Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Maybe you do. You seem to be more open minded than most. But you gotta admit that a lot of people out there hate Trump so bad they will think any idea of his is stupid. Take the travel ban for instance. That was a no brainer that it had to be done. Half the world was mad at him for doing it.
Honestly I don't really look at other people's reactions to things he does. A lot of people do hate Trump, I think he is dangerous for our country. Same for many other politicians. I wish he would just stop tossing around random ideas to find a miracle cure for this and lead this country. He has a terrific opportunity, albeit a very challenging one, to unify the country and he is squandering it. We don't need "shooting from the hip" at a time like this, we need thoughtful and measured leadership. Come out with a plan for mass testing and create a large task force for contract tracing and I would be on board. I can admit I don't really like Kim Reynolds either but I can appreciate and applaud the plans she has made over the last week (I haven't listened to today's press conference yet).

So here's a thought. Instead of shooting from the hip and giving the media the ammunition they're desperately waiting for him to throw out there to make their lives easy lets go with a BS story about how it was a sarcastic response to the media. I'm not sure what bothers me more; the way he fails to really think before he says them, or the fact he has to come up with pedestrian excuses for making such idiotic statements. How arrogant do you have to be to spout off something that dumb and then blame someone else for running with it. We need a leader not an ego. How hard would it be for him to hire someone to see to it that he only reads from a teleprompter or what is scripted for him or to put the secret service on standby to tackle him before he says something stupid.

No more politics from me I promise.
Honestly I don't really look at other people's reactions to things he does. A lot of people do hate Trump, I think he is dangerous for our country. Same for many other politicians. I wish he would just stop tossing around random ideas to find a miracle cure for this and lead this country. He has a terrific opportunity, albeit a very challenging one, to unify the country and he is squandering it. We don't need "shooting from the hip" at a time like this, we need thoughtful and measured leadership. Come out with a plan for mass testing and create a large task force for contract tracing and I would be on board. I can admit I don't really like Kim Reynolds either but I can appreciate and applaud the plans she has made over the last week (I haven't listened to today's press conference yet).

I agree it's not needed. But I disagree that it's dangerous. I just read a tweet from Ben Shapiro saying that Trump never told people to infect themselves. The comments blow me away. Some people saying he did say it. Others posting the transcript showing that it was in a phrase of a question. Others saying it doesn't matter because he sucks anyway. Others saying he always has to defend him.

It got me thinking. Some people only see the main part of the debate and have no interest in breaking it down into segments. To those people, the main debate is that Trump sucks. They don't care about the minor details inside the debate.

Other people do care about minor details. To them, the minor debate of whether Trump actually told people to inject themselves with poison is a separate debate from whether or not Trump sucks. People who don't care about the minor points in a debate can't understand that so it comes off like he is debating against Trump sucking.

What you are talking about is another separate part of the main debate of Trump sucking. The debate of whether or not he should be spitballing ideas at the podium. We both agree he shouldn't be. But we disagree on how much it matters.

On a side note, someone in that tweet war mentioned the lady from Arizona who killed her husband with fish cleaner then blamed it on Trump. It's the first time I've ever seen someone else mention she murdered him. She also said the lady has voted Democrat her whole life. Not sure if she is bull shitting on that one or not, but it was interesting to finally see someone else mention it.
I don't think the poor candidates is a recent problem. I'd argue it's been happening for decades. I'd also contend that it is even worse at the congressional level because of all the gerrymandering done by both major parties in many states. In those states it really boils down to one choice that can realistically win. It would actually be nice to have 3 or 4 really good choices for a change. Like I stated in a previous post, thank God we have the best constitution ever written.

Below is a really well done piece on why 3rd Party Candidates can't break through. Full disclosure, I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 even though I knew he did not have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

Ross Perot gave it a good run back in 1992. I felt he would have made a good President.
You will end up having deaths in other ways. You can't extend these shelter in place mandates deep into the summer. There has to be another way. Natural immunity, plasma injections, medical breakthroughs.

