Any chance we don't suck?

I agree with this.

One addition. Realism is great, but it drives effing nuts when pessimists label themselves "realists". 95% of the time anyone who considers themselves a realist is anything but.

Tm, I am not speaking directly you. You did nothing of the sort. You mentioning realism just made me think of the "realists."

It probably helps that I'm a Cubs fan. I mean, I know the Cubs are going to suck more often than not, but I still stick with them without question.
So, if your kid's playing fb. bb or tennis or whatever you say don't don't drink koolaide it's a wish. WTF kind of philosophy is that? Sounds like an idiot on an internet board
So, if your kid's playing fb. bb or tennis or whatever you say don't don't drink koolaide it's a wish. WTF kind of philosophy is that? Sounds like an idiot on an internet board

If you can't figure out the difference between supporting your children, and supporting a college football team to which you have no personal connection, then you might want to look elsewhere to find your idiot.

And there's no rule that says you have to say ANYTHING. I might know that my kid, or his team, sucks. That doesn't mean I verbalize that opinion or that I don't stand behind him 100%. It's better, IMO, if you stand behind your kid even if you know he sucks, then to try and convince yourself that he's the next Peyton Manning.
It's gotten worse over the last week or so. The whole business with Pierschbacher has gotten me wound up with cynicism, not specifically with Iowa football, but with Iowa fans. Every fan base and message board has its fair share of idiots. CF is just a nice change of pace that kind of serves as a break from this site's particular brand of stupidity for me. I'll settle down eventually.

So you're saying that hanging around with Cy fan idiots makes you feel better about the iowa idiots? Gotcha. Its kind of like when i hang around people fatter than me, i dont feel so bad. I couldn't have said it better...I mean I was reading some of that stuff over there the other day and Jeebus! Those ******* idiots were making me barfy! I thought the guys were delusional here but...oh boy!
So you're saying that hanging around with Cy fan idiots makes you feel better about the iowa idiots? Gotcha. Its kind of like when i hang around people fatter than me, i dont feel so bad. I couldn't have said it better...I mean I was reading some of that stuff over there the other day and Jeebus! Those ******* idiots were making me barfy! I thought the guys were delusional here but...oh boy!

It's not that, so much as it's just different. Some of the wilder stuff that gets said over there just doesn't get under my skin so much as the stuff that gets posted here at times. Think of it like this:

I would have been okay with Iowa going 4-8 last year if they hadn't lost with the same issues over and over and over (dropped passes, 1-yard out routes on 4th and 2, etc.). If we'd lost a game because Meyer missed a game winning field goal, that would have felt a little better than seeing Iowa lose on that 4th and 2. Even if it's ultimately just as bad, at least give me an alternative to break up the monotony.

Plus, CF's OT board is way better than here.
It's not that, so much as it's just different. Some of the wilder stuff that gets said over there just doesn't get under my skin so much as the stuff that gets posted here at times. Think of it like this:

I would have been okay with Iowa going 4-8 last year if they hadn't lost with the same issues over and over and over (dropped passes, 1-yard out routes on 4th and 2, etc.). If we'd lost a game because Meyer missed a game winning field goal, that would have felt a little better than seeing Iowa lose on that 4th and 2. Even if it's ultimately just as bad, at least give me an alternative to break up the monotony.

Plus, CF's OT board is way better than here.

Well the one over here is fairly non existent slice the bannings....I don't think theirs is better than HN's used to be. I've seen better.
This team will go bowling.

I would guess 6 wins and a bowl is a good goal for this team at this point. They look better but the schedule this year isn't as nice, especially in the BIG. They need to win at least 3 of the first four and I dont like going to AMES ever so the NIU game is critical in my opinion. Maybe we can sneak out 7 wins but if I could take 6 and a smaller bowl now I would. I'm getting jacked for the season and hope the Hawks impress but I'm not feeling over confident at all. I do however think 2014 could line up to be a GREAT season if we continue to develop. Really we need 3 good LBs, a DE, and CB and I think we have that in the 2 deeps minus the DE. We really need a good DE.....maybe a JUCO. And I hope Schreff has a great year but stays for his senior season. Go Hawks
Going into last season I had a lot of apprehension about the team. I did not see 4 wins but I thought it could be a bad 5-7 or 6-6. I had little passion for that group and brought little to the games. In hindsight the 4 win season was a blessing on many levels. First we pushed out the last of our crappy assistants. Next the bad season left a sour taste in the players mouths providing new hunger. Last the expectations have been lowered to an all-time low returning us to the favored 'hunter' instead of 'hunted' role.

I believe that we had some good recruiting classes with guys that just started hitting the field last year. In some cases we red shirted a playmaker like Canzeri instead of wasting a year last season. We are loaded in a lot of spots but most fans do not know it yet. I could even see a transfer or two because someone who has potential may not see the field.

On top of the youth and poor senior class we had injuries to three key players in the middle of the season. These guys are back now and healthy.

I care most about getting back to playing really good football. If we do that the wins will follow at some point like they always do. This season is about playing good football for me. I think we will surprise.
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I see 10 games on the schedule that I consider winnable right now (all but the Michigan and OSU games). They could potentially start 6-0 (I don't expect that, but it could actually be doable). Northwestern, we have the benefit of being at home, and we're also home against what I consider to be a HIGHLY overrated Wisconsin team.

This......At worse they get off to a 4-2 start. The schedule is much tougher this year, but it is backloaded. Barring injuries, i do not see why this team can't get 7 wins.
What happened, Tork? Since you graduated you talk like a crabby old guy around here, but on Cy fan you're so much more positive....I don't get it.

Because he is a 22 year old going on 50........he is using words like "nifty" those are the words that people my age use.:)
I'd like to believe last season was the low point in recent years and things are back on the upswing. Iowa as a program and KF as a coach are not one hit wonders. There are going to be up and down cycles and multi season trends. We had a ton of transfers, washouts and injuries to start this down trend and a lot of the little things we did to win games (special teams comes to mind) didn't materialize. I have to believe KF knows how to improve, but he is not a quick fix kind of guy. If we see substantially better play (especially on offense and special teams) this season then there is hope the dark days are behind us!
From all the recaps I have been reading today I feel pretty optimistic. Sounds like we have some surprise playmakers in Powell and Leshun Daniels and I hear the defense is considerably better. Too many Debbie Downers around here.
imo - an 8 win season does suck. but - i have no idea what your definition is.

^^^Goofy way to look at it. 7 wins in 2010 was a let down but 7 wins this year after what happened last year will be major improvement against a tougher schedule.
Schedule is tougher no doubt but I would counter by saying when we get the right set of kids and they go out and play good football the strength of schedule has never mattered with the exception of one team. That team being OSU. We rarely beat them. Besides we play with and beat many good programs.

With Iowa football I almost never factor in strength of schedule. It is always about our personnel, playmakers and leadership especially from the Seniors. I think we may have the first two but do we have the Senior leadership that is the question that will be answered.

^^ very good way of looking at it. We replaced a shellacking by PSU with a trip to OSU and Wisky vs indiana I believe at home, Wisky will have new coach and they were a 5 loss team last year.

Iowa since 2001 can beat most every team each year but has a hard time consistently beating the OSUs and USCs of the world.
A good year will be not thinkin after every game that "Iowa should have won that game"

Take care of the teams that youre better than and give the old fighting try to the other teams. That means taking some chances when you get a better team on the ropes.

It also means going for the jugular vein against teams you should beat so you salt them away early. Man I have the cliches rolling now. I am hoping GD and Brian F want to put a lot of points on the board and keep pouring in on rather than some of the times not trying to run up the score.

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