Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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The numbers you mention were based on if people didnt change their daily patterns and there was no changes to daily life. HOw long this lasts is anybody's guess.
The California governor said they he thinks 56% of their population would contract the disease if they didn't lock down.
I wonder why it's 56 and not 52 or 61. Lmao. These fuckers are just pulling numbers out of their asses.

Well technically they are using a calculation based on numbers they pulled out of their ass. One thing you gotta remember tho is the people who pull those numbers out of their asses are really smart people who specialize in that field.
Well technically they are using a calculation based on numbers they pulled out of their ass. One thing you gotta remember tho is the people who pull those numbers out of their asses are really smart people who specialize in that field.
Not really.
Not really what? The WHO has a shit ton of people who all know everything humans know about how viruses spread. You gotta assume they have a better understanding about what's going on than you or I.
That's the problem. The vast majority of people don't do their own research and simply trust whatever they're told. That's your choice. I choose a different path in life. Stay in your safety bubble if it makes life easier for you. Good night.
That's the problem. The vast majority of people don't do their own research and simply trust whatever they're told. That's your choice. I choose a different path in life. Stay in your safety bubble if it makes life easier for you. Good night.

There is no researching to do unless you are in a lab. What you're doing isnt research. You are reading different crap on the internet and choosing what to believe. And don't confuse what I'm saying. I don't think they know without a doubt all these numbers are accurate. But I do know without a doubt that they are the most qualified to make an educated guess. It's like NASA saying how far away a star is. In my mind there is no way its 100% correct if I were to drop a tape measure on it. But I know they can guess a hell of a lot closer than I can.
It does crack me up that you think you're doing research tho. These people spend their lives in a lab and have the entire world histories knowledge on the subject at their disposal. But hey, you've clicked on some blogger's links.
It does crack me up that you think you're doing research tho. These people spend their lives in a lab and have the entire world histories knowledge on the subject at their disposal. But hey, you've clicked on some blogger's links.
On one hand, you admit that you don't know a damn thing, so you'll just trust what the "experts" tell you, but on the other hand, you think you have a fucking clue what research is. You can't play dumb and smart at the same time. Why don't you just find someone else to argue with. For F's sake.
On one hand, you admit that you don't know a damn thing, so you'll just trust what the "experts" tell you, but on the other hand, you think you have a fucking clue what research is. You can't play dumb and smart at the same time. Why don't you just find someone else to argue with. For F's sake.

I need to I guess because you're struggling bad. I know nothing about studying viruses. But I do know that people who are in a certain field of study know a lot more about that topic than anyone else. That goes ten fold for people that are at the top of the line in their field of study like the WHO. Next you might argue with me that I shouldn't just assume an NBA player knows a lot about playing basketball.

And speaking of for fucks sake. I've already said i know those numbers are just educated guesses, yet you are still going down the path of "you just blindly believe everything you're told". I'm pretty sure everyone knows what an educated guess is. It's not something you just assume is 100% accurate. But I guess I'm just crazy for believing that the top people in the world know more about random bloggers who get paid by getting clicks. But you can't even spot blatant manipulated numbers so I'm not sure why I'm even bothering.
For sure there are situations that make it difficult.

I went to Hy-Vee on Wednesday and bought groceries for meals I planned through tonight. Tomorrow is our son's 15th birthday, so we will order from his favorite restaurant and have it delivered.

We did that for a birthday today (Panchero's!). Was our first of 2 quarantine birthdays (hoping that 3rd Birthday in June is free and clear, but we shall see).
South Korea didn't shut everything down and their numbers are dropping. It seems like the more drastic measures taken, the more severe the effects. Another thing is the false-positive rates for the tests. From early results, the false-positive rate seems rather high. We probably will never know, but I'd be really curious to know how many of the deaths are actually the seasonal flu.

But S. Korea has extensive testing (have tested well over 300,000, have the capability to test up to 20,000 per day) and tracking (they rapidly instituted mobile device tracking on known infections, which violated privacy laws, but was rationalized due to the national emergency).

There are probably fewer S. Korean tksiriuses trying to convince everyone that this is all a bunch of bullshit since they already went through this with 02/03 SARS. If you read what is happening in that country, it is not like it's business as usual. They are taking strong measures, it is just that many of their measures are voluntary and being adhered to by their populace.
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That's the problem. The vast majority of people don't do their own research and simply trust whatever they're told. That's your choice. I choose a different path in life. Stay in your safety bubble if it makes life easier for you. Good night.

Your research seems to consist of looking for information that supports your pre-determined opinion, while completely ignoring the consensus opinion of epidemiologists from around the world.

As for the "56% of Californians getting COVID-19", that is not pulled from thin air. It is the result of their models. Below I have linked a recent review article on mathematical modeling of pandemics:

The models clearly have a ton of uncertainty in them. I am sure 56% represented the most likely outcome, but the 95% confidence interval is likely something like 10-90%. Note the huge confidence intervals on trying to forecast epidemic growth from the modeling article linked above:


When the growth rate is teetering between exponential growth and sub-exponential growth, the actual result could be massively different from the model, and the model outcome reflects this. It is irresponsible to state "56%" without explaining the variance of the model result. However, I suppose the governor thought saying "56% if we don't take action" sounded definitive and was more likely to get people to listen.

He probably worried that saying, "this could result in 10% of people getting COVID-19, or maybe 90%, but the most likely outcome is 56% if we don't do anything." would make the populace say, "These scientists have no idea what they are talking about, they can't narrow this down more than 10-90%? This is a crock of shit, I am going to ignore everything they say."
I wonder why it's 56 and not 52 or 61. Lmao. These fuckers are just pulling numbers out of their asses.

The funny thing is that you are arguing from a point of view of total ignorance. Without wide US testing of people in the millions and millions your logic does not have a leg to stand on.

Whereas from China, Italy, and the US in hotspots the epidemiologists do have some facts which iirc say that one infected person will infect 1.5 to 2 people. In the US the infection curve showed a very flat, slightly increasing rate from Jan. 21 to Mar 14 at which time there were about 2000 cases. Then boom, in 7 days the number of known cases was 10,000 by yesterday due to spread and a slight increase testing. Which means at a doubling rate of every 4 days or so then by Mar 25 the number might be 20,000 in the US then 40,000 then 80,000.

With the low amount of testing in this country experts think the "real" infection numbers are about 10 times what we know now.

So finally, yes there are many other coronaviruses, noroviruses, RSV etc that cause the common cold and other respiratory illnesses. But the difference is that those illnesses are COMMON viruses (and many in the population have already had them and may not get sick by them again) and they are spread out over the year and do not often threaten to swamp the healthcare system. If the covid 19 novel virus was left unchecked we have seen in China and Italy that there will not be enough ventilators etc and people might needlessly die.
At the major hospital my daughter is in, they have pulled back staff to bare essentials to lower exposure at hospital.
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