Just because a couple medical experts say we could be 12-18 months from a vaccine shouldn't automatically be a set in stone date. We may never have a vaccine. This virus is here to stay, like cancer. The key is getting to know it better, how it behaves. Much of what has driven the past six weeks has been rooted in a fear of the unknown. Now it is getting to be more known.

In Iowa if I walk by someone I know I have a super small chance that they or I are shedding virus, 2 out of 3 million. That is very small. I assume Iowa's social distancing rules leave a lot of businesses to stay open to make things or work even in and office if people keep their distance. Of course the high density and close together type businesses likes bars and restaurants should be closed except for the drive up and delivery and the haircut type places.

Iowa is somewhat open and it is doing pretty well covid wise. But leaders better be quick to act when there is the first inkling of a hotspot.

Shame on that S Dakota Gov for not closing that food plant down earlier. And I think Gov Reynolds didnt do all that well with some nursing/care homes and a couple meat plants where there was plenty of notice of trouble.
Agree. We have two deaths going on right now. 1) Death of humans. 2) Death of families and their economic lives. There is not way we can live hunkered down for an extended period of time. We are going to have to live alongside this thing until their is a scientific or medical breakthrough.

I think if they open things up in closed down states like Georgia, Florida, NY that face mask, purchased or made, should be mandatory in public. Masks stop spittle period, they physcially have to, maybe not all droplets the more the better.
I agree it's not needed. But I disagree that it's dangerous. I just read a tweet from Ben Shapiro saying that Trump never told people to infect themselves. The comments blow me away. Some people saying he did say it. Others posting the transcript showing that it was in a phrase of a question. Others saying it doesn't matter because he sucks anyway. Others saying he always has to defend him.

It got me thinking. Some people only see the main part of the debate and have no interest in breaking it down into segments. To those people, the main debate is that Trump sucks. They don't care about the minor details inside the debate.

Other people do care about minor details. To them, the minor debate of whether Trump actually told people to inject themselves with poison is a separate debate from whether or not Trump sucks. People who don't care about the minor points in a debate can't understand that so it comes off like he is debating against Trump sucking.

What you are talking about is another separate part of the main debate of Trump sucking. The debate of whether or not he should be spitballing ideas at the podium. We both agree he shouldn't be. But we disagree on how much it matters.

On a side note, someone in that tweet war mentioned the lady from Arizona who killed her husband with fish cleaner then blamed it on Trump. It's the first time I've ever seen someone else mention she murdered him. She also said the lady has voted Democrat her whole life. Not sure if she is bull shitting on that one or not, but it was interesting to finally see someone else mention it.
I've probably posted enough to rile some people up and would like to refrain from going deeper into my political feelings on Trump in general instead of more specific actions on COVID as I've done here. Would probably continue the discussion in private message if you'd like. I can agree with some of what you said though.
Well, if we haven't hit 50,000 confirmed yet we will soon. It looks like we will also hit one million confirmed cases.

I'm a man of my word.

PC 2
Northside 0

I also thought peek would be close to 5000 per day and was wrong. I since see the error in my thoughts. In a country this big, hot spots will develope at different times. I was basing it on the thought that the entire country would be a hotspot at the same time, similar to Italy and Spain who are much smaller countries. That's when I like talking about things. It gives you a better understanding as long as you can see things with an open mind.
Honestly I don't really look at other people's reactions to things he does. A lot of people do hate Trump, I think he is dangerous for our country. Same for many other politicians. I wish he would just stop tossing around random ideas to find a miracle cure for this and lead this country. He has a terrific opportunity, albeit a very challenging one, to unify the country and he is squandering it. We don't need "shooting from the hip" at a time like this, we need thoughtful and measured leadership. Come out with a plan for mass testing and create a large task force for contract tracing and I would be on board. I can admit I don't really like Kim Reynolds either but I can appreciate and applaud the plans she has made over the last week (I haven't listened to today's press conference yet).

