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    More proof that baseball is a pu55y game

    Damn. Hell of a game in Tampa
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    **** Umm...GAMEDAY THREAD ****

    With Coker's stutter steppin' he looks like he's auditioning for Dancing With The Stars
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    How does one get to the P/C forum when the football threads are lit up?

    I was upset most of yesterday as well, but I have to agree with you eddy. Makes ya realize there are a lot more important things out there than a college football game.
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    Iowa v Iowa State Game Thread

    I don't understand the play calling. Stretch the field a little bit and capitalize on the size advantage
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    Iowa v Iowa State Game Thread

    Nice grab Keenan
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    This is the Coker we will see Saturday!

    I'm pickin up what you're putting down. He'll bounce back this week.
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    Props to Iowa BB marketing

    Yeah I drive a Chevy Silverado. I get approx. 16-18mph. Not too far off with that $40 estimate. -Back to the subject at hand. Winning cures alot of things, and attendance being on of those thing. I think the marketing department has done a fairly good job this year of trying to get fans...
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    Iowa getting Nike Combat Uni's

    I agree. I think it is time Iowa jumps on board with this. Though, I don't like the throught of changing the uni's. I believe it is for the best in the long run.
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    Remembering Chris Street

    Great piece from the Times
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    Packers @ Falcons

    Dirty Birds 24-17
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    TCU Rose Bowl billboards pop up in Columbus

    Though I do find this quite amusing, and it makes OSU pres. look bad. I am glad Gee came out and said what he did about the weak schedule some of these teams play.
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    Leaked video of D-Rob's post game speech

    Great Stuff!
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    Nebraska Fans...

    Exactly! You could not have expected anything different. Only time will tell how they will fare without having to play the likes of Colorado, Iowa State, KU, and so on......
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    World series picks....????

    Yeah I would have to say Giants and Yanks as well. SF pitching has came around pretty well when it mattered. I don't think they have enough for the firepower of NY though . I think NY wins another in 6
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    Big 10 and State of Iowa Pickem: Week 3

    BIG TEN: Ohio State vs Ohio Iowa vs Arizona Michigan State vs Notre Dame Illinois vs Northern Illinois Michigan vs Massachusetts Wisconsin vs Arizona State Penn State vs Kent State Purdue vs Ball State Northwestern vs Rice Indiana vs W. Kentucky Minnesota vs USC Nebraska vs Washington STATE OF...
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    Best Hawkeye video I've ever seen...

    Is it Saturday yet?
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    Boise jumps from 5 to 3

    Things that make you go hmmm.....
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    The computers and Boise St.

    I would tend to agree that I don't like all the hype they get for playing in a weaker conference, but I would almost gurantee that if BSU is one of two undefeated teams at the end of the year they will be in the NC game over a 1 loss team from a major conference, and I wouldn't be able to argue...
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    Point Spread ISU-Iowa?

    Iowa -14