Coach Ferentz apologist - Guilty


Great post. I agree....he is a great coach and a great person. I really do think we need a new offensive coordinator.....perhaps Ferentz is thinking the same way
Chosen KF probably is a great guy and that is hurting his thinking at times. He's to good of a guy and this is what is getting him in trouble. Way to loyal to a fault with his assistant and head coordinators.

Hope you didn't have a stroke after yelling like that! :)
I think you make great points...but I think in my case all the constant contract extensions, massive bonuses and huge buyouts kind of leave a sour taste in people's mouths when Iowa underperforms.

Kirk has some brilliant characteristics, but he needs to open his mind, and that happens to fat cats in any profession. He is untouchable and knows it.

I am a capitalist and I don't necessarily question the value of the service he provides, but I am an emotional fan at heart and I want to see a competitive aggressive team every week against every team.
The fans with low expectations are why Iowa is where it's at. Kinda reminds me of America and the 70s. The country basically packed-it-in after the Apollo program ended. No more grand ambitions. Shooting for the stars was a no-no in literal terms and as a metaphor for America's manifest destiny.

Jesus I just depressed the hell out of myself with that post.
So the space shuttle was nothing and this country has been doing nothing for 40 years? Well don't worry Donald will take us back to the 70's.
So the space shuttle was nothing and this country has been doing nothing for 40 years? Well don't worry Donald will take us back to the 70's.

Overall it was a pretty dismal time. The recessions then (including the 1980 one) were in some respects worse than the Great Recession with decline and inflation. Ending of Vietnam, losing ground to the Soviets in so many ways...

The Iranian Revolution. Chicago and NY in dire financial shape. The Hawks in basketball and football had a number of terrible years.

The hair, the jeans, ISU football rising, Humiliation with the Mayaguez rescue. Nixon's resignation and having a never elected president. Murder rates were much higher.

Orange, brown and lime green were interior house colors.

HF and Lute saved us all.
I can list several issues with KF and mount vigorous arguments against the OP's list of bling. But I've done it so many times over the past 10 years that I'm bored of it. 3 good seasons in those 10 years. I'll leave it at that.
I just think that while Iowa had a huge win against Michigan,Wisconsin is on its way to another championship game

And we were all talking about how brutal their schedule was to start the year. And yet again, there they are.

What's KF excuse for this team coming off 12-0 ?
Great use of paragraphs, Mary.
And you know this as a fact? If so do spill the beans of how you know this.

It's very clear that the offense has been worse under Davis which speaks volumes since it wasn't that great under KOK.

By Ferentz staying with this bad marriage and not divorcing Davis I guess you could call that many things. Bad coaching, stubbornness, and being a poor trend identifier are some that come to mind.
Loyalty. Admirable quality. If it was anything but a game, I'd be concerned. I'm not.
Lots of truth in this post.

Things that bother me most about Coach Ferentz:
#1. Why he struggles so much with beating poor teams. He has every bit as many bad losses as he has good wins. The philosophy you mention in #4 also allows even the worst of teams to beat Iowa.
#2. Why the "buyout" terms in his contract? Seems a great guy like that would not want to put the University in a bad position.

Also, Hayden Fry took Iowa from the scrap heap of college football. He built the program. Ferentz carried on.
Your points are well delivered and received. I think the fact that we play that style is most certainly what bugs people the most. I'd love to put some old school 61-10 poundings on a few patsies as well. I DO miss that HF era highlight.

I think the buyout is just having good business sense. Most of us would do the same thing for ourselves and our families. He has also given millions back to the university.
I just think that while Iowa had a huge win against Michigan,Wisconsin is on its way to another championship game

And we were all talking about how brutal their schedule was to start the year. And yet again, there they are.

What's KF excuse for this team coming off 12-0 ?
What was Wisconsin's excuse last year? By your logic shouldn't they also have been great last year because of this year? What is Michigan State's excuse this year? Why has USC lost 3 games or ??? losses? If you expect Iowa to go 12-0 every drank ALL of the koolaid at the compound. Wisconsin best us 17-9? Yes they won handily..but we were in that game down to the wire. They have 2 losses. Why aren't they 10-0?
4. Consistency. Really? Consistency in approach, sure. But, consistency in results? From 12-0 to this year? I'd rather have less of the former and more of the latter. Those "highs" you listed can be matched by some pretty ridiculous lows.

