Props to Iowa BB marketing


Well-Known Member
I myself have worked in the marketing world for about 11 years now. I have to say that it seems like the marketing department is really working hard to help satisfy the fans, and bring in more.

Last home game they told people to fill in the empty seats and move closer.

Today I heard that if you didn't make it to the Michigan St. game you can use your ticket for tonight.

The family package deal, and food discounts.

These my seem like little things, but they are good gestures. I am sure there have been even more.

I would still like to see better deals on the non-confrence games. Maybe a deal if you drive a from an hour away you get a free hot dog, or some kind of long distance drive deal. With gas it's about another $40 to drive to Iowa City from Des Moines.

What would you like to see the marketing department do to help with ticket sales?
What I would like to see happen is make all the students sign a contract that if a student makes it to 75% of the home games, they get a 100% refund on their tickets.

Indiana makes football tickets free for their students, we could use 3,000 students going nuts.

I would like to see new seats that are Hawkeye Gold. It would make the empties more palatable.

I would like to see a new court design that has Fran's stamp on it.

I would like to see luxury suites along the top of CHA if for no other reason than to block noise from going into the concourse.
$40 in gas to drive from Des Moines to Iowa City? Are you driving a 60 year old Russian tank?

Roundtrip Des Moines-Iowa City-Des Moines? $40 sounds right. Actually cheap, unless you are driving one of these:

[ame=]YouTube - Jeff Dunham - Blue Prius[/ame]
$40 in gas to drive from Des Moines to Iowa City? Are you driving a 60 year old Russian tank?

Its at least a half a tank of gas or 3/4 tank for me to get to Iowa City and back to Dubuque on any given game day. We drive a mini-van. He is not that crazy. I would have said $30. But if you factor in parking and what not, he is pretty darned close.
I agree though that the marketing dept is doing well. These family four packs are a good deal, we just couldn't swing it today. I wish they would do more of this. I also agree that those who drive over an hour could get a hot dog and pop or something. Also there needs to be some deal to get the students there too.
I did the math, and you have to be getting 16mph highway to burn $40 in gas driving from Des Moines to Iowa City and back. Unless you weigh like 400lbs, most vehicles should do better than that!
I did the math, and you have to be getting 16mph highway to burn $40 in gas driving from Des Moines to Iowa City and back. Unless you weigh like 400lbs, most vehicles should do better than that!

i drive a toyota sienna (one of our vehicles) and if i drove from West Des Moines to IC that is the car i'd drive. winter mileage is worse, so i could imagine getting in the high teens as gas mileage.

hardly a russian tank.

240 miles, round trip. just for sake of discussion I'll say 20 MPG, which is probably where it would be, +/- a gallon or two.

So I'd consume 12 gallons. $3/gallon. $36.
I did the math, and you have to be getting 16mph highway to burn $40 in gas driving from Des Moines to Iowa City and back. Unless you weigh like 400lbs, most vehicles should do better than that!

Iowa framgirl try to keep up with me.

114 miles to IC from the heart of DeMo at $3 a gallon that is about 4 gallons one way with 28 MPH on the highway. Now this would be perfect weather conditions, no snow, no wind, going a perfect 60mph the whole way. This also does not include in town travel because in city burns more gas. So for argument sake we will say 8 gallons round trip, and that is $24.00 (in all actuality it would be closer to $30).

So for a one night BB experience (not like football where you have tailgating) gas $24, tickets $56, parking $5, and concessions $12 is a grand total of $97. That's an expensive 7-8 hours and most of that is drive time. The average fan is just going to choose to watch the BTN.

Thank you IFG for yet again taking a perfectly good thread, and taking it in a direction other then its original intent. Maybe sometime try posting something on this site that is informative, thought provoking, non confrontational, or something that adds and dose not take away from the original conversation. I am going out on a limb here, but I beat you nag the heck out of your husband/boyfriend.

With that said my Dad use to take me to at least 8 games a year. I know that winning will help but I think they can pull in bodies based on the hope that is out there. So, why not give a deal to someone coming from DesMoines?

