I agree it's not needed. But I disagree that it's dangerous. I just read a tweet from Ben Shapiro saying that Trump never told people to infect themselves. The comments blow me away. Some people saying he did say it. Others posting the transcript showing that it was in a phrase of a question. Others saying it doesn't matter because he sucks anyway. Others saying he always has to defend him.
It got me thinking. Some people only see the main part of the debate and have no interest in breaking it down into segments. To those people, the main debate is that Trump sucks. They don't care about the minor details inside the debate.
Other people do care about minor details. To them, the minor debate of whether Trump actually told people to inject themselves with poison is a separate debate from whether or not Trump sucks. People who don't care about the minor points in a debate can't understand that so it comes off like he is debating against Trump sucking.
What you are talking about is another separate part of the main debate of Trump sucking. The debate of whether or not he should be spitballing ideas at the podium. We both agree he shouldn't be. But we disagree on how much it matters.
On a side note, someone in that tweet war mentioned the lady from Arizona who killed her husband with fish cleaner then blamed it on Trump. It's the first time I've ever seen someone else mention she murdered him. She also said the lady has voted Democrat her whole life. Not sure if she is bull shitting on that one or not, but it was interesting to finally see someone else mention it.