6. Pride. "He doesn't make excuses. He takes blame." Reeeeaaally?? Is this still KF you're talking about? "We're just a developmental program." "We just need to execute better." "The cavalry's not coming." Any of those sound familiar? Guess what? Those ARE excuses! Guess what? Those are shifting blame, not taking blame. Any problems are because we're just Iowa, or the players need to do better.
Did you read what you wrote? Read what you wrote in the 2nd paragraph. How is saying "we flat out didn't play well enough to win" an excuse. It doesn't get much more truthful than that. What are you even talking about? "We just need to execute better." Truth. "We had a lot of guys injured and we had to dress in a pink locker room so we didn't play well" are excuses. You have confused yourself. Who makes the plays on the field? When was the last time KF missed a block? Oh did you see Coach Morgan throw that pick? You are so diluted with rage that you don't make sense. I'm sorry but, not sorry lol
Mostly good points in OP.
Why do you have to be an apologist? I read that and it sounds like jock sniffer.

Why not just give him his due praise when he deserves it and give him "constructive criticism" or crap when he deserves it?
You don't sit next to me on game day lol I criticize. You should criticize when you feel the need. I guess I'm a hawkeye fan who roots for the team. I'm proud of being a hawkeye win or lose. When you just bash (not you specifically) a coach 24/7 to the point where it's questionable if you are a troll instead of a fan...that's what I don't like to see. I'm glad I can watch the Hawks and enjoy college football and drink a soda and eat a brat and smile. I feel bad for people who can't appreciate it like I do. I might chuck a hot coal at the garage window on a bad play...but...I'm not going full b!+ch on a good coach 24/7. Yep, he isn't perfect. Are any of his detractors? Perspective is what is needed. How many ntnl titles do we have in our HISTORY? We must be cursed with all of the terrible coaches we've have in a century plus of competition. Save for a regional sport of wrestling (Gable IS a GOD)...isn't it time to admit that geographical issues might be somewhat of a factor? Just terrible coaches and terrible luck? Why heap loads of crticism on a man who will have won more games than any other Iowa coach in history who apparently has company in being so terrible as to never have won a national title?
Can't argue with anything you say ProudHawkFan couple additional color comments:

1. Recruiting has been mediocre at best...despite conf. titles etc. I posted an analysis earlier this year. Bill Snyder has done more with less than KF and his staff have. You can't dispute winning percentages it's just fact. How do you lose a bunch of quality recruits coming off a 12-0 season?! We seem to be really good at that.

2. Most years we don't or won't even sniff conf. titles (last year was a total anomaly) look at the under performance this year and the year before last year. We played better with OTHER players in there than were the starters at beginning of year. So either the coaching staff has their heads up their A** or they did a poor job of evaluating and understanding improvement in their players. OR they play the players they just simply LIKE more than those that they don't.

3. The Michigan win only proves that PP and KF are pretty good at playing against Pro Style offenses. The offense was terrible. GD came out of his dementia for enough plays to score 14 points congrats.

4. The contract extension for that period of time for that kind of money was a waste and didn't need to be done. What's KF going to do Leave?! Not likely with a kid playing and another son Coaching there. Be real.
I agree on the recruiting. I'd LOVE to have someone dynamic do some recruiting. But whats the sell? Come here with 2-3 other 4/5 star players and we will try to compete with those other schools that wanted you to play with 30 4/5 star players? There is no logic in that for a recruit. Alabama..Ohio State..Michigan...Notre get the idea...of they want you, you are not coming to Iowa. Show me the dynamo that could sell Iowa. Then tell me why he would coach at Iowa.

How many 10+ win seasons did Hayden deliver in his 20 years? I'm just confused how one is perceived as great and the other terrible. Yes..I give the edge to Hayden for building the program...but wasn't Ferentz a huge part of it during Haydens best years? It comes down to coordinators. Maybe Brian Ferentz will fit the bill. College player. Coached with Belli-cheat.You might see BF next year or more likely 2018.
As soon as you said "This is Iowa", I knew this argument wasn't worth having. Sorry but that's a weak start and loser mentality that I feel continues to hold our program back.
Holding the Hawkeyes back since the 1800's......ummm.....what's your point? 100+ years of "loser" coaches? But let's pick on THIS guy. At what point do you accept fact? Could we win a title? Sure. Devise the plan. Hire the guy. Worked out for basketball a few times. Raveling. Alford. Lickl...I can't even say it. Anything is possible.
The fans with low expectations are why Iowa is where it's at. Kinda reminds me of America and the 70s. The country basically packed-it-in after the Apollo program ended. No more grand ambitions. Shooting for the stars was a no-no in literal terms and as a metaphor for America's manifest destiny.

Jesus I just depressed the hell out of myself with that post.
I'm to blame for the lack of national championships? Dang it. I knew I wasn't giving 100% effort in sprinkling magic fairy dust over Iowa City. **click** **click** Today..**flash** **click click**...I will step down as reasonable Hawk fan. **flash** **click** **click** I have let down *flash flash* the entire state of Iowa for over 100 years by not having**click*..a winning attitude. I only hope *click click* *snap* *crackle* *pop* that the program can now win several consecutive national titles *flash *flash* with "better hawk fan" and "mystical savior coach."