2019 Tyreke Locure

How can Iowa be late to the party when no one else has offered? Unless you mean that other schools might offer first.

Cough, cough, Oliver Martin, cough, cough.

Seriously, I would think the coaches would be pretty vocal about being interested in a play-making guard. Not being first to offer may indeed come back to haunt them. They have had every opportunity. With scoring ability like this, he is bound to blow up, probably sooner than later.
Cough, cough, Oliver Martin, cough, cough.

Seriously, I would think the coaches would be pretty vocal about being interested in a play-making guard. Not being first to offer may indeed come back to haunt them. They have had every opportunity. With scoring ability like this, he is bound to blow up, probably sooner than later.

I don't really see the situations as similar. In my opinion Oliver Martin was never coming to Iowa. We also weren't the first team to offer him. If we offered Locure now (which I'm in favor of us doing fyi) we would be his first real offer. I find it hard to believe a kid is going to say, "well Iowa only offered me one month before Team X and they should have offered me three months before team X". If we're the first to offer I simply don't buy that it matters by how much.
I don't really see the situations as similar. In my opinion Oliver Martin was never coming to Iowa. We also weren't the first team to offer him. If we offered Locure now (which I'm in favor of us doing fyi) we would be his first real offer. I find it hard to believe a kid is going to say, "well Iowa only offered me one month before Team X and they should have offered me three months before team X". If we're the first to offer I simply don't buy that it matters by how much.

Martin did make it sound like things would have been very different if the hometown team had taken an interest in him early, but the offer didn't come until he had blown up nationally. I don't think we can say that he never intended to stay in Iowa City, particularly in light of how much time he spent in the football facilities.
Martin did make it sound like things would have been very different if the hometown team had taken an interest in him early, but the offer didn't come until he had blown up nationally. I don't think we can say that he never intended to stay in Iowa City, particularly in light of how much time he spent in the football facilities.

I feel like if that was truly the case then he would have committed to one of the two teams who offered him before Iowa. Michigan offered quite a bit later than Iowa if I remember correctly.
I can see how a kid can be scorn because the home school took so long to offer. Other schools don't really matter as much when they offer, you're just happy when they finally do. But with the home team, there can be a big window where you know they know about you, but for some reason they won't offer.
I can see how a kid can be scorn because the home school took so long to offer. Other schools don't really matter as much when they offer, you're just happy when they finally do. But with the home team, there can be a big window where you know they know about you, but for some reason they won't offer.

I would think so. Sounds like human nature to me to feel that way. It's pretty much letting them know your plan B or C or lower. In JBos case he was tickled to get offered. (Did Wisky ever end up offering him late? I don't think they did) In Locure's case it's just hard to know where his head is. Is a fan of any team? Most of the kids at North are anything but entrenched in the neighborhood and if given a way out they'll take it to wherever. I can't see him going from the North ghetto to going to Drake which is just more ghetto. If no D1 teams of significance offer him I could see him going to UNI, Creighton or Wichita State type... But I don't see him sticking around Drake. Not if he has options.
I like how he can score on those inbetween shots off the dribble in traffic. That's what today's PGs gotta be able to do and JBo so rarely is able to. It's great to be able to hit deep 3s but unless you can fake and drive off of that when they crowd you it one dimenisionalizes your game. (if that's even a word ha)
So EVERY D1 school except for Drake and ND are missing on this kid?

Ya, something is up, otherwise he’d have 20 offers.
Part of it is his height. He's listed at 5'10 but that might even be generous. He can dunk though, something our current pg can't do.
Given the huge need for a good PG I don’t see why Fran wouldn’t offer him. He’d probably commit on the spot, and it’s not like there’s a lot of competition here for minutes.

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