A little appreciation for Gatens

This thread was about how Gatens stuck it out. Not about how talented they are. Brommer, Cole, and Gatens stay when everyone was leaving. Whether they had other great offers or not doesn't matter. They stayed.

Apparently you can't show support or graciousness to someone who is in better situations than others, according to a poster here.
This isn't anything against Matt, but seriously he's being praised for sticking it out with the school that he selected doesn't make sense to me. He knew exactly what he was getting into when he commited. I applaud the guy for sticking it out, but he's living the dream that many of us envy and is getting a free education on top of it. It's not like he's been off fighting wars the past three years.
This isn't anything against Matt, but seriously he's being praised for sticking it out with the school that he selected doesn't make sense to me. He knew exactly what he was getting into when he commited. I applaud the guy for sticking it out, but he's living the dream that many of us envy and is getting a free education on top of it. It's not like he's been off fighting wars the past three years.

Really? He planned on committing to one coach and then playing for two others?
Chris Babb and Chris Allen are both 1st team All-American quality guards. Being compared to Babb is quite the compliment.

Why are people so concerned about Babb and Allen here? I expect Babb to average 6-8 PPG, Allen will average more than that as he is going to have the green light more often and the ball in his hands more.

It's great how so many Hawk fans slip in ISU comparisons here, but then say they don't care about ISU.

(I think you should worry less about Babb/Allen, and more about Royce White, the point guard, though):)
You would think that, but your wrong. You obviously have no idea the time demands that are put on these kids. These kids put in a lot more than 20-30 hours a week, and at the end of practice, they are dead tired. I know when I was playing in college, I didn't get a lot of studying in after practice. Once I was done playing and working 30 hours a week, it was not problem to study another four or five hours a night.

I'm not sure I'm wrong in the least bit. I wrestled for a small private college while working a part-time job. I had a difficult major and maintained good grades. I'm sure we had much more difficult practices and conditioning than any basketball team. It's a lot of work, but we do it because it's fun; not to seek the praise of others. If you are desperate to give out praise, give it to the people who really deserve it like those serving overseas rather than a kid getting a free education for participating in a game most people would love to have the ability to play.

We stoop to new lows for praising individuals for sticking out their commitment and taking advantage of the scholarship they were awarded. Maybe the current condition of the Iowa program is in such a mess that we lose perspective and begin to think that doing the practical thing and honest thing needs to be met with a great deal of praise.
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Oh, and BTW, I can't understand why anyone is knocking Gatens. He's solid, good guy, not a troublemaker, and has stuck with the Hawks.
Why are people so concerned about Babb and Allen here? I expect Babb to average 6-8 PPG, Allen will average more than that as he is going to have the green light more often and the ball in his hands more.

It's great how so many Hawk fans slip in ISU comparisons here, but then say they don't care about ISU.

(I think you should worry less about Babb/Allen, and more about Royce White, the point guard, though):)

I don't worry about either Babb or Allen. We've all actually seen them play, we know what kind of players they are. Average B10-B12 level guards. Its you Clone fans who come over here hyping them up.

I would love it if Royce White plays point. That's makes stopping him much easier. I think White could be a beast this year, and I think ISU could be really good if he's a top three player in the B12. But him at point doesn't scare me at all. ISU doesn't have the big guys besides him to force mismatches with him at the point. Playing at the point is just making him waste energy bringing the ball up.
I don't worry about either Babb or Allen. We've all actually seen them play, we know what kind of players they are. Average B10-B12 level guards. Its you Clone fans who come over here hyping them up.

I would love it if Royce White plays point. That's makes stopping him much easier. I think White could be a beast this year, and I think ISU could be really good if he's a top three player in the B12. But him at point doesn't scare me at all. ISU doesn't have the big guys besides him to force mismatches with him at the point. Playing at the point is just making him waste energy bringing the ball up.

Allen's had some hype, I'll give you that. Bobby Lutz said he's the best he's ever coached, which should carry some weight.

I don't see the hype with Babb. I think he's probably one of the lesser hyped newcomers, but will be steady and solid.

It seems you will see White run the point at times this year, which he did in HS. It should create some interesting sets and matchups. He can really handle the ball for a big man and is a really good passer.
Allen's had some hype, I'll give you that. Bobby Lutz said he's the best he's ever coached, which should carry some weight.

I don't see the hype with Babb. I think he's probably one of the lesser hyped newcomers, but will be steady and solid.

It seems you will see White run the point at times this year, which he did in HS. It should create some interesting sets and matchups. He can really handle the ball for a big man and is a really good passer.

Babb is very similar to Gatens. Average talent. He'll be a situational shooter.

Allen is slightly better. His offensive production is on par with Babb and and Gatens. He's a far, far superior on the ball defender than either of them.
I don't think about Babb or Allen. I prefer to dwell on the current and future players on the Iowa Hawkeye basketball team. I probably couldn't care less about anyone on the clone team. For some peculiar reason I tend to support the Iowa basketball team. For better or worse they are Hawkeyes who need and appreciate our support. It would certainly help if the students and alumni in the IC area would show some support for the team by attending the games. Until they do we are in a Catch 22 situation. Elite recruits don't want to play in a house that isn't packed to the rafters with screaming fans. Strange thing is the people who live nearby and don't attend games, along with those who constantly criticize the team are the ones screaming the loudest about the recruiting problems.
Chris Babb and Chris Allen are both 1st team All-American quality guards. Being compared to Babb is quite the compliment.

