2019 Tyreke Locure

How tall is he?

My seventh grade son is 5'7 and he looks no taller than my son.

BTW he looks a little like my son, too. My son is adopted and biracial.
How tall is he?

My seventh grade son is 5'7 and he looks no taller than my son.

BTW he looks a little like my son, too. My son is adopted and biracial.
I've been told he's a legit 5'10"
Haven't stood next to him, but when I've seen him in person, 5'10" is probably accurate at least with shoes on ;)
Was thinking similar. This is a sign that the ropes on the SS Carton may be starting to get untied from the dock.

Iowa has always been in contact with Locure. It doesn't mean anything in correlation with Carton. I think a lot of teams are probably doing this if they legit have interest in Locure and are recruiting Carton. Fran doesn't have all his eggs in the Carton basket (which is good), but a lot of them. Enough to save a little for Locure though. I would take either of them tbh. I rate Locure higher than Terry.
Iowa has always been in contact with Locure. It doesn't mean anything in correlation with Carton. I think a lot of teams are probably doing this if they legit have interest in Locure and are recruiting Carton. Fran doesn't have all his eggs in the Carton basket (which is good), but a lot of them. Enough to save a little for Locure though. I would take either of them tbh. I rate Locure higher than Terry.
I was being half facetious. There are a lot of people either more up to date on this than me or following it more closely. Thanks for the info though.

When was the last we had multiple point guards of this caliber in the state? I remember Wes Washpun, Kaylon Williams, Marcus Paige all in the Cedar Rapids area and Chasson Randle if you want to consider Rock Island close enough to Iowa. Iowa, in classic fashion, couldn't get any of them but did get Gessell who did OK.
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He's so sneaky good at picking peoples pockets... That quickness he has is unreal. Thanks for putting these highlights up I hadn't seen these. He has a feel for how to get shots off all sorts of ways from all over. Hope we don't drag our feet too long and miss out on him
He's so sneaky good at picking peoples pockets... That quickness he has is unreal. Thanks for putting these highlights up I hadn't seen these. He has a feel for how to get shots off all sorts of ways from all over. Hope we don't drag our feet too long and miss out on him

I want him for that defense and mentality of pushing the ball and making quick decisions. I don't feel confident that his shot is up to B1G standards, but I have been wrong before. Either way you take Locure for the 2 major skills he already possess since the rest of the team is devoid of those skills. If he is even an average jump shooting B1G PG that is a major plus. The shooting is a projection. The quickness, handles, defensive mentality, and ability to drive and dish are all almost completely bankable skills. TK has finally won me over for this kid and I would love to see Fran pivot from Carton and put the press on Locure. DJ might even take it as a challenge and sign as well to try to prove something. You never know.
I want him for that defense and mentality of pushing the ball and making quick decisions. I don't feel confident that his shot is up to B1G standards, but I have been wrong before. Either way you take Locure for the 2 major skills he already possess since the rest of the team is devoid of those skills. If he is even an average jump shooting B1G PG that is a major plus. The shooting is a projection. The quickness, handles, defensive mentality, and ability to drive and dish are all almost completely bankable skills. TK has finally won me over for this kid and I would love to see Fran pivot from Carton and put the press on Locure. DJ might even take it as a challenge and sign as well to try to prove something. You never know.
I agree. He seems a tad ball hoggish to me at times. Granted I've only watched highlights I've never watched a game of his. That hopefully can be coached out of him within a structured D1 program as well if I'm even remotely right. If I'm wrong all the better. But his speed/quickness and defensive prowess intrigue me to no end. His ability to penetrate and break his guy down gets me more excited than his ability to score every which way he seems to be able to. Because that can setup our shooters obviously and this team just doesn't have any other dribble drivers at all on it. As good as Carton is and he's dang good I'd take him in a heart beat if he'd come I'm not sure he's worth waiting on if it means risking losing both he and Locure.. I have a feeling Fran may be waiting for another big school to offer him first (because if none do than there's no rush)... I just hope that when that happens it's not too late.
I agree. He seems a tad ball hoggish to me at times. Granted I've only watched highlights I've never watched a game of his. That hopefully can be coached out of him within a structured D1 program as well if I'm even remotely right. If I'm wrong all the better. But his speed/quickness and defensive prowess intrigue me to no end. His ability to penetrate and break his guy down gets me more excited than his ability to score every which way he seems to be able to. Because that can setup our shooters obviously and this team just doesn't have any other dribble drivers at all on it. As good as Carton is and he's dang good I'd take him in a heart beat if he'd come I'm not sure he's worth waiting on if it means risking losing both he and Locure.. I have a feeling Fran may be waiting for another big school to offer him first (because if none do than there's no rush)... I just hope that when that happens it's not too late.
Well, he did average 6.91 assists per game this year...
Locure is no ball hog, kind of a goofy thing to speculate after admitting you've only watched highlights and never seen him play live.
You don't lead 4A in assists if you're a ball hog. He's been a starter all 3 years of high school and he's been 1st, 2nd or 3rd in assists all 3 years. Dude is smooth. His jumper is certainly B1G caliber.
I hope Fran can bring in 2 PG's in the 2019 class.
Locure is no ball hog, kind of a goofy thing to speculate after admitting you've only watched highlights and never seen him play live.
You don't lead 4A in assists if you're a ball hog. He's been a starter all 3 years of high school and he's been 1st, 2nd or 3rd in assists all 3 years. Dude is smooth. His jumper is certainly B1G caliber.
I hope Fran can bring in 2 PG's in the 2019 class.

Not necessarily true. Statistics can lie. Russell Westbrook has averaged a trip-doub two years in a row yet there are times when he appears to be a ball hog, especially at the end of games.

But I do like TL and hope Fran offers.
From what TL told me, he last heard from Iowa in November before it contacted him in the last few days. That’s about 5 months without hearing from the Hawkeyes.
Locure is no ball hog, kind of a goofy thing to speculate after admitting you've only watched highlights and never seen him play live.
You don't lead 4A in assists if you're a ball hog. He's been a starter all 3 years of high school and he's been 1st, 2nd or 3rd in assists all 3 years. Dude is smooth. His jumper is certainly B1G caliber.
I hope Fran can bring in 2 PG's in the 2019 class.

There is a difference between a ball hog and someone in whose hands you want the ball. Locure is the latter, especially for that team. It wasn't like the coach wanted the ball out of his hands more. His team was much better when the ball was in his hands a lot.
Dude looks like a good enough passer to me, granted I've never seen him in person. You'll never see the turnovers or someone out of control on HUDL.

This bring up a question I've had about passing and assists. Does anyone out there know of a coach or team that tracks the "hockey assist", the pass that leads to the assist?

Just curious. Sometimes that's the most important pass because it's the one that truly shifts or breaks down the defense.

And you seldom hear it mentioned in broadcasts and there's no official stat for it.