Well-Known Member
This thread is being completely ruined by a couple yahoos on the left. Have a great day!
Aren't they all?
This thread is being completely ruined by a couple yahoos on the left. Have a great day!
Yes, facts like "injecting disinfectant" is not a good treatment option. Nor is exposing people's lungs to sunlight. Sorry, but you've got me pegged as a "lefty" when I am not. Good effort trying to pigeonhole though! *applause*That response just continues to prove my point.. who’s head is in the sand? . all ur like buddies should go get a room. It Reads like a lefty “if you aren’t able to come to terms with facts” lmao It’s so laughable
I pay my way I work!!
This response Gold is perfect example on bad this thread has gotten!!
Which type of Libertarians are you talking about or is this video about, is it the original Libertarians that is leftist, socialist, communist, for free choice, property rights, etc or the newer Libertarians that was hijacked 20-30 years ago as a way to try to make Fed Govt smaller and less intrusive on Big Business, property rights and for less taxes?
I am not going to listen and watch 51 minutes of that video. Libertarians are for free choice so you better throw all the tens of millions of Pro Lifers out of your organization (and they are not pro lifers but just pro birthers because as soon as those babies are born to poor women the Pro Lifers do not want to give a damn dime of their money to support them).
Is it the libertarians that do not want big Fed govt or even big State govt. Well if it is then do not drive on Fed interstates and state hiways but stick to your local gravel roads, do not fly on a plane and airports that are helped by big govt..
I do not want these libertarians who want small govt to ever read or listen to a weather forecast that taxpayers helped pay for all the research and development of very good forecasting. The list goes on and on.
And especially during this pandemic is when we need some central types of power to hopefully coordinate and do the work in a most efficient manner to find a cure, get the cure out, or find a vaccine. Or get you your check and money. But if you dont want big govt then give your $1200 to someone poor who needs it.
The problem is Rob is going to shut down the tread.
You're pretty close ... as of today, Iowa confirmed cases at 6843, Wisconsin 6520. Iowa deaths though 148 or 47 per million vs. Wisconsin 308 deaths or 53 per million. Both states well below the nationwide average of 184 deaths per million. New York is at 1197 deaths per million and New Jersey is at 762.Wisconsin, with about twice the population of Iowa, has identified 6,000 cases of Covid 19. Is it true that Iowa has around the same number of cases? I am unsure if this is totally accurate.
YUP!!!! Think I said something similar on page 117
This thread is pretty tame and mostly having fun fighting boredom. What else we gonna argue about? Lovie getting grad transfers? Will a certain Hawkeye say he s being evaluated for NBA next year?
Did you guys slash pay and furlough? Hope you get back to normal soon.
Warm weather plus people's fear of catching this thing will stop it dead in its tracks. Immune systems are also stronger in the summer. I got something in early February a week after a cruise that was full of foreign people and flying through Orlando and Atlanta and I don't know if it was COVID, but it checked the boxes and caused major breathing problems and knocked me on my ass for 2 days and I can say definitively that I'd much rather have something like that when it is warm than in the dead of winter when it is cold and the air is super dry.
There will be herd immunity. Once you get a virus and knock it out, that specific one ain't coming back unless your immune system takes a nosedive. I said on here well over a month ago that the nonsense the "experts" were peddling about masks was ridiculous and lo and behold, now they realized masks work. Of course, my house was prepared because we went through the SARS scare in Tokyo back in '03. People need to exercise some level of common sense. It's just gone.
