Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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You are into parallel reality. Covid 19 is forcing you to look at it.

I doubt you have voted more conservatively than me over the years.

Front Capitalism is socialism.

While you argue left v right the left and right are in your pocket book. If you are a true right winger, you likely understand budgets. Tell me how you ve paid your way?

I pay my way I work!!

This response Gold is perfect example on bad this thread has gotten!!
I just listened to Sen. Murphy from Connecticut talking about comparing his state to Florida. Murphy's state he says consistently sends 10-20 billion more dollars to the Fed per year than what they get from the Fed. He said Florida is a big taker state and the Florida Senator Scott is making a big political stink about certain states like NY (which is a big giver state) should go bankrupt.

Yet Murphy says Florida doesn't have an income tax just a sales tax so you would think Florida could stop being such a big taker from the Fed, which is your and my tax dollars, by just having some level of income tax. No income tax yet a taker state, terrible.

This fits because Murphy said this covid time is a national disaster and he says he and the other Dem senators do not look at politics when there is emergency response needed. Remember Sen. Scott from Florida is their recent Gov who ran their state unemployment services into the ground so that people there are having trouble getting Covid relief unemployment so Scott not the best or sharpest of minds.
I agree with most of what you said there and the good news is we are going to have so many surplus ventilators these poorer countries are going to be able to get a great deal. I think there are already 11 companies building them here in the U.S.. The whole ventilator issue has been turned on its head in roughly 3 weeks and that is great news.

On the PPE, we really do need to get the supply source back in this country for national security reasons and exporting surplus sure makes sense as well. I would say it's equally important for pharma related ingredients we take every day. 80-90% of those ingredients are sourced from China by some estimates.

None of this is going to require invoking the DPA. That's just politicians beating their chests. It's timely though because it kind of goes back to the Cooperation or Coercion video I posted earlier today. U.S. companies won't have a problem exporting once we get our own needs filled.
Below is an excellent discussion titled, "Is Cooperation or Coercion the Answer to COVID-19?". Matt Kibbe is the host and he is President of Free the People, a group that is dedicated to promoting Libertarian ideals. As I posted earlier, your typical Libertarian approaches things differently than your standard one-sided media drenched liberal or conservative.

Which type of Libertarians are you talking about or is this video about, is it the original Libertarians that is leftist, socialist, communist, for free choice, property rights, etc or the newer Libertarians that was hijacked 20-30 years ago as a way to try to make Fed Govt smaller and less intrusive on Big Business, property rights and for less taxes?

I am not going to listen and watch 51 minutes of that video. Libertarians are for free choice so you better throw all the tens of millions of Pro Lifers out of your organization (and they are not pro lifers but just pro birthers because as soon as those babies are born to poor women the Pro Lifers do not want to give a damn dime of their money to support them).

Is it the libertarians that do not want big Fed govt or even big State govt. Well if it is then do not drive on Fed interstates and state hiways but stick to your local gravel roads, do not fly on a plane and airports that are helped by big govt..

I do not want these libertarians who want small govt to ever read or listen to a weather forecast that taxpayers helped pay for all the research and development of very good forecasting. The list goes on and on.

And especially during this pandemic is when we need some central types of power to hopefully coordinate and do the work in a most efficient manner to find a cure, get the cure out, or find a vaccine. Or get you your check and money. But if you dont want big govt then give your $1200 to someone poor who needs it.
"The United States Attorney for Iowa's northern district is warning landlords looking to exploit vulnerable tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic that his office will hold them accountable. A news release issued from the office of US Attorney Peter Deegan, Jr. warns landlords demanding sexual favors in exchange for rent will be prosecuted.

The release states Deegan's office will target not just those landlords who demand sexual favors, but will also go after landlords sexually harassing tenants.

The National Multifamily Housing Council released information earlier this month that 31% of the 13.4 million renters in the nation did not pay their rent between April 1 and April 5. Many who couldn't pay on time lost wages or jobs as a result of the pandemic.

Deegan says, “My office will work with all available partners, including state, local, and tribal officials, to address sexual harassment in housing, especially during this national crisis. “We will use every means at our disposal to investigate, prosecute, and hold responsible anyone who sexually harasses tenants or prospective tenants. Combatting sexual harassment associated with housing has been a priority for the Department of Justice for years and it remains a priority during this unique time in history. Such conduct cannot be tolerated.”

Some landlords have been working with tenants to work out partial payments or a payment plan until they can get back on their feet.

