2 in state 4 stars commit to ISU

Let's be honest... the center of football gravity in Iowa has shifted west. What's Kirk going to do about it?

Shifted west to a team 2nd from the Big12 bottom? Maybe the center of football gravity has fallen off the cliff into a hole.

They make a 4th rate bowl game, and have their first good recruiting week in 110 years, and all of a sudden there is a clown invasion.

People of HN, this is your Dean. I implore you, for the good of yourselves, your family, but most importantly, this site; Fight this Red Dawn! Kurt may accept mediocrity, but I refuse to sit idly by and watch this place turn into a place for CF outcasts.

Who's with me? I am drawing a line in the sand. Either you stand with Ghost, or you stand with teh Ghost. The troll war is coming, and there will be no quarter for those on the other side of this line.


They make a 4th rate bowl game, and have their first good recruiting week in 110 years, and all of a sudden there is a clown invasion.

People of HN, this is your Dean. I implore you, for the good of yourselves, your family, but most importantly, this site; Fight this Red Dawn! Kurt may accept mediocrity, but I refuse to sit idly by and watch this place turn into a place for CF outcasts.

Who's with me? I am drawing a line in the sand. Either you stand with Ghost, or you stand with teh Ghost. The troll war is coming, and there will be no quarter for those on the other side of this line.



Let's be honest; Kirk Ferentz's staff lost out on two 4-star in-state players it offered and should have gotten. This would NOT have happened under Hayden Fry. No surprise both were being recruited by the same DL coach who looks more like he should be selling life insurance to the AARP set or hotel convention space. Rhoads has it going on in Ames; the center of football gravity in Iowa has shifted west. What's Kirk going to do about it?

Within the state of Iowa, there has been some shifting of emphasis towards Ames. Iowa will still get more than it's fair share of non-alum fans but even I have noticed an influx of non-alum ISU fans in recent years. I see this trend continuing over the next few years because ISU is at least semi-competitive and making bowl games and because Rhoads is truly a media darling, especially in central Iowa. That is where this last batch of good recruits is coming from. He is making very good inroads with the CIML teams, something Kirk hasn't been able to do as well.

Outside of Iowa though, ISU will remain just a blip on the radar. Until they can put a run together and go 5-4/6-3/7-2 in the Big 12 and finish in the top half to top third they will remain overlooked. They have years of futile history working against them, which can be overcome, but it takes time and furthermore it's hard to sustain that. Remember, Mac took them to a 9-3 season in 2000 and many people were saying the same thing, football was shifting towards Ames in Iowa. But they couldn't sustain it. It's hard to be consistent at a high level at ISU.

They make a 4th rate bowl game, and have their first good recruiting week in 110 years, and all of a sudden there is a clown invasion.

People of HN, this is your Dean. I implore you, for the good of yourselves, your family, but most importantly, this site; Fight this Red Dawn! Kurt may accept mediocrity, but I refuse to sit idly by and watch this place turn into a place for CF outcasts.

Who's with me? I am drawing a line in the sand. Either you stand with Ghost, or you stand with teh Ghost. The troll war is coming, and there will be no quarter for those on the other side of this line.


I'm taking this out of the interwebs and going to the streets. If you have an ISU flag at your house, expect a flaming poo bag on your doorstep.
Are one or two players going to matter in the long run? No, but its still a terrible sign that any decent football player not from Ames would choose ISU over Iowa.

This is a bit much. It's not like its a wasteland there and not everyone values the same things. Lazard's dad played for ISU. That's a strong pull. It's 35 minutes from his house...I know that were my kid in the same boat, that would be a strong pull for me depending on what he or she wanted to study.
This statement will be false in a few months. Young Mr. Lazard will be a 5 *.

