Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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You should just go for the Boris Johnson look:cool:

Who says I'm not? :)
This news reporter from ABC did a live hit from his home and was not wearing his pants probably thinking the camera would have him from the waist up. At the end of his live hit you see him with no pants on.....

A tale of two graphs taken as a snap shot today that give a different view: The first one will be Gov Kim's from her IDPH which my wife says has recently changed the data measure on this graph. It would be nice if the people who made this graph actually put tick marks on the X axis so we know the first day of the month.

The second is from John Hopkins and their X axis has tick marks to start each week.

Wow, I see quite a difference in these graphs especially on the scale of the Y axis. The State IDPH graph title reads this is Confirmed Cases yet at the bottom of the graph just below the X axis it reads "Date of Illness onset". What is this Date of Illness onset?? We might not know exactly when someone get infected but yes they would know roughly when they started getting symptoms if they do get symptoms.

The two highest peaks in the State graph are at about 235 and 255 while the two highest in the JHopkins graph are 521 on April 24 and 647 on April 25. Why the difference and they seem to line up on about the same date????? The CovidTracking site shows data from labs and the IDPH 647 cases on April 25th.

The following is from the IDPH and was in Gov Kim's April 25 briefing (and I cal her this because I dont like her policies not that she is a woman) saying there were 648 cases found at labs "Today, the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) has been notified of 648 additional positive cases for a total of 5,092 positive cases. There have been an additional 1,730 negative tests for a total of 29,258 negative tests to date, which includes testing reported by the State Hygienic Lab and other labs. The number of positive cases will continue to grow as Test Iowa sites open and additional surveillance testing of large businesses and nursing home staff continues. "

So why do 3 sources say 647 new cases in Iowa for April 25th while this new graph style shows about 250 cases from April 25th from the Date of Illness onset?? Was this done to show the State graph looking like it was going down to zero on the right hand side. Very misleading. Is it made to look like there is not as many cases???

If you want to make a decision to open up some of the economy and public life I want to know the total of real cases found per day not just those people who are showing illness or whatever the hell Onset of Illness means.

But no let's just throw out about 450 confirmed cases on that day which is over 50%. Your thoughts??


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It's time to end the charade.

We've gone along with it long enough.

Yes, people are getting sick and dying. That happens with many illnesses each year. 650,000 people die each year.

Stop punishing the HEALTHY people. Let them live their life.
It's time to end the charade.

We've gone along with it long enough.

Yes, people are getting sick and dying. That happens with many illnesses each year. 650,000 people die each year.

Stop punishing the HEALTHY people. Let them live their life.
It's time to end the charade.

We've gone along with it long enough.

Yes, people are getting sick and dying. That happens with many illnesses each year. 650,000 people die each year.

Stop punishing the HEALTHY people. Let them live their life.

Sure sounds good man. Just dont throw people off of unemployment, healthcare, etc. if they do not want to risk their life or health going back to work.

If you try to FORCE citizens go back to work when 80% of them that are polled say we still need to hunker down and be a safe distance then go for it. Announce it yourself and see how many of them let you know what they think.

And are you going to work and pay real high taxes to help give food to the unemployed or does starvation enter into your equation?
I have a couple of Covid comments related to some of the above posts:

1. I work in a hospital that stopped elective surgeries (in CO). The governor ordered it. Also, with early social distancing, it made a ton of sense. So did preserving PPE. We are EAGERLY awaiting the return of elective procedures because we are struggling. I also know the devastating effects that this is having on hospitals and the entire economy.

2. Why would MAYO stop procedures to get rid of employees? Why would they limit some of the most lucrative business? No.

3. Warm weather stopping COVID. Maybe???? But, we give it person to person and spend 90% of our time in temperature controlled indoor settings, which is also where we spread it. It replicates in us and spreads directly to others, mostly indoors. This won't go away on a dime. I wish it would.

4. Herd immunity. I would LOVE for this to be something that is possible. the WHO said that there is currently no evidence for herd immunity, although I desperately hope it will be true. I know some posters who consider themselves to be rather "sirius" don't "believe" in all of the models and scientific organizations, but there you go.

Did you guys slash pay and furlough? Hope you get back to normal soon.

Warm weather plus people's fear of catching this thing will stop it dead in its tracks. Immune systems are also stronger in the summer. I got something in early February a week after a cruise that was full of foreign people and flying through Orlando and Atlanta and I don't know if it was COVID, but it checked the boxes and caused major breathing problems and knocked me on my ass for 2 days and I can say definitively that I'd much rather have something like that when it is warm than in the dead of winter when it is cold and the air is super dry.

There will be herd immunity. Once you get a virus and knock it out, that specific one ain't coming back unless your immune system takes a nosedive. I said on here well over a month ago that the nonsense the "experts" were peddling about masks was ridiculous and lo and behold, now they realized masks work. Of course, my house was prepared because we went through the SARS scare in Tokyo back in '03. People need to exercise some level of common sense. It's just gone.

