Are you personally worried about getting the Coronavirus?

Are you personally worried about catching the Coronavirus?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.0%

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In a year or two were gonna laugh about all this...."remember when people hid in their closets over a flu strain?".

I doubt it. We still remember 09/10 H1N1, and that was estimated to have killed 12,000 in the US in a year, and several hundred thousand worldwide.

This thing has already killed close to 20,000 (confirmed) in the US, and over 100,000 worldwide, and it is only about 3 months old. When they have enough data to run numbers on total estimated deaths worldwide on this thing, it will be several million over 2020. And while most of the world will not get it like regions of Italy or NYC, those areas will cerainly remember this differently than Iowa or MN remember it.

Hopefully the biggest takeaway will be better ways to respond in the future, so that we avoid a repeat of the lockdown experience.
I'm not sure what their thought process would be for using an antibiotic on a virus. The only thing I could think of is if they give that since hydroxychloroquine has some immunosuppressive properties, but that shouldn't have anything to do with fighting the virus.

The antibiotic is used to cover any subsequent bacteria infections especially the pneumonia which starts up in the lungs as the virus bursts the lung tissue. Many times it is the pneumonia and viral damage to the lungs that is the final killer making breathing and oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange impossible. And I mentioned earlier a doctor researcher using anti-inflammatories at an early stage along with an antibiotic and having positive results.
It makes me think Fauci was correct in the New England Journal of Medicine where he stated this is basically like a bad flu season. Of course, this came after he stated it was going to be 10 times as bad as the flu. Makes sense that we shouldn't be shutting down everything for a bad flu.

What was the date on the Journal article if I may ask?

One big difference, millions of Americans get vaccinated against the flu and a very high percentage of them do not get it or a mild case and many americans may have had a level of infection in the past from that year's seasonal flu so they have some level of immunity.

Covid-19 is thought to be brand new, no immunity levels, no vaccine, highly infectious, left to chance most people on Earth would get it if you can imagine how many people you are in contact with over a month or two. Working people are in total contact with many people, families mingle, people get very close contact in public gatherings, air and commuter train travel. So say a death rate of 1%, how many deaths would that be out of let's say 4 billion infected (not even the 7 billion on Earth). 40 million, that is a very bad flu season.
Here is a question for everyone on here. What is the over/under on how many humans globally would contract this disease in 3 months from Feb 15 to May 15 if no actions were taken to keep people apart?

I say 4 billion.
My wife works for Mayo Clinic and has access to internal Covid stuff. She showed me a chart that indicates there was a Covid death back in December. So this thing has been around far earlier than March. Probably more like 4-5 months. If course all the lies out there would make everyone believe otherwise.

Once that Antibody test Is available you just watch how many people will have already had it!

I’m convinced I’ve already had it. I could be wrong, but it’s just my hunch. I’ve had flu’s before and what hit me night of Feb 5th was different than anything I’ve ever had before. How quickly it affected my lungs was crazy, fever, cough, body aches, fatigue and the night sweats so bad it literally soaked my bed. I didn’t leave my bedroom for 4 days, the wife slept in spare bedroom. My wife got it with different symptoms on the 5th day, fever, body aches and cough and pink eye. It didn’t affect her lungs like it did mine. The fatigue lasted long time it took us both solid 4 to 5 weeks to feel somewhat normal.
Those posts are all in this and other threads. I also predicted over two weeks ago that we would have 1,000,000 confirmed cases in this country tops, and 30-50k deaths.

Let me ask you, just over two weeks ago were your predictions mentioned above were based on travel bans, stay in place orders, social distancing? Or were your predictions for those numbers based on letting everything being like normal life activities?
But if the model is exactly the same, but the input data has changed, is that a backpedal? A backpedal would be revising the model, not updating the model with current data.
He started with worst case scenario doomsday numbers, then changed his philosophy in mid stream by shooting more for the middle of the road. That was his change in input data. It wasn't an update, it was a change in the philosophy in how he interpreted the numbers.
Let me ask you, just over two weeks ago were your predictions mentioned above were based on travel bans, stay in place orders, social distancing? Or were your predictions for those numbers based on letting everything being like normal life activities?
Normal life, sans the largest gatherings such as huge concerts and sporting events.

People are developing immunity to this at an increasing rate that will soon catch the curve of people who are testing positive and the immunity curve will soon catch and overtake the infected curve. Then we can talk about the larger gatherings.

Another thing I've been consistent with in my posts is that we would learn about this mysterious virus aon a daily basis and herd immunity is a part of that. We are finding out that we may have had this virus in our country five months ago and we didn't know that two or three weeks ago.
It's like 100k that die from the flu every year in the U.S.. I wouldn't say the flu shot's all that effective. Since you brought up the flu vaccine, I would really like to see stats on how many infected/died with COVID-19 had received a prior flu shot. There are data showing that the flu vaccine increases susceptibility to other respiratory infections including coronaviruses.

Most years the flu death totals are not as high as 100,000 and bad years for the flu are about 60,000 deaths which are many times again those people respiratory problems and medical conditions.

And again, a big reason for mitigation is to keep the healthcare system from getting totally swamped where more people cant be cared for and die maybe needlessly. We reopen everything in 2 weeks and the virus will undoubtedly spread but we hope at a slower rate.
Normal life, sans the largest gatherings such as huge concerts and sporting events.