And I thought Iowa fans overvalued its own players...wow that is quite a bold statement for a couple players that I don't think have ever been All-Conference.
And I thought Iowa fans overvalued its own players...wow that is quite a bold statement for a couple players that I don't think have ever been All-Conference.

But you must notice that it was derogatorily made, and that no one, even an ISU fan, has ever said that any of them would be an All-American.
But you must notice that it was derogatorily made, and that no one, even an ISU fan, has ever said that any of them would be an All-American.

I am not sure anymore, when one reads how people think Cartwright is not that good, but Basabe is going to be a legend, you just never know.
What is funny is something you pointed out...ISU fans don't hijack these threads, they just add to it when an Iowa fan hijacks it for ISU by posting something, well, unintelligent.
For instance, Cartwright is not as bad as people think, but Basabe isn't as good as some want to believe. Both are good players, that add something to Iowa that Iowa hasn't had for a long time...excitement on both spectrums, each can be very good, but also equally as bad. In that same conversation, some Iowa fan will interject something about Garrett not being an NBA player and somehow Brackins would be introduced somewhere in comparison to Basabe.
I do care about ISU, it is a good thing when both programs are good. It is good for Iowa/ISU to both be the best teams in the state. I expect that to happen this year, both be the best teams in the state and my hope is that each drill UNI/Drake equally. Why, because that is the way it should be. I admit, I got my jollies out of watching UNI beat Kansas because that is what the NCAA tournament is about. Yeah, there are going to be years when UNI/Drake beat either Iowa/ISU at home, that happens, they get jacked to beat them and upsets happen. The Iowa fans that say they don't care are blowing smoke because it is a rivalry and it is always fun to give your best friend crap about how Iowa knocked off ISU, especially if it is lopsided. It is an in-state rivalry that is always a fun game to watch, the other thing, it isn't a dirty rivalry and I sure there is plenty of talk during the game, but it doesn't get out of control.
I am not sure anymore, when one reads how people think Cartwright is not that good, but Basabe is going to be a legend, you just never know.
What is funny is something you pointed out...ISU fans don't hijack these threads, they just add to it when an Iowa fan hijacks it for ISU by posting something, well, unintelligent.
For instance, Cartwright is not as bad as people think, but Basabe isn't as good as some want to believe. Both are good players, that add something to Iowa that Iowa hasn't had for a long time...excitement on both spectrums, each can be very good, but also equally as bad. In that same conversation, some Iowa fan will interject something about Garrett not being an NBA player and somehow Brackins would be introduced somewhere in comparison to Basabe.
I do care about ISU, it is a good thing when both programs are good. It is good for Iowa/ISU to both be the best teams in the state. I expect that to happen this year, both be the best teams in the state and my hope is that each drill UNI/Drake equally. Why, because that is the way it should be. I admit, I got my jollies out of watching UNI beat Kansas because that is what the NCAA tournament is about. Yeah, there are going to be years when UNI/Drake beat either Iowa/ISU at home, that happens, they get jacked to beat them and upsets happen. The Iowa fans that say they don't care are blowing smoke because it is a rivalry and it is always fun to give your best friend crap about how Iowa knocked off ISU, especially if it is lopsided. It is an in-state rivalry that is always a fun game to watch, the other thing, it isn't a dirty rivalry and I sure there is plenty of talk during the game, but it doesn't get out of control.

There is a lot of lucidity in this post.
My first post and this many replies, on football media day. I never said he was a star, but stating "He knew exactly what he was getting into when he committed." is crazy. He knew Alford was going to bail, he knew Coach Lick, the national coach of the year the previous year, was going to fail miserably, he knew a new coach would come in with a system that doesn't fit him. Really??? I know his connections to IC and the Hawks, and I know he is a role player on most teams, but he stayed, be works hard and never cause a stir with "me first" comments. If you’re upset with the state of Hawkeye basketball currently, fine. But to rail on a guy who showed up every day? And for those who say, "He got a college degree with no debt", I say if that’s your argument, shut these websites down. They all have that opportunity. If you’re going to play that card, then every time you praise an Iowa athlete, I'm going to post, "he better be good, he gets his education for free..."
My first post and this many replies, on football media day. I never said he was a star, but stating "He knew exactly what he was getting into when he committed." is crazy. He knew Alford was going to bail, he knew Coach Lick, the national coach of the year the previous year, was going to fail miserably, he knew a new coach would come in with a system that doesn't fit him. Really??? I know his connections to IC and the Hawks, and I know he is a role player on most teams, but he stayed, be works hard and never cause a stir with "me first" comments. If you’re upset with the state of Hawkeye basketball currently, fine. But to rail on a guy who showed up every day? And for those who say, "He got a college degree with no debt", I say if that’s your argument, shut these websites down. They all have that opportunity. If you’re going to play that card, then every time you praise an Iowa athlete, I'm going to post, "he better be good, he gets his education for free..."

Nobody is railing on him. It's just sad when we praise atheletes for sticking on the team for 4 years. Maybe it just illustrates how poor this program is.
Nobody is railing on him. It's just sad when we praise atheletes for sticking on the team for 4 years. Maybe it just illustrates how poor this program is.

Touche. I agree with that. Perhaps our (my) expectations are too low at this point. On the plus side, Iowa hoops was mentioned in si.com today. Baby steps....

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