Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Here's what Georgia is reopening:

Friday, April 24

  • Gyms and fitness centers
  • bowling alleys
  • body art studios
  • barbers, cosmetologists, and hair designers
  • nail care artists
  • estheticians and their respective schools
  • massage therapists
Monday, April 27

Subject to specific social distancing and sanitation mandates, Gov. Kemp named another list of businesses that can reopen.

  • Theaters
  • private social clubs
  • restaurant dine-in service
There is still a lot of discussion about shut down type mitigation vs. open up the society and economy. Many years ago I read a science fiction book by Heinlein where the citizens of Earth had moved to a system of wearing one of two badges, one for peace and one for death/violence. Without going into the story except to say that if you are a badge of deather and hurt a badge of Peacer you could get killed immediately. Maybe we could design a system with badges for Work or Badges for Shutdown. People who want to work can, they give up their right to sue etc for contracting the virus, if they are contract traced to be a person who infects a wearer of the Badge of Shutdown then that worker gets dinged big time in isolation/jail (that is not good).

Right now the polls around the US are 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 to maintain the shutdown and social distancing. Seniors over 65 in Florida polled at 80% to keep the shutdown. So if you want to open up then ask your local and state leaders to take several valid polls of area citizens, or have your State create a website that gives people a poll vote, and determine if the actual people in your area want to open up.

That is the democratic way. Do it, press your leaders to take your polls and then talk to your leaders.
It would be nice if it could be decided county to county or city to city. Locking down areas where there's no proof of the virus makes no sense at this time. Are politicians the best people to make the decision to open/close? They are the ones we put in charge to do so I guess.
Many of these are being funded by certain "groups" and yes, they are staged.

And they are not huge protests. They are not like the first Earth Days or thousands protesting the Vietnam War. They are not even close to the rallies and protests by women and some men in Jan. 2017.

When 15-20 million citizens start protesting then that is action time to look at change. Keep looking at citizen polls and we should have even larger polls and more regional polls about opening up the whole country of just parts of the country.

The decision making on this was given to the States by the Fed leaders. So States should be doing valid, random scientific polling.
Would this be considered talking out of both sides of your mouth or riding the fence? Asking for a friend.

Let me first say I absolutely HATE talking politics but I have to admit when I saw this it blew my mind. I think it's a matter of Trump speaks his mind first and then listens to his advisors later. I can't imagine the amount of effort his advisors have to put into convincing him he's wrong.
So lets bring America to a screeching halt to save 330,000 lives.

You will end up causing a lot more than 330,000 others to die but the government will puff their chests out and say it least they didn't die because of Covid-19.

I'm not really arguing about whether or not we should keep the country shut down. I'm arguing on whether or not this is as dangerous as people like you are saying. Exactly one week ago I said we will have 50,000 deaths in two weeks. I almost changed it to one week but thought it might come up just short and i would get ripped on for being just short. I didn't "get lucky" with that prediction. It was a statistical impossibility for the numbers to drop fast enough to keep us anywhere short of 50,000 in two weeks. Yet you didn't think it would happen. I'm not trying to sound like an Ahole when I say this, but you should really try to get a better understanding of how deadly this is. You're somewhere between a little off and way off on your opinion of how bad it is.

As far as my thoughts on reopening the economy goes. Right now they are doing things to help people out. Are they going to stop helping people if they let businesses open up but still can't make it because very few people are showing up? Are these businesses and employees better off the way it is now, or better off failing after they reopen? I would need to know the government's plan for assistance after they open up before I know what is better.

I also don't think they can stop the spread and everyone is going to end up getting it anyway so the best thing to do is keep the healthcare line as close to maxed out as possible instead of trying to keep it way below it like what's happening now. I think most of the country right now is doing a little too much to slow the spread. But I also think the government is already realizing that and taking steps to speed the spread up a bit by opening up a bit.

Now let me ask you this. Are you ok with hospitals getting overrun to the point where people are dying all the time for needless reasons because they can't get medical attention, as long as the economy is up and going again? Remember, I'm not asking if you think that will happen. I'm just curious if you are ok with the tradeoff if it does happen. My answer to that question is that's the one thing I'm not ok with. But I also think the economy will hit a point where we basically have to give up and let it happen. And I guess when that time finally comes I will be ok with it by then.
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Here's what Georgia is reopening:

Friday, April 24

  • Gyms and fitness centers
  • bowling alleys
  • body art studios
  • barbers, cosmetologists, and hair designers
  • nail care artists
  • estheticians and their respective schools
  • massage therapists
Monday, April 27

Subject to specific social distancing and sanitation mandates, Gov. Kemp named another list of businesses that can reopen.

  • Theaters
  • private social clubs
  • restaurant dine-in service

I am not using silverware put on my table by a worker at a diner I guess unless I sanitize it.
It would be nice if it could be decided county to county or city to city. Locking down areas where there's no proof of the virus makes no sense at this time. Are politicians the best people to make the decision to open/close? They are the ones we put in charge to do so I guess.

Possibly very correct yet State Legislatures in some states iirc barring localities from doing this as are many governors.
Throw Back Thursday.........

That is very good news for this study and treatment and the patients. It is experimental for Covid 19 but as the article mentions this procedure is well known and has been used for 100 years. The medical community is doing everything they can as fast as they can prove the safety and efficacy of these various methods.
Agree, our front line medical community has done a great job as well as researchers and pharma companies working on therapies and vaccines in a very short time. Ten weeks ago none of these people new what was about to hit them.
More good news on actual fatality rates vs. what was originally feared, per L.A. County Study ...