For those who want to report incidents of sexual harassment in housing there are number of resources available. The US Attorney's office lists the Department of Justice’s Sexual Harassment in Housing Initiative at 1-844-380-6178 or email More information is also available here and here."

This kind of pisses me off. Not so much at the landlords, because lets face it there are always going to be people everywhere looking to take advantage of people, but the fact that rather because it's a warning that "landlords looking to exploit vulnerable tennants" or those "demanding sexual favors" and sexually harassing tenants will not be tolerated during a pandemic. Maybe I missed something, but why should this type of activity ever be "acceptable". It's their job to see that this doesn't happen so why should it be addressed and prosecuted more during a time like this then it normally would. Why should they step up their game now more than they had in the past.

It reminds me of a picture from a Burger King meme I saw (too lazy to look up) that shows a sign in a bathroom saying something like "due to the recent covid 19 pandemic...employees are now washing their hands". Why are people/employers promoting concepts and ideals that should be applied to our every day lives during a pandemic. In the case of the Burger King meme are we supposed to appreciate that during troubled times we can rest assured knowing that they're washing hands now. Should we applaud that the United States Attorney for aggressively prosecuting these individuals now or question why they are using a pandemic to promote this. I'd hope they are taking the same approach to stuff such as this now as they were before the pandemic and aren't simply stepping up their game and talking big.
Which type of Libertarians are you talking about or is this video about, is it the original Libertarians that is leftist, socialist, communist, for free choice, property rights, etc or the newer Libertarians that was hijacked 20-30 years ago as a way to try to make Fed Govt smaller and less intrusive on Big Business, property rights and for less taxes?

I am not going to listen and watch 51 minutes of that video. Libertarians are for free choice so you better throw all the tens of millions of Pro Lifers out of your organization (and they are not pro lifers but just pro birthers because as soon as those babies are born to poor women the Pro Lifers do not want to give a damn dime of their money to support them).

Is it the libertarians that do not want big Fed govt or even big State govt. Well if it is then do not drive on Fed interstates and state hiways but stick to your local gravel roads, do not fly on a plane and airports that are helped by big govt..

I do not want these libertarians who want small govt to ever read or listen to a weather forecast that taxpayers helped pay for all the research and development of very good forecasting. The list goes on and on.

And especially during this pandemic is when we need some central types of power to hopefully coordinate and do the work in a most efficient manner to find a cure, get the cure out, or find a vaccine. Or get you your check and money. But if you dont want big govt then give your $1200 to someone poor who needs it.
Gee wiz, I thought those on the left were all in favor of diversity of thought and inclusion. Not all issues are black and white, all I'm saying is there are more than two ways (left vs. right) that we can look at some of these issues. A stool needs at least three legs to stand.
Which type of Libertarians are you talking about or is this video about, is it the original Libertarians that is leftist, socialist, communist, for free choice, property rights, etc or the newer Libertarians that was hijacked 20-30 years ago as a way to try to make Fed Govt smaller and less intrusive on Big Business, property rights and for less taxes?

I am not going to listen and watch 51 minutes of that video. Libertarians are for free choice so you better throw all the tens of millions of Pro Lifers out of your organization (and they are not pro lifers but just pro birthers because as soon as those babies are born to poor women the Pro Lifers do not want to give a damn dime of their money to support them).

Is it the libertarians that do not want big Fed govt or even big State govt. Well if it is then do not drive on Fed interstates and state hiways but stick to your local gravel roads, do not fly on a plane and airports that are helped by big govt..

I do not want these libertarians who want small govt to ever read or listen to a weather forecast that taxpayers helped pay for all the research and development of very good forecasting. The list goes on and on.

And especially during this pandemic is when we need some central types of power to hopefully coordinate and do the work in a most efficient manner to find a cure, get the cure out, or find a vaccine. Or get you your check and money. But if you dont want big govt then give your $1200 to someone poor who needs it.
Don't leave out one of the biggest socialist institutions we have in this country - our military!
My brain was in granny gear.
For decades Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven was probably rock and roll's most recognized song.

Bohemian Rhapsody has probably supplanted it, and Freddie has been dead nearly three decades. But first "Wayne's World" kept it alive, then came the gradual acceptance of Freddy Mercury's lifestyle, then came the movie about the band itself. And to think Queen, and especially that song, were raked over the coals by critics for decades.
This would be great news if true and hope for a college and NFL football season.......

"Oxford University scientists who have already begun testing a potential coronavirus vaccine in humans say they believe that, if proven successful, it might be available as early as September. The vaccine, which is being developed by the Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group, began clinical trials last week.

