Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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Hmm, not really -
In 1896 a German physics professor, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, presented a remarkable lecture entitled “Concerning a New Kind of Ray.” Roentgen called it the “X-ray”, with “x” being the algebraic symbol for an unknown quantity. There was immediate worldwide excitement. Within months, systems were being devised to use x-rays for diagnosis, and within 3 years radiation was used in to treat cancer.
Ok you got me there. You sure would think it would be an outrageous idea at first. But now imagine if you could make Trump go back in time and announce the x ray idea.
I think you have a dog in the fight if you vote. You will vote for Trump. And that makes you partial. Maybe you don't vote.

Having a leader of a country recklessly suggest injecting poison is not harmless. Again, it's reckless.

Potential remedies? Come on, man. You're smarter than that. That's disingenuous.
I voted for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidates in 2016. As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm a Libertarian at heart. I got turned off a long time ago by both establishment Ds and Rs. I have not made up my mind yet for 2020 ... still lots of time and I would like to see some debates. I'm not totally convinced Joe is going to be the D candidate after the convention because of the exact issue I raised earlier ... not sure he is all there. Libertarian Party has not determined their candidate yet but that could be my plan A again for 2020.
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By attacking his attacker it's more of an indirect defense I guess. How did you expect the media to react? "Ooh great ideas proposed by the president today".
Just tell the story how it is. He already sounded dumb. There's no point in embellishing the story to try to make him sound even more dumb.
I voted for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidates in 2016. I got turned off a long time ago by both Ds and Rs. I have not made up my mind yet for 2020 ... still lots of time and I would like to see some debates. Libertarian Party has not determined their candidate yet.

Fair enough. Brain cramp on my part.

Still, potential remedies?
As a Libertarian, with no dog in this fight, floating ideas about potential remedies does not scare me ... but this sure does.

I agree that I can't get to the point where I see it as dangerous. I agree that he sounded dumb when he said it. I can get onboard with the idea that it's not his place to say that stuff. But I just can't see the dangerous part of it.

I'm like you tho. A Liberian who doesn't need or want people holding my hand to get me through life. It's hard for me to comprehend that people could actually be dumb enough to hear what the president says and blindly do it. I would love to know who the lady voted for who drank fish tank cleaner. If she voted for Trump, I guess it's possible she was dumb enough to mistake what he said. If she voted against him, she 100% killed her husband because there is no way in hell any Democrat would listen to a single think Trump says.
Fair enough. Brain cramp on my part.

Still, potential remedies?
Do you think there is a single person out there that would really hear Trump talking about possible treatments to look into and then injecting themselves with random quantities of poison? If yes, then do you really think the world would miss those people? It would even be one less Trump voter! If the answer is no, then what he said wasn't dangerous. Tweeting out to liberate states, now that can be dangerous.
Do you think there is a single person out there that would really hear Trump talking about possible treatments to look into and then injecting themselves with random quantities of poison? If yes, then do you really think the world would miss those people? It would even be one less Trump voter! If the answer is no, then what he said wasn't dangerous. Tweeting out to liberate states, now that can be dangerous.

Yes. I do. And then his supporters will blame the media.

And, yes, there will be people who miss folks who die from injecting bleach.
As a Libertarian, with no dog in this fight, floating ideas about potential remedies does not scare me ... but this sure does.

It's almost funny that the best the United States of America can do is Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I'm glad I'm I firm believer that the president doesn't change much over the course of their term, otherwise I wouldn't find it funny at all.
Do you think there is a single person out there that would really hear Trump talking about possible treatments to look into and then injecting themselves with random quantities of poison? If yes, then do you really think the world would miss those people? It would even be one less Trump voter! If the answer is no, then what he said wasn't dangerous. Tweeting out to liberate states, now that can be dangerous.
It isn't even that someone out there would or wouldn't inject themselves with bleach. It's that we have a sitting President that actually suggested that it was worthy of study. Let that sink in.
I didnt think it was possible but I'm somehow not surprised that somebody would actually try to defend this shit. Hahaha unbelievable.

Not sure how I was defending Trump when I said his comments were dumb and clumsy.

You know it's possible to blame Trump and the media at the same time? Not everything is so black and white and tribal. "Orange Man bad, my tribe good."

