Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

  • Total voters
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I just love how you and other idiots frame this crap. Worst case scenario! A month ago we were still walking around like it was no big deal. The steps people are taking has slowed this down.

A month ago in the state of Minnesota everything was closed and on the 13th my business trip to Las Vegas was anything but Normal :cool:

Pandemrix vaccine: why was the public not told of early warning signs?

"In October 2009, the US National Institutes of Health infectious diseases chief, Anthony Fauci, appeared on YouTube to reassure Americans about the safety of the “swine flu” vaccine. “The track record for serious adverse events is very good. It’s very, very, very rare that you ever see anything that’s associated with the vaccine that’s a serious event,”1 he said.

Four months earlier, the World Health Organization had declared H1N1 influenza a pandemic, and by October 2009 the new vaccines were being rolled out across the world. A similar story was playing out in the UK, with prominent organisations, including the Department of Health, British Medical Association, and Royal Colleges of General Practitioners, working hard to convince a reluctant NHS workforce to get vaccinated.2 “We fully support the swine flu vaccination programme … The vaccine has been thoroughly tested,” they declared in a joint statement.3

Except, it hadn’t. Anticipating a severe influenza pandemic, governments around the world had made various logistical and legal arrangements to shorten the time between recognition of a pandemic virus and the production of a vaccine and administration of that vaccine in the population. In Europe, one element of those plans was an agreement to grant licences to pandemic vaccines based on data from pre-pandemic “mock-up” vaccines produced using a different virus (H5N1 influenza). Another element, adopted by countries such as Canada, the US, UK, France, and Germany, was to provide vaccine manufacturers indemnity from liability for wrongdoing, thereby reducing the risk of a lawsuit stemming from vaccine related injury...

The concerns, it seems, were prescient. A year later, signs of a problem with Pandemrix were emerging through postmarket reports of narcolepsy, predominantly among children and adolescents in Sweden and Finland.8 Multiple academic and government led studies subsequently judged that the relation between Pandemrix and narcolepsy was likely to be causal.91011 Over 1300 people are estimated to have been affected among the roughly 30 million vaccinated across Europe,12 including around 100 families in the UK...

Pandemrix and Arepanrix were designed for a pandemic and were removed from global markets after the pandemic. Whatever adverse events they may have caused, they are vaccines of the past. But the events of 2009-10 raise fundamental questions about the transparency of information. When do public health officials have a duty to warn the public over possible harms of vaccines detected through pharmacovigilance? How much detail should the public be provided with, who should provide it, and should the provision of such information be proactive or passive?

If history were to repeat itself, does the public have a right to know?"
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Heard China is getting a 2nd wave of COVID. That's gunna suck if we are screwed until a virus is manufactured. If this thing stays active an it doesn't help if people have antibodies who've had it, that's bad. I guess they'd have antibodies but if the virus morphs into something different.

Yeah I posted a week or 10 days ago that the JHOpkins map looked like they had 10-15 decent size outbreaks back then, probably bigger cities. My question was whether the chinese would get real tough real fast with tight isolation etc.

Maybe not. It really doesnt matter if it is another strain because we can hardly stop this strain or the slightly different Europe strain. As long as it doesnt morph into a super killer like avian flu iirc
I just love how you and other idiots frame this crap. Worst case scenario! A month ago we were still walking around like it was no big deal. The steps people are taking has slowed this down.

It's as if they've had hundreds of other models to base their logic off of. And once again, if the projections are not meant we should be thrilled about it, but instead its almost as though there is disappointment more people aren't dying or becoming infected.
Oh no!! The San Diego Comic Con has been cancelled do to the Coronavirus. What will all the adult nerds living in their parents basement do?

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