Bull ****. Ive been to numerous games at Manitee and Palmetto High Schools down in the Bradenton, FL. area. Ive seen what 5* kids look like and Lazard sure as hell isnt one of them, not even close.
Within the state of Iowa, there has been some shifting of emphasis towards Ames. Iowa will still get more than it's fair share of non-alum fans but even I have noticed an influx of non-alum ISU fans in recent years. I see this trend continuing over the next few years because ISU is at least semi-competitive and making bowl games and because Rhoads is truly a media darling, especially in central Iowa. That is where this last batch of good recruits is coming from. He is making very good inroads with the CIML teams, something Kirk hasn't been able to do as well.

Outside of Iowa though, ISU will remain just a blip on the radar. Until they can put a run together and go 5-4/6-3/7-2 in the Big 12 and finish in the top half to top third they will remain overlooked. They have years of futile history working against them, which can be overcome, but it takes time and furthermore it's hard to sustain that. Remember, Mac took them to a 9-3 season in 2000 and many people were saying the same thing, football was shifting towards Ames in Iowa. But they couldn't sustain it. It's hard to be consistent at a high level at ISU.

Exactly. It takes a special coach to be able to refute decades of futility. Snyder did it at K-State, Alvarez did it at Wisconsin, and Fry did it right here at Iowa. And let's face it-Iowa ain't big enough for two marquee football programs. Rhoads might be the guy to take ISU to the next level, but we did it first...sorry, there's no way that they can eclipse us.

I just don't see two doormat programs being able to rise out of the ashes in the past 30 years in a small state.
Go back and look at ISU's Class of 2003. There was so much hand wringing on HN at that time.

Tjaden, Blythe, Barkema, Schrage, Meyer and Brant.

Let's be honest. Iowa has dominated the in state recruitment. They rarely lose a player to Iowa St. Iowa athletes in the past have grown up wanting to be a Hawkeye. The majority don't dream of becoming a Cyclone. Some of this is due the atmosphere that PR has built in Ames. But a great deal of it is what is going on in Iowa City and the fact that KF seems clueless about the state of his program right now. But let's just go ahead and point out the one outlier in the history of in state recruiting and continue to make excuses for this staff.
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Let's be honest. Iowa has dominated the in state recruitment. They rarely lose a player to Iowa St. Iowa athletes in the past have grown up wanting to be a Hawkeye. The majority don't dream of becoming a Cyclone. Some of this is due the atmosphere that PR has built in Ames. But a great deal of it is what is going on in Iowa City and the fact that KF seems clueless about the state of his program right know. But let's just go ahead and point out the one outlier in the history of in state recruiting and continue to make excuses for this staff.

You get it. Thank you.

What is this environment that Pauw is creating in Ames that people seem to think is so captivating? Am I the only one who remembers they are 6-6 and 9th in their conference? People are acting like Pauw is building a powerhouse, but he has been nothing but exceedingly mediocre. It is amazing how after one average season, Hok fans freak out, but after 4 average seasons, Clown fans act like they're turning into Nebraska.

and the worst part? Hok fans are agreeing with it. You people are pathetic.
What is this environment that Pauw is creating in Ames that people seem to think is so captivating? Am I the only one who remembers they are 6-6 and 9th in their conference? People are acting like Pauw is building a powerhouse, but he has been nothing but exceedingly mediocre. It is amazing how after one average season, Hok fans freak out, but after 4 average seasons, Clown fans act like they're turning into Nebraska.

and the worst part? Hok fans are agreeing with it. You people are pathetic.

I think CPR can be the coach that can maintain at least .500, with seasons of success in between, and if the cards fall right could get in the upper echelon of the Big XII. Which sure beats anything we've had recently. Maybe thats it?

I think a lot of the excitement from Cyclone fans is that we haven't seen god awful seasons that we saw under Mac, Chizik, etc.

I'm somewhat disappointed with this season, but I'll take a bowl game. Even if it is that Liberty Bowl. I think this is the Liberty Bowl's time to replace the Pinstripe Bowl. Or thats what I'm crossing my fingers for.