Just saw a tweet by MSNBC stating Trump advocates people taking disinfectant. Is that OK? I mean, all the press does at these press conferences is try and nail Trump, score points for the "Resistance".

I don't know why I even try and debate this crap on here. I keep telling myself I'm done and then I get sucked in again by some ignorant post.

This time, I'm done talking politics here. I'm sure I'll be missed.
Ok you got me there. You sure would think it would be an outrageous idea at first. But now imagine if you could make Trump go back in time and announce the x ray idea.
Honestly I hope a good idea is a good idea regardless of who it comes from. What Trump said yesterday were not good ideas.
It isn't even that someone out there would or wouldn't inject themselves with bleach. It's that we have a sitting President that actually suggested that it was worthy of study. Let that sink in.
I've let that sink in and already said its dumb. I was arguing that it wasn't dangerous.
Not sure how I was defending Trump when I said his comments were dumb and clumsy.

You know it's possible to blame Trump and the media at the same time? Not everything is so black and white and tribal. "Orange Man bad, my tribe good."

Just saw a tweet by MSNBC stating Trump advocates people taking disinfectant. Is that OK? I mean, all the press does at these press conferences is try and nail Trump, score points for the "Resistance".

I don't know why I even try and debate this crap on here. I keep telling myself I'm done and then I get sucked in again by some ignorant post.

This time, I'm done talking politics here. I'm sure I'll be missed.
Ok now that headline is a lot closer to dangerous than what Trump said. I bet they're just praying someone will actually do it.
Honestly I hope a good idea is a good idea regardless of who it comes from. What Trump said yesterday were not good ideas.
Maybe you do. You seem to be more open minded than most. But you gotta admit that a lot of people out there hate Trump so bad they will think any idea of his is stupid. Take the travel ban for instance. That was a no brainer that it had to be done. Half the world was mad at him for doing it.
It's almost funny that the best the United States of America can do is Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I'm glad I'm I firm believer that the president doesn't change much over the course of their term, otherwise I wouldn't find it funny at all.
I don't think the poor candidates is a recent problem. I'd argue it's been happening for decades. I'd also contend that it is even worse at the congressional level because of all the gerrymandering done by both major parties in many states. In those states it really boils down to one choice that can realistically win. It would actually be nice to have 3 or 4 really good choices for a change. Like I stated in a previous post, thank God we have the best constitution ever written.

Below is a really well done piece on why 3rd Party Candidates can't break through. Full disclosure, I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 even though I knew he did not have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

Not sure how I was defending Trump when I said his comments were dumb and clumsy.

You know it's possible to blame Trump and the media at the same time? Not everything is so black and white and tribal. "Orange Man bad, my tribe good."

Just saw a tweet by MSNBC stating Trump advocates people taking disinfectant. Is that OK? I mean, all the press does at these press conferences is try and nail Trump, score points for the "Resistance".

I don't know why I even try and debate this crap on here. I keep telling myself I'm done and then I get sucked in again by some ignorant post.

This time, I'm done talking politics here. I'm sure I'll be missed.
Sorry, I guess I haven't been watching enough media coverage (I can't stand MSM) to know the exact scope of what they've said about it. I assume they've been very critical, and they should be. I'll pose the question to you. How do you think the media should have reacted to this?

I'm in the tribe of logical thought, honesty and science. I'm not a member of any political party. There's plenty of good and bad on all sides. What he suggested publicly was dangerous and disingenuous and should be called out as such. If he wants to suggest those things to his science advisors privately, I'm all for it - that's where it belongs IMO.
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I don't think the poor candidates is a recent problem. I'd argue it's been happening for decades. I'd also contend that it is even worse at the congressional level because of all the gerrymandering done by both major parties in many states. In those states it really boils down to one choice that can realistically win. It would actually be nice to have 3 or 4 really good choices for a change. Like I stated in a previous post, thank God we have the best constitution ever written.

Below is a really well done piece on why 3rd Party Candidates can't break through. Full disclosure, I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 even though I knew he did not have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

No it's not a recent thing. I'm curious to see how the media treats the next Republican president tho. Is this the new standard or is it really because they have that strong of feelings for Trump?
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