Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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Ideally you want to be at a right angle to a tornado (usually south or east of it as most tornadoes move Southwest to northeast. There is usually less debris with inflow winds than outflow winds and that is the side of the tornado least likely to be rain wrapped.

Ideal doesnt work real well. I don't plant to be that close.
Dang, actor Brian Dennehy died yesterday, but of natural causes and not Covid-19. He was great in First Blood

He played coach Bobby Knight in the ESPN Season On The Brink but did not do a very good job in that one. His outbursts and temper were controlled. Bobby Knight's were anything but.
I'd bet we will be. We're already over 33,000 and we're seeing more outbreaks at nursing homes and plants. Hopefully it starts to slow down.
And theres literally hundreds of nursing homes and thousands of plants in this state that DON'T have outbreaks.

Why have there been no outbreaks traced to grocery stores or Wal Marts? Answer, because there is already a lot of immunity out there.
When driving to Madison on 151 the Deer Valley golf course will be on your right when you go past Barneveld. The tornado charged through that valley, and thus created a head start on building a golf course, just before destroying Barneveld.

That was an extremely violent and long lived tornado for this part of the Midwest. It was more typical of a Kansas or Oklahoma tornado. It first touched town just across the river from Dubuque and sideswiped Belmont and Mineral Point, before hitting Barneveld as an F-5, and a high end F-5 at that. It lifted again just before Black Earth, where the famous Shoe Box is located, and finally dissipated near Lodi-100 miles from where it originated.

That is quite a storm. That Albert Lea one was a 3.
It's terrible camping when severe weather hits. Was at Peninsula maybe tens years ago during a tornado warning. Lightning destroyed a nearby tree
Doesn't even have to be a tornado. We have lots of campgrounds in Grant and Iowa counties in Wisconsin and once a year you will hear of a fatality from a tree falling on a tent or camper. 60-70 MPH winds are plenty to bring down trees.

My son, then ten, was in the 2014 Platteville tornado. It was opening night of Jeff Gard's UWP basketball camp and would soon be closing night as well. Roundtree Commons, where the campers stayed, took a direct hit. Pioneer Stadium, where the Bears once had training camp facilities, was heavily damaged
We all know NYC was the epicenter here in the U.S. MIT Professor blaming NYC corona problems on the subway. Very interesting analysis and makes perfect sense. One of the pitfalls of big city mass transit. How come Cuomo or DeBlasio did not have the kohonas to shut it down? It's still open as we speak.
Funny thing is that liberals have been pushing mass transit for decades, because it means less fuel consumption and exhaust from all those evil automobiles.
I'd bet we will be. We're already over 33,000 and we're seeing more outbreaks at nursing homes and plants. Hopefully it starts to slow down.
The death toll now says 34,562. Since I said that early today, that means there needs to be an average of about 1200 deaths over the next 13days. I'm hopeful that in 13 days the deaths per day count will be as low as 1200, but I highly doubt it. I'd be surprised if there was a single day under 1200 over the next 2 weeks.
And theres literally hundreds of nursing homes and thousands of plants in this state that DON'T have outbreaks.

Why have there been no outbreaks traced to grocery stores or Wal Marts? Answer, because there is already a lot of immunity out there.
The main reason there aren't outbreaks at places like Walmart or grocery stores is because they're not even trying to trace cases right now. And the best guess right now is about 1% of the population has it. Even if you multiply that by 10, which is very generous, there still isn't anything close to herd immunity yet.
Nope. I did predict we would get to around 5000 deaths per day tho. It will probably fall short of that. I wasn't thinking about how big our country is and how places like New York would peak and drop before other places peaked. That will keep deaths per day lower (hopefully) but won't really change total deaths. Up to date, the death count has stayed at pretty much exactly what I predicted.

Morbid effer. Counting deaths to see how close you get? Nice
Are you saying the official count won't get there or are you saying that when it does you will say the count is wrong?
I won't backpedal on any official count. Obviously if we have a string of days like yesterday we would reach that number in one week, let alone two. But I won't renege. I just don't think we will have too many more days like yesterday if cases are flattening and hospitalizations are decreasing.

For a number to jump like it did in one day they are obviously starting to tally deaths of people who stayed at home and never went to the hospital. If there's more of those and I prove to be wrong I will accept it.
One thing we can probably all agree on. China is in deep weeds.
They should be. It's going to be interesting to see how this unfolds with the Wuhan lab. I'm not saying they did this on purpose but even an accidental release should bring them some serious consequences. Can you imagine if a U.S. government lab or a U.S. Pharma lab accidentally released something like this? They'd be sued in to oblivion. Will see if anyone in the EU has the kahonas to join us on that effort since they've actually been hit harder than us. I guess Boris Johnson has some skin in the game with his diagnosis but the EU bureaucrats I have little faith in.
Being on an island with a small population like Ireland certainly helps. Can't drive in/out. Hawaii looks even better if you look at the total death rate. 98 per million in Ireland and only 6 per million in Hawaii per

I'm not sure I agree with that. It's April 16th. None of the professional athletes who've contracted the virus have seemed to get that sick. I guarantee you when it comes to sacrificing their million dollar salaries or getting paid and having some risk of getting the virus almost all of them will choose to play. There's eventually a point that you just have to let people decide what they want to do. You can't stay quarantined/sheltered in place for a year. That's just not feasible. People have to get back to work even if it involves risk.

Not on either side of this issue of NFL playing but the league and ownership has billions of dollars. And my gawd I hope we have some fairly cheap rapid test for virus by August. The league could do daily testing and if the team is isolated they could play. Remember if you take a test and are negative that test is only potentially good if you are isolated.

But the NFL could expand rosters, isolate in hotels which Dr Fauci said would probably need to happen, no fans, refs and everyone tested.

But what to do with a player like Von Miller who has it because when or if does he become NON-infectious so he could play again. I haven't read or heard any definite news from experts when or if people who have it become Non-infectious. We assume at some time they will
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