Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Our school just closed for 30 days.

I doubt they will have to make it up. I think they can make exceptions for national disasters.

Matt Colvin with his stock of hand sanitizer and other supplies in demand due to coronavirus concerns that he was selling online until Amazon and other sites started cracking down on price gouging, at his home in Hixson, Tenn., March 12, 2020. (Doug Strickland/The New York Times)
Matt Colvin with his stock of hand sanitizer and other supplies in demand due to coronavirus concerns that he was selling online until Amazon and other sites started cracking down on price gouging, at his home in Hixson, Tenn., March 12, 2020. Sites like Amazon and eBay have given rise to a growing industry of independent sellers who snatch up discounted or hard-to-find items in stores to post online and sell around the world. (Doug Strickland/The New York Times)

He horded 17,700 bottles of hand sanitizer. What a jerk!!!
The hysteria is stupid.

School districts n St. Louis county are shutting down.

Stores shelves are bare.

You know this is the Earth taking care of itself. Boomers are scourge of this country and this virus is here to clean them out.

This saves Social Security and Medicare and give Gen X and Millenials a bump in wealth with the redistribution of said wealth.
Thats a macabre way of looking at it, but not too far removed from something I said last week (which now seems like last year) that "mother nature always has a way of exhibiting checks and balances".
~3,000 out of 320,000,000 people in this country are known to have the virus. I personally think a lot of what is going on is overreaction. The media wants to scare everyone because it increases clicks. You're not going to catch the virus by walking outside. Wash your hands, be aware of people around you who appear ill, avoid large crowds, etc. The people claiming millions in this country will die and that 70 to 80% of the population will eventually catch the virus are absolutely causing a lot of this chaos. That's not going to happen. Not even close.

You and everyone do not know how many have the virus because the testing is woeful. It could easily be more than 100,000 which is the number the Ohio Public Health Director says is probably soon in Ohio. Hard to argue against exponential growth models.

Better to shut things down than have a huge spike in cases from letting the normal course of the virus run.

If life is shut down and the virus doesnt spike we will never prove the negative hypothesis that if no action was taken it also wouldnt have spiked but wow that non-action is terrible to think about.
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I saw some idiot on Twitter trying to claim that 7mill to 15 million are going to die in the U.S. if people don't take this more seriously. So stupid. I do think a lot more people have it though, but that just shows how the mortality rate is lower.

Well if the death rate is about 1% like many think and if everyone in the US were to catch it then 1% of 320 million will be 3.2 million deaths. Now the fact that there are a lot of elderly and people with bad conditions already that number could be 5 million or more. So I am not sure the death numbers couldnt be bad with no actions taken
Do you think they're not testing people dying from respiratory issues?

How can they test dead people when they dont have tests by pulling a rabbit out of their hats.

Stupid people in charge could have had millions of tests from WHO a month ago but didnt want to do that to then admit we couldnt handle testing with US means. stupid
368 people died in Italy today from the coronavirus. If you extrapolate that to the population of the United States, that is approximately 2,000 people. That is a lot of people for one day, regardless of what rate it is.

I hope we don't get to the level that they have it in Italy. But the measures that are being taken today are done in an effort to avoid that situation. This is not hype.

Very well said.
I'm a healthcare person (pharmacist) who currently works in Long Term Care (nursing home medications).

While not to be taken lightly, COVID-19 has been way way way blown out of proportion by mainstream media and social media.

I'm "old" enough to vividly remember the following:

Swine Flu of 1976 (amounted to nothing)
West Nile Virus of 1999/2000
SARS of 2003 (which was another strain of coronavirus)
H1N1 (swine flu again) in 2009
Ebola in 2013
And of course, I'm right smack dab in the middle of the 'regular' influenza fight every year.

Mankind made it through all of these supposed pandemics. And without all the hysteria.

Temporary de-socialization, on-going proper hygiene and the elixir of time are the three key elements in riding this out. The virulent exposure window will pass. Life will move on. Relax and enjoy it.

Well Swine Flu of 1976 amounted to nothing because a newer vaccine for it was developed and millions of americans got the shot. My wife and I waited in line in Iowa City with thousands of people to get the shot.

Everyone needs to remember the distinction between Influenza which almost always has a vaccine available and cold viruses like coronavirus which do not have vaccines available. Right now the best immunologists in the world say it is a year to 18 months to get a full use coronavirus vaccine. And that is predicated on the idea that the virus will not mutate to another bad form that the vaccine doesnt have much effect against.
It's ironic that West Virginia is one of worst tobacco abusing states in this country and yet they remain the only one of the fifty states with no confirmed cases as of this afternoon.

That is because no one ever really wants to go to W Virginia and their population is too poor to socially move around. Some what just kidding but maybe all the coal dust in their air kills the virus, and just kidding again.
I need to see the evidence you have that confirms you cannot get this virus more than once.

Good call. The pox virus family, and it is a family, is different than the cold virus type coronaviruses. Chicken pox, cow pox, small pox can be immunized against and if you know how small pox was eradicated from the illness list it started in th 1700's or even before in China by using a mild strain of a pox virus to scratch the skin of people to introduce the virus family into the person's body and elicit an immune response which creates anti-bodies to give small pox immunity.

I do not think even the experts know if you can only get this coronavirus variant only once.

We do not often get vaccines for cold type viruses but they are trying to get one for this virus.
Just curious if ya ll noticed what the Fed just did to try and hold the Dow at 20000. Another economic reset and major currency devaluation.

The frogs in the boiling pot will maybe be happy if the Dow holds. Though your retirement just got changed.
No I am not worried. Most people will get it or already do have it and don't know. Those will strong immune systems will be able to fight it off easier, those who do not will have issues. But that is the case with most viruses. Frankly, the silver lining of getting the virus is your body can learn to recognize it and fight it off, in the event this is something you can get more than once. If we had an intelligent society the shelves would be cleared of vitamins or products rich in vitamin C so one can strengthen their immune system, not toilet paper. Alas we do not live in an overall intelligent society, rather one filled with alot of bungling idiots willing to fall for anything and not think for themselves and that is what worries me more than a stupid virus.
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