“Personally I have a high degree of confidence about this vaccine because it’s technology that I’ve used before,” Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at Oxford University, told CBS News.

Gilbert was referring to success the team, which began working on a potential vaccine in January, has previously seen in using a similar vaccine on a previous coronavirus strand. The success helped catapult them ahead of dozens of other labs who are still tinkering with safety before advancing to clinical trials involving humans.

The vaccine has also reportedly seen success in monkeys, signaling the promising potential for humans, according to The New York Times. In Montana, scientists from the National Institutes of Health’s Rocky Mountain Laboratory injected six rhesus macaque monkeys with a single dose of that vaccine last month, and then exposed them to heavy doses of COVID-19. About a month later, researchers said the monkeys remained healthy.

“The rhesus macaque is pretty much the closest thing we have to humans,” Dr. Vincent Munster, who is involved in the research, told The Times.

The vaccine is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus, or adenovirus, from chimpanzees and has been “genetically changed so that it is impossible for it to grow in humans,” according to a statement from the University Hospital Southampton, which is also helping to conduct the trial.

“This has been combined with genes that make proteins from the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) called spike glycoprotein which play an essential role in the infection pathway of the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” it said.

There currently are no approved vaccines or specific treatments for COVID-19, which as of Wednesday had sickened more than 3.1 million people worldwide, and resulted in over 217,000 deaths."
Which type of Libertarians are you talking about or is this video about, is it the original Libertarians that is leftist, socialist, communist, for free choice, property rights, etc or the newer Libertarians that was hijacked 20-30 years ago as a way to try to make Fed Govt smaller and less intrusive on Big Business, property rights and for less taxes?

I am not going to listen and watch 51 minutes of that video. Libertarians are for free choice so you better throw all the tens of millions of Pro Lifers out of your organization (and they are not pro lifers but just pro birthers because as soon as those babies are born to poor women the Pro Lifers do not want to give a damn dime of their money to support them).

Is it the libertarians that do not want big Fed govt or even big State govt. Well if it is then do not drive on Fed interstates and state hiways but stick to your local gravel roads, do not fly on a plane and airports that are helped by big govt..

I do not want these libertarians who want small govt to ever read or listen to a weather forecast that taxpayers helped pay for all the research and development of very good forecasting. The list goes on and on.

And especially during this pandemic is when we need some central types of power to hopefully coordinate and do the work in a most efficient manner to find a cure, get the cure out, or find a vaccine. Or get you your check and money. But if you dont want big govt then give your $1200 to someone poor who needs it.
A couple things here. I'm pretty sure there are no laws forcing someone to keep a baby after they give birth to it. And there is a difference between being against big government and being against any government at all. People who are against big government can still drive on roads because they are ok paying taxes. They just don't want their hand held through life. But the biggest problem with what you said is you think just because you align closer to one party, you have to follow everything they believe to a tee. Why can't it be ok to form your own opinions on things instead of blindly following the party you choose?
I'd argue that we've had some decent discussions in this thread. If you aren't able to come to terms with certain facts that have clearly been laid out then I don't know what to tell you - other than I hope you can avoid COVID with your head in the sand ;)

The problem is Rob is going to shut down the tread.
This guy found a way to cover his face in public from the virus

A couple things here. I'm pretty sure there are no laws forcing someone to keep a baby after they give birth to it. And there is a difference between being against big government and being against any government at all. People who are against big government can still drive on roads because they are ok paying taxes. They just don't want their hand held through life. But the biggest problem with what you said is you think just because you align closer to one party, you have to follow everything they believe to a tee. Why can't it be ok to form your own opinions on things instead of blindly following the party you choose?

Well I am not sure what I said to make you talk about a mother giving up their baby.

But other than that I used a lot of extreme examples to make a point that we all need a lot of help and pulling together to live in this country.

I keep getting off the Covid train so time to jump back on.
I'd argue that we've had some decent discussions in this thread. If you aren't able to come to terms with certain facts that have clearly been laid out then I don't know what to tell you - other than I hope you can avoid COVID with your head in the sand ;)

That response just continues to prove my point.. who’s head is in the sand? . all ur like buddies should go get a room. It Reads like a lefty “if you aren’t able to come to terms with facts” lmao It’s so laughable
At this rate, it's going to happen sooner rather than later. Yes, COVID-19 is political and has many tentacles, but this thread is straying way beyond that.

Talk about the pandemic or prepare for the lockdown.

Ya think!!! It’s the same yahoos daily and they have all the facts guess we should just bow down to all their facts..
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