Mike Roehlk was the offensive lineman in 1983 who stopped an egg and a bottle of booze that were both headed directly for Hayden's skull on the Camp Randall sidelines. No joke.
Driving to Madison before 151 became four lanes one might encounter several derogatory, profanity laced banners in the small towns directed at both Iowa and Fry.
In 1985 during halftime at Camp Randall, Jim Zabel interviewed then Wisconsin Associate Athletic Director Elroy Hirsch, the former NFL receiver known as crazylegs. Hirsch immediately went into a tirade directed at Fry, calling him an arrogant jerk on the air and claiming he was going to turn him into the league office if he didn't stop running up scores.
Hey Crazylegs, that annual five mile race in Madison that bears your name really sucks. I'd rather run in a tarpit.