Our society just needs to pull the band aid and come up with a plan ASAP to protect the old and vulnerable without regard to immediate cost. Get a few government contracts in place with Amazon, Wal-Mart, Dollar General, the big grocery stores, etc. and set up a food stamp style program with $1000 a month on a prepaid account or something for everyone over 70 so they can take home delivery of goods for awhile. This thing went from "flatten the curve for 2 weeks" to "any risk above 0 is unacceptable" in no time. Leaders are paralyzed to do anything other than become more draconian or vote to pump more money into stimulus or bullshit bond purchase programs. I believe the models and scientific organizations to an extent and that this thing will absolutely shred the shit out of certain populations, but the convo needs to move from risk minimization to risk mitigation immediately or else we're going to completely destroy the livelihoods of millions of young people. Those kids who are getting their sheepskins in a few weeks are going to be crushed by this thing. Crushed. Lifetime earnings impaired, prospects diminished. It sucks. The suicide rate is going to be astronomical. You remember the early '80's farm depression in Iowa. This is going to make that look like a speed bump.
You're pretty close ... as of today, Iowa confirmed cases at 6843, Wisconsin 6520. Iowa deaths though 148 or 47 per million vs. Wisconsin 308 deaths or 53 per million. Both states well below the nationwide average of 184 deaths per million. New York is at 1197 deaths per million and New Jersey is at 762.
I've been using the source below and if you click on USA you can get the latest figures by state.
Its tame now. But when you got a couple guys on one side posting political crap over and over, I assume the other side will eventually give up and start replying.
In addition to a vaccine an antibiotic would also be awesome news and could probably be developed sooner.This would be great news if true and hope for a college and NFL football season.......
"Oxford University scientists who have already begun testing a potential coronavirus vaccine in humans say they believe that, if proven successful, it might be available as early as September. The vaccine, which is being developed by the Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group, began clinical trials last week.
“Personally I have a high degree of confidence about this vaccine because it’s technology that I’ve used before,” Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at Oxford University, told CBS News.
Gilbert was referring to success the team, which began working on a potential vaccine in January, has previously seen in using a similar vaccine on a previous coronavirus strand. The success helped catapult them ahead of dozens of other labs who are still tinkering with safety before advancing to clinical trials involving humans.
The vaccine has also reportedly seen success in monkeys, signaling the promising potential for humans, according to The New York Times. In Montana, scientists from the National Institutes of Health’s Rocky Mountain Laboratory injected six rhesus macaque monkeys with a single dose of that vaccine last month, and then exposed them to heavy doses of COVID-19. About a month later, researchers said the monkeys remained healthy.
“The rhesus macaque is pretty much the closest thing we have to humans,” Dr. Vincent Munster, who is involved in the research, told The Times.
The vaccine is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus, or adenovirus, from chimpanzees and has been “genetically changed so that it is impossible for it to grow in humans,” according to a statement from the University Hospital Southampton, which is also helping to conduct the trial.
“This has been combined with genes that make proteins from the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) called spike glycoprotein which play an essential role in the infection pathway of the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” it said.
There currently are no approved vaccines or specific treatments for COVID-19, which as of Wednesday had sickened more than 3.1 million people worldwide, and resulted in over 217,000 deaths."
Wisconsin governor Evers has officially banged any school related activities through at least June 30.The whole situation is terrible. Hope we all keep our sanity. I rather enjoy how quiet my office is and that my asst was sent home.
Our local school just tanked any possibility of spring sports in the summer.
IL masks begins soon. Couple of days ago was wearing a mask returning 400 pounds of concrete on a cart to Menards slightly up hill. I'm in pretty good shape but was winded breathing thru the mask. I got some looks. I was a bit dizzy. Imagine if I'd passed out.
I pay my way I work!!
This response Gold is perfect example on bad this thread has gotten!!
You missed my Alt pun. Will you never quit morphing. It's your accent. You ever see the movie the Russians are Coming the Russians are coming? It's your accent.
At this rate, it's going to happen sooner rather than later. Yes, COVID-19 is political and has many tentacles, but this thread is straying way beyond that.
Talk about the pandemic or prepare for the lockdown.
Thread needs to tone things down a notch or two
This thread might have a negative effect on the sports threads where political animosity will not be forgotten
This virus is beyond political bias or it should be considered as such
Folk on both sides of the aisle are becoming infected and dying each and every day
Listening to the pandemic professionals and medical experts is sound advice