Our society just needs to pull the band aid and come up with a plan ASAP to protect the old and vulnerable without regard to immediate cost. Get a few government contracts in place with Amazon, Wal-Mart, Dollar General, the big grocery stores, etc. and set up a food stamp style program with $1000 a month on a prepaid account or something for everyone over 70 so they can take home delivery of goods for awhile. This thing went from "flatten the curve for 2 weeks" to "any risk above 0 is unacceptable" in no time. Leaders are paralyzed to do anything other than become more draconian or vote to pump more money into stimulus or bullshit bond purchase programs. I believe the models and scientific organizations to an extent and that this thing will absolutely shred the shit out of certain populations, but the convo needs to move from risk minimization to risk mitigation immediately or else we're going to completely destroy the livelihoods of millions of young people. Those kids who are getting their sheepskins in a few weeks are going to be crushed by this thing. Crushed. Lifetime earnings impaired, prospects diminished. It sucks. The suicide rate is going to be astronomical. You remember the early '80's farm depression in Iowa. This is going to make that look like a speed bump.
"The United States Attorney for Iowa's northern district is warning landlords looking to exploit vulnerable tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic that his office will hold them accountable. A news release issued from the office of US Attorney Peter Deegan, Jr. warns landlords demanding sexual favors in exchange for rent will be prosecuted.

The release states Deegan's office will target not just those landlords who demand sexual favors, but will also go after landlords sexually harassing tenants.

The National Multifamily Housing Council released information earlier this month that 31% of the 13.4 million renters in the nation did not pay their rent between April 1 and April 5. Many who couldn't pay on time lost wages or jobs as a result of the pandemic.

Deegan says, “My office will work with all available partners, including state, local, and tribal officials, to address sexual harassment in housing, especially during this national crisis. “We will use every means at our disposal to investigate, prosecute, and hold responsible anyone who sexually harasses tenants or prospective tenants. Combatting sexual harassment associated with housing has been a priority for the Department of Justice for years and it remains a priority during this unique time in history. Such conduct cannot be tolerated.”

Some landlords have been working with tenants to work out partial payments or a payment plan until they can get back on their feet.

For those who want to report incidents of sexual harassment in housing there are number of resources available. The US Attorney's office lists the Department of Justice’s Sexual Harassment in Housing Initiative at 1-844-380-6178 or email More information is also available here and here."
Did you guys slash pay and furlough? Hope you get back to

There will be herd immunity. Once you get a virus and knock it out, that specific one ain't coming back unless your immune system takes a nosedive. Right now there is no evidence of immunity in some small test trials plus there might be 20 mutated strains by November so hard to state there will be herd immunity although I hope you are right or it is going to be the shits.

Our society just needs to pull the band aid and come up with a plan ASAP Plan, Plan are you kidding our master leader and his cronies can't plan when they are having a fucking Covid briefing. You heard about that, "we are not having a briefing then oh we are having a briefing then people tell Trump it wont look good so they call off the briefing but then Trump needs his fix of narcissism time so then the have a briefing.

I have zero trust in this prez to put together a plan.

I've been working the whole time. The UIHC doesn't close, sir/ma'am.

I have a friend that makes more on unemployment during this time than I do working on the Frontline. I've put on 100s of hours working directly with COVID patients. By the way, each of the patients have fully recovered thus far.

So spare me the "I don't want to risk my life and go back to work" song and dance.

And when the suicide rate hits record numbers, which is going to be a sad byproduct, you'll be wishing those people had a job.
Get a few government contracts in place with HOw about the Feds tell a bunch of big Corps to make the stuff we need and Pharma and researchers to make hundreds of millions of test.

How about the Feds tax the top 10% of wealth holders or some group like that a one time wealth tax to get $10 trillion dollars ( because that group does have that kind of money) or the top 30% of wealth holders to get $15 to $20 trillion dollars to slowly give to people and small businesses for basic needs, rent etc .

And no giving money to rich publicly held companies that can raise their own funds

Come on, your plan of just opening up everything will highly lead to spikes and hotspots of virus and way more deaths.

Also if people want to work together they can sign a waiver not to sue and go to jail if they give covid to someone else.

I've been working the whole time. The UIHC doesn't close, sir/ma'am.

I have a friend that makes more on unemployment during this time than I do working on the Frontline. I've put on 100s of hours working directly with COVID patients. By the way, each of the patients have fully recovered thus far.

So spare me the "I don't want to risk my life and go back to work" song and dance.

And when the suicide rate hits record numbers, which is going to be a sad byproduct, you'll be wishing those people had a job.

Lot's of places are considered essential and have not closed for business. How about those lower paid sackers at your grocery store. And a lot of people do not want to go to work in crowded places
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Lot's of places are considered essential and have not closed for business. How about those lower paid sackers at your grocery store. And a lot of people do not want to go to work in crowded places

They've been fear mongered by the media.

How can we develop antibodies if we are all being anti-body?
So you're fine living off other people's money 82?

I am not living off other people's money. I worked from 15 to 67 years of age, saved and invested wisely, always paid my taxes, as did my wife. We are retired and unless the banks and FDIC go under without paying for bank losses of invested money we can make it for quite a few years. My parents were very well off but I still worked during summers when I was young.

What I am talking about is what to do for all the people who are losing jobs or a bunch of millenials 22 to 35 years of age and other more middle age people who won't have jobs for awhile. And for all the people who make only about $10 an hour picking your vegetables and fruits for you so they are not so expensive.

Actually big businesses like GE , Apple and all those that pay zero US income tax or very little maybe should pay more into the Fed coffers to pay for unemployment insurance and a living stipend to see people through this ordeal. I would give a $1000 right now if Jeff Bezos would give $1 billion or if GE would give $100 million.

When I got my $1200 from the Fed treasury a couple of weeks ago for the Covid bailout I quickly went online to give $400 of it to the Food Bank of Iowa and we have been donating to them monthly for years.

So dont give me shit about living off other people's money.

You know this is why people have been afraid in this country for many years, not just now, because they know employers will throw them out on their ass with no notice, they will lose their health insurance because our stupid system does not cover people, or at least now thanks to Obama you can buy healthcare coverage.
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