Believe it or not marking people do use sites like this. It is a free way to find out what the consumer wants. It is basically a free focus group. I am not saying the university does this, but any marketer worth their salt uses the internet to find out what the consumers think.
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Iowa framgirl try to keep up with me.

114 miles to IC from the heart of DeMo at $3.99 a gallon that is about 4 gallons one way with 28 MPH on the highway. Now this would be perfect weather conditions, no snow, no wind, going a perfect 60mph the whole way. This also does not include in town travel because in city burns more gas. So for argument sake we will say 8 gallons round trip, and that is $31.92.

So for a one night BB experience (not like football where you have tailgating) gas $31.92, tickets $56, parking $5, and concessions $12 is a grand total of $104.92. That's an expensive 7-8 hours and most of that is drive time. The average fan is just going to choose to watch the BTN.

Thank you IFG for yet again taking a perfectly good thread, and taking it in a direction other then its original intent. Maybe sometime try posting something on this site that is informative, thought provoking, non confrontational, or something that adds and dose not take away from the original conversation. I am going out on a limb here, but I beat you nag the heck out of your husband/boyfriend.

With that said my Dad use to take me to at least 8 games a year. I know that winning will help but I think they can pull in bodies based on the hope that is out there. So, why not give a deal to someone coming from DesMoines?

Believe it or not marking people do use sites like this. It is a free way to find out what the consumer wants. It is basically a free focus group. I am not saying the university does this, but any marketer worth their salt uses the internet to find out what the consumers think.

You're paying a buck a gallon too much.

Des Moines Gas Prices - Find Cheap Gas Prices in Iowa
It was my understanding there would be no math.


I really think that they need to do something with other athletic teams at the games. The attendance for the Ohio State game last year wasn't because people thought we might win. It wasn't to see Evan Turner. I was because of Clayborn, Stanzi, Moeaki, and Angerer signing autographs before the game. There was over 10,000 people there (announced at around 12k), and we were awful last year. Do some more stuff like that, even with the wrestling and women's basketball teams (obviously they wouldn't draw as much, but they'd draw at least a few more fans). Especially with the football team, because they will bring you a lot of butts to put in a seat.

I really think that they need to do something with other athletic teams at the games. The attendance for the Ohio State game last year wasn't because people thought we might win. It wasn't to see Evan Turner. I was because of Clayborn, Stanzi, Moeaki, and Angerer signing autographs before the game. There was over 10,000 people there (announced at around 12k), and we were awful last year. Do some more stuff like that, even with the wrestling and women's basketball teams (obviously they wouldn't draw as much, but they'd draw at least a few more fans). Especially with the football team, because they will bring you a lot of butts to put in a seat.

this is a great idea as well. I can't remember but i think this sunday or tonight you can get into the wrestling match with a BB ticket stub.
thank you for pointing that out I dont know why i thought it was up to 3.99. I know i filled my car up last night and it was $40.

I had to look because I thought the price shot up since I last bought gas. I don't buy gas that often, once or twice a month.
Yeah I drive a Chevy Silverado. I get approx. 16-18mph. Not too far off with that $40 estimate.

-Back to the subject at hand. Winning cures alot of things, and attendance being on of those thing. I think the marketing department has done a fairly good job this year of trying to get fans excited about BB games. Yet back to my original point they have won a few games as of late, and it seems you hear alot more chatter about Fran and the boys which will put butts in seats.
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With that said my Dad use to take me to at least 8 games a year. I know that winning will help but I think they can pull in bodies based on the hope that is out there. So, why not give a deal to someone coming from DesMoines?

Believe it or not marking people do use sites like this. It is a free way to find out what the consumer wants. It is basically a free focus group. I am not saying the university does this, but any marketer worth their salt uses the internet to find out what the consumers think.

With all due respect, I think your proposal to incentivize travel from Des Moines is good in theory, but almost completely impractical in reality. It is like the communism of sports marketing. Simply put, the manpower and infrastructre needed to, essentially give money away, would result in a money hemmorage of BP proportions.

Any highly educated marketing professor knows that.

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