

This summer I am going to keep my biking mileage really moderate, focus on losing weight, improving flexibility, and gaining strength. The following summer I am going to try to VERY SLOWLY build up more volume. Then, when I turn 50 (2027) and move into a different age-category, I am going to turn that mother out and actually try to "race" the thing.