I won't say what I think of tRump.
Do you think there is a single person out there that would really hear Trump talking about possible treatments to look into and then injecting themselves with random quantities of poison? If yes, then do you really think the world would miss those people? It would even be one less Trump voter! If the answer is no, then what he said wasn't dangerous. Tweeting out to liberate states, now that can be dangerous.

I agree with you on most things you post but I think someone would miss these people if they did this and died and it would be a tragic accident.
I've probably posted enough to rile some people up and would like to refrain from going deeper into my political feelings on Trump in general instead of more specific actions on COVID as I've done here. Would probably continue the discussion in private message if you'd like. I can agree with some of what you said though.
Probably best we don't. :)
I agree with you on most things you post but I think someone would miss these people if they did this and died and it would be a tragic accident.

Yes when people die it's almost always tragic to someone. I meant tragic to society tho. And since I don't believe there is anyone in the world dumb enough to do it, it's kinda a moot point to me. He asked a question about that being something they could look into. That's it.
It's almost funny that the best the United States of America can do is Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I'm glad I'm I firm believer that the president doesn't change much over the course of their term, otherwise I wouldn't find it funny at all.

I know that these two are not the greatest of the litter but it is what it is as of now

yeah right, what a lying loser. Incredible that I first started knowing presidents with that last two years of Eisenhower and then John Kennedy. What a difference.
Sorry, I guess I haven't been watching enough media coverage (I can't stand MSM) to know the exact scope of what they've said about it. I assume they've been very critical, and they should be. I'll pose the question to you. How do you think the media should have reacted to this?

I'm in the tribe of logical thought, honesty and science. I'm not a member of any political party. There's plenty of good and bad on all sides. What he suggested publicly was dangerous and disingenuous and should be called out as such. If he wants to suggest those things to his science advisors privately, I'm all for it - that's where it belongs IMO.

Which media outlet is MSM?
Honestly I don't really look at other people's reactions to things he does. A lot of people do hate Trump, I think he is dangerous for our country. Same for many other politicians. I wish he would just stop tossing around random ideas to find a miracle cure for this and lead this country. He has a terrific opportunity, albeit a very challenging one, to unify the country and he is squandering it. We don't need "shooting from the hip" at a time like this, we need thoughtful and measured leadership. Come out with a plan for mass testing and create a large task force for contract tracing and I would be on board. I can admit I don't really like Kim Reynolds either but I can appreciate and applaud the plans she has made over the last week (I haven't listened to today's press conference yet).

You are so right, Trump with really good plans, taking the lead and having the Fed run and coordinate testing, giving money to states to hire their own contact tracing people, and Trump letting the experts run the show and updates almost entirely could have made him look great.

He could really be looked like FDR pulling the US out of the Depression and his years of leadership in WW2. Also look like a true leader like Kennedy and the Cuban Missile crisis (where some of you may not know but Air Force Gen Curtis Lemay of WW2 fame wanted to bomb the shit out of cuba and maybe Russia, think Dr Strangelove.)

And George HW Bush did well with the first Gulf War but then failed that at the end. And G Bush #2 showed good leadership until the terribly false method of invading Iraq.
In Iowa if I walk by someone I know I have a super small chance that they or I are shedding virus, 2 out of 3 million. That is very small. I assume Iowa's social distancing rules leave a lot of businesses to stay open to make things or work even in and office if people keep their distance. Of course the high density and close together type businesses likes bars and restaurants should be closed except for the drive up and delivery and the haircut type places.

Iowa is somewhat open and it is doing pretty well covid wise. But leaders better be quick to act when there is the first inkling of a hotspot.

Shame on that S Dakota Gov for not closing that food plant down earlier. And I think Gov Reynolds didnt do all that well with some nursing/care homes and a couple meat plants where there was plenty of notice of trouble.

Didn't George Washington bleed to death?
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