People are developing immunity to this at an increasing rate that will soon catch the curve of people who are testing positive and the immunity curve will soon catch and overtake the infected curve. Then we can talk about the larger gatherings.

Another thing I've been consistent with in my posts is that we would learn about this mysterious virus aon a daily basis and herd immunity is a part of that. We are finding out that we may have had this virus in our country five months ago and we didn't know that two or three weeks ago.

Have you heard of actual evidence that people who have the virus are all totally immune to a second illness? I heard yesterday they are using the term 'may give immunity after being sick'. I dont know if the researchers have had time to follow up infected people to see if a secondary or tertiary human immune response will be basically immunity or a worse reaction leading to bad illness.
Here is a question for everyone on here. What is the over/under on how many humans globally would contract this disease in 3 months from Feb 15 to May 15 if no actions were taken to keep people apart?

I say 4 billion.

My answer: who’s to say that it hasn’t already affected way more?

Another thing I’m very interested in how is it that California numbers are not higher. Orange County California had first KNOWN case in January and San Francisco Jan 31st. California flys direct flights [in December and January], from San Francisco and LAX to Wuhan, ground zero of the outbreak, you'd be naive not to think the California population wasn't exposed.
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Have you heard of actual evidence that people who have the virus are all totally immune to a second illness? I heard yesterday they are using the term 'may give immunity after being sick'. I dont know if the researchers have had time to follow up infected people to see if a secondary or tertiary human immune response will be basically immunity or a worse reaction leading to bad illness.

I mentioned this before but look up cytokine storm and I will paste info that the human body's reaction sometimes can be overblown causing extreme problems. A secondary response to the virus for some people can get out of hand. My wife the retired doctor tipped me off to this syndrome by name but I did know that secondary and tertiary immune response can get out of hand in humans. For most people they will probably have full to some sort of partial immunity with general sick symptoms but other people could have an overblown immune reaction and it is a crap shoot.

Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) or cytokine storm syndrome (CSS) is a form of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) that can be triggered by a variety of factors such as infections and certain drugs.[3] It occurs when large numbers of white blood cells are activated and release inflammatory cytokines, which in turn activate yet more white blood cells. CRS is also an adverse effect of some monoclonal antibody drugs, as well as adoptive T-cell therapies.[4][5] Severe cases have been called cytokine storms.[2] When occurring as a result of drug administration, it is also known as an infusion reaction.[1]

Signs and symptoms[edit]
Symptoms include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, fast breathing, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, seizures, headache, confusion, delirium, hallucinations, tremor, and loss of coordination.[4]

Lab tests and clinical monitoring show low blood oxygen, widened pulse pressure, increased cardiac output (early), potentially diminished cardiac output (late), high levels of nitrogen compounds in the blood, elevated D-dimer, elevated transaminases, factor I deficiency and excessive bleeding, higher-than-normal level of bilirubin.[4][6]

CRS occurs when large numbers of white blood cells, including B cells, T cells, natural killer cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, and monocytes are activated and release inflammatory cytokines, which activate more white blood cells in a positive feedback loop of pathogenic inflammation.[4] Immune cells are activated by stressed or infected cells through receptor-ligand interactions.[7]

This can occur when the immune system is fighting pathogens, as cytokines produced by immune cells recruit more effector immune cells such as T-cells and inflammatory monocytes (which differentiate into macrophages) to the site of inflammation or infection. In addition, pro-inflammatory cytokines binding their cognate receptor on immune cells results in activation and stimulation of further cytokine production.[8] This process, when dysregulated, can be life-threatening due to systemic hyper-inflammation, hypotensive shock, and multi-organ failure.
Once that Antibody test Is available you just watch how many people will have already had it!

I’m convinced I’ve already had it. I could be wrong, but it’s just my hunch. I’ve had flu’s before and what hit me night of Feb 5th was different than anything I’ve ever had before. How quickly it affected my lungs was crazy, fever, cough, body aches, fatigue and the night sweats so bad it literally soaked my bed. I didn’t leave my bedroom for 4 days, the wife slept in spare bedroom. My wife got it with different symptoms on the 5th day, fever, body aches and cough and pink eye. It didn’t affect her lungs like it did mine. The fatigue lasted long time it took us both solid 4 to 5 weeks to feel somewhat normal.

Where were you and who were you in contact with way back in late January or early Feb to maybe contract covid-19? it was barely in the US we believe at that time. Just curious. If you were in contact with someone who had been travelling from the coasts or from overseas or could contract trace there way back to a traveller.
Most years the flu death totals are not as high as 100,000 and bad years for the flu are about 60,000 deaths which are many times again those people respiratory problems and medical conditions.

And again, a big reason for mitigation is to keep the healthcare system from getting totally swamped where more people cant be cared for and die maybe needlessly. We reopen everything in 2 weeks and the virus will undoubtedly spread but we hope at a slower rate.

If we managed and tracked flu deaths every year like what we are doing now with Covid how many more flu deaths would we have yearly? Flu deaths IMO now is a very subjective number based on how Covid is being micromanaged.
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Interesting ...

DeSantis and Kemp the Gov of Georgia are idiots. Kemp and his public health director said they were not aware a month later the asymptomatic carriers could shed virus and infect others. That is either a lie or just totally not paying attention to experts and protecting your people.
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