Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Another thing about Northern Italy that you won't hear on the news. That area has a big Chinese population. They figured out that if you bring in Chinese laborers but make textiles and leather goods in Italy, you can cut the cost of production but still maintain the market premium of "made in Italy." The laborers are mostly younger folks.

Chinese New Year ended on February 8. The Chinese government completely locked down internal travel after Chinese New Year to try to keep massive outbreaks from occurring in major cities. I work with a lot of companies with supply chains in Asia and we saw a major wave of "force majeure notices" in the 3rd and 4th weeks of February based on the lack of staff at all facilities in major cities in China from the internal lockdown. However, the internal lockdown did not prohibit international travel unless the destination blocked it.

My theory is that a bunch of people in north Italy went back to China and returned to Italy the second week of February. Those people were young and were either asymptomatic or "had a cold" and then the thing started ripping through the native population a few weeks later, where it decimated the old people. The media will just say stuff like "The Chinese population doesn't have any cases" or whatever because (a) the immigrants are typically younger laborers who probably weren't hard hit and were healthy by the time the tests hit the ground and (b) they are in the pockets of the ChiComms. Pretty much every condensed pocket of this that hit Japan in early waves was traced back to a specific person traveling from China and they aren't bashful about mentioning that on their news.
That is a pretty good theory as to why Italy is ahead of the rest of Europe. It has nothing to do with why the finished product will be worse tho.
Friend of mine was diagnosed w COVID19. They wouldn't test as they were sure as they eliminated other possibilities.

He is 70 w some health issues...joint and moderately overweight. He is struggling to breath. Talking on phone was hard due to breathing.. Got better late last week then bam. Says feels like a belt tightened around sternum. 102 temp.

He was told to go to special triage which sent him to er. At ER the told him to go home. He said they said theyve sent hundreds home wo test and only come back if breathing got worse. Based on our conversation that surprised me as it sounded bad. Not mucus like but wind knocked out like. His wife has it too, but not quite as bad. Came down at same time. She is 70 but looks like a healthy 58 yo. Prior he was vibrant in nature, not sickly.

My grandma was supposed to sleep for years with a cpap machine and didn't. Over time, the lack of oxygen caused a lot of stress on her heart. She eventually died from heart issues caused by not being able to breathe all night. Using that reasoning, there is a good chance she had heart issues and the virus spread up the process. She might have only lived days more without getting it and she might have lasted years. Either way, we already know you don't die "from the coronavirus". The virus shuts down your body and makes you die other ways. Also, say the virus played no part in her death. It's not like it is going to change the numbers much to count them. New York alone will have 5 figure deaths within 2 weeks.

TK, you can believe what you want and maybe you’ll be right. I live in the Big U metro area. I know for sure that the ER is being overrun and have a friend who is very ill and would normally be in hospital sent home. Talked on the phone. He called the ER a zoo it was so swamped. Dr. Told him they’ve turned away hundreds to be at home. He sounds like crap and could barely talk to me. He is 70 with some health issues. His wife is sick too, but not as bad. They wouldn’t test him, but said they diagnosed him with it as all the other tests were negative. If he dies, his DC will probably say heart failure I would guess.

I get what you are saying. But you will look like total ass if you are wrong.

I am also aware of a doctor that has it, but they won’t test and are requiring them to go to work. The chaos is happening in the US. It isn’t normal flu. His voice sounds like he was trying to talk after the wind was knocked off. He got better late last week and now is in bad shape.
Everyone remain calm, America has shown the Covid 19 who's boss. You can keep us down, but you can NOT and I mean can NOT tell us shit. We will be open by Easter (even tho yesterday it was - we'll be open by the end of the 15 days, that I first heard anything about yesterday and then told we had already lived through 8 days of said 15 days). America #1 in our hearts - #1 in showing Covid 19 the door!
I’m glad I spend my time doing other things because if I believed half the shit some of you type I would think the world is ending. I can tell you from my view it’s not! Some of you really need to go outside for a walk!
Everyone remain calm, America has shown the Covid 19 who's boss. You can keep us down, but you can NOT and I mean can NOT tell us shit. We will be open by Easter (even tho yesterday it was - we'll be open by the end of the 15 days, that I first heard anything about yesterday and then told we had already lived through 8 days of said 15 days). America #1 in our hearts - #1 in showing Covid 19 the door!

exactly! You sir are Spitting the truth, for once lol :cool::cool:
Everyone remain calm, America has shown the Covid 19 who's boss. You can keep us down, but you can NOT and I mean can NOT tell us shit. We will be open by Easter (even tho yesterday it was - we'll be open by the end of the 15 days, that I first heard anything about yesterday and then told we had already lived through 8 days of said 15 days). America #1 in our hearts - #1 in showing Covid 19 the door!
I just found out that my church won't be open for Easter services which sucks!
I’m glad I spend my time doing other things because if I believed half the shit some of you type I would think the world is ending. I can tell you from my view it’s not! Some of you really need to go outside for a walk!

The world isn't ending either way. Life as we know it could be done for the next year or so tho.
We already know he's wrong. He's been wrong for weeks.

If anyone on this forum has been influenced by his skepticism...

He should be banned or muted or whatever the options are.
I agree that we all know he's wrong. Not sure I agree about muting him tho. There aren't enough people dumb enough to be influenced by him to change the final numbers much.
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