I think had we not taken these steps of isolation those projections would have came true. But I've never been worried about dying from COVID-19, my fear has always been everyone getting sick with it at the same time. Most of the time the people that die from this were not healthy to begin with, granted there have been exceptions. I've also read that there are different strains of this virus and the one that hit New York is much more deadly than the ones we are experiencing in the rest of the country.
The linked article is a good read, the "amazing disaster" comment from the tweet is not representative of the author's take.

The gist: early, conservative measures were wise in the face of the unknowns, but we have to be willing to look at the data emerging and be willing to change our minds. Voluntary social-distancing regions (Iowa and Sweden, to name a few) are not experiencing more cases/deaths per million than lock-down areas.

The data was crunched by a political scientist, not be an epidemiologist. So he's good with stats, but he might not have a full appreciation of all of the factors he should be accounting/controlling for. But he puts together a reasoned argument, and I generally agree that we need to have an open mind in these times.

That is why the politicizing and polarization of this issue just drives me nuts; as soon as you accept that your "side" is absolutely right and the other side is a bunch of amoral buffoons, you really cut down on your list of options. A perfectly reasonable option now becomes untenable because it looks too much like what the amoral buffoon next-door/online is suggesting.
I agree that there is very little difference between voluntary shut down and mandatory shut down. That's because most people understand the severity of it and the small percentage that don't aren't enough to make a huge difference. It's also important to understand that the states that haven't shut down have still basically shut down. It's also important to understand that Sweden's economy is still getting its ass kicked, so it's not like much changed there either. (That is from one article I read that could be a lie)
Just saw a report by Richard Engel of NBC and more will be on tonite that says the US and several countries are starting vaccine trials. Vaccines are usually created by using killed or weakened virus of the kind of the virus in the outbreak or with smallpox using a similar virus in the same family of viruses.

This vaccine is using a snippet of the viruses genetic code to be inserted into people's cells probably with some form of recombinant DNA technology. This code is for the viruses spoke and rods on the outside of the virus. Putting the snippet in our cells will then have our cells make these spoke proteins and hopefully get the proteins into our blood stream where are immune system will create the antibodies, fighter T-cells etc to give total or high level of immunity.

This would be great and maybe a way to get to a vaccine quicker.

Going forward the world needs quicker ways to deliver cures but especially vaccines for when the real real really bad killer virus hits. Said to say but covid 19 isnt actually what would be a real killer virus, high death rates near 80-90% and very infectious (would be bad for the human race on Earth).

I dont worry or think about these bad things but we should be working to stop them,
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Will the global shutdown create a mini-experiment in the area of global warming? I just saw a report that satellite sensors are already capturing 25%+ drops in nitrogen dioxide around large cities. A oil industry expert interviewed said there could be a 5% decline in carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere depending on how long this lasts.

Remember that when all flights were cancelled for a few days after 9-11 attacks the actual temperatures around the US were slightly lower than forecasted by US Weather Service models.

The main argument by climate change deniers is that it is not man-made or hardly man-made via released carbon dioxide and methane. Even though graphs show CO2 has been rising very fast since coal burning really started ramping up in the early 1800's followed by oil use and along with it temps have been following the same upward curve. As far as I know scientists have not found any other huge rise in other gases which could cause this naturally.

But this decrease of CO2 in the coming month or months could give more direct evidence that whole global warming is mostly caused by human activity.

In the end, if the pandemic shines a spotlight on more proof of hydrocarbon induced global warming maybe that could be a very good thing that might push us to move to renewables.

Extremely interesting. This is something I do hope gets attention. Its anecdotal, but I've seen quite a lot of stories/photos talking about how the air/visibility in many high population areas is better than its been in 50 years. I'd live to see climate scientists expand data on the difference seen during this time.

Deniers will deny, just like no matter how much data and facts there are. They're will always be flat earthers, climate change deniers, and antivax folks.
Anytime the government tries to make our decisions for us and takes our freedom away I automatically oppose it.
Seatbelts for kids? Smoking in cars with kids? Federal Govt requiring schools to give proper support to special needs kids? Not being able to refuse to serve someone who is not your race?
I'm also in the boat of hating anything the government forces upon us. But then I also big time agree with your post too. The truth is, the government has no business forcing things upon us as long as we aren't hurting anyone else. Does that pertain to a lockdown? On one side, you can say you aren't hurting anyone else because they can always self isolate themselves and they are hurting themselves if they don't. On the other hand, you are putting essential workers at a higher risk by not social distancing yourself. Is that enough for a mandate? I honestly don't know the answer.
I think had we not taken these steps of isolation those projections would have came true. But I've never been worried about dying from COVID-19, my fear has always been everyone getting sick with it at the same time. Most of the time the people that die from this were not healthy to begin with, granted there have been exceptions. I've also read that there are different strains of this virus and the one that hit New York is much more deadly than the ones we are experiencing in the rest of the country.

I also think if the shoe was on the other foot, and almost half the deaths were say in Wyoming, not in New York and that media center, New York would probably be looking at opening soon. They have had the subway system open the whole time and that has been a huge contributor to them being the largest hot spot in the U.S. by far. The state by state phased in approach to re-opening makes sense to me.
Anytime the government tries to make our decisions for us and takes our freedom away I automatically oppose it.
Seatbelts for kids? Smoking in cars with kids? Federal Govt requiring schools to give proper support to special needs kids? Not being able to refuse to serve someone who is not your race?
OK, there's always exceptions. Can't argue most of what you said.
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