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  1. H

    Iowa only a 17 pt dog against Buckeyes?

    I see Ohio State scoring on lots of deep passes. Gonna need to hang in there all day to give us a shot at the end. Will be nice to have Butler back but I think the offense will have lots of trouble, not to mention we have no one who can punt the ball. My prediction is 27-10 OSU. Go Hawks!
  2. H

    Iowa-Minnesota Kickoff Time, TV

    So does this mean the Ohio state game won’t be a night game? Or could we see 3 night games this year?
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    Iowa Basketball And Your Expectations

    I expect us to win the B1G and finish in the sweet 16. I might be asking a lot but the team is capable of doing just that.
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    Book It: Iowa in Playoffs

    If we win out and can win the B1G Championship, we are in the playoffs. Michigan St had one heartbreaking loss to Nebraska in 2015 and went on to beat us in the B!G championship and make it to the playoffs. Tough schedule ahead but I can see us beating Ohio St. Wisconsin is a must win if we want...
  5. H

    Howe: No Moral Victory for Hawkeyes in Heartbreaking Loss

    That's what I was thinking as he ran into the end zone. Would've much rather try to run the clock down as much as we could and kick a fg instead of giving Penn. St have a chance to answer. Their offense is just too good.
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    HN TV: Hawkeyes Preview What to Expect from No. 4 Penn State

    I'd rather have a good athlete of few words than a loud cocky athlete... @SaquonBarkley
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    HN TV: Hawkeyes Preview What to Expect from No. 4 Penn State

    Stanley isn't much of a talker lol Sounds like we just need execute. Also sounds like our players have confidence that we can win this. Wadley sounds excited.
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    $95 a seat?

    I know they're offering students half price on regular tickets. Wish they'd do something to get rid of those extra tickets quick and make it full.
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    black/gold stripes for kinnick ?

    Lots of tickets still available. Most of them will probably get sold here today and tomorrow -- I hope. Either way it's going to be electric. Can't wait!
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    Nittany Lions forums

    I'd expect a close game at halftime with PSU pulling away in the second. But if you look how the defense has played in the second half this season, we are much better than the first half. We're going to put together long drives to keep them off the field. Limit the turnovers and we have a shot...
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    black/gold stripes for kinnick ?

    Will look bad if nobody shows up. Get out there and support the hawks! Will be an electric atmosphere. Hoping for the best.
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    National Championship- Who You Got?

    Clemson wins close
  13. H

    MSU +1 @ Iowa

    I think we'll lose close. Go Hawks!
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    He's a beast
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    How an 8 Team Playoff Should Work.

    8 teams. 2 teams play 4 games. 16 teams would be too many post season games I think.
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    Stanford is in trouble

    Can't wait to show everyone we deserved a playoff spot despite our loss.
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    Predictions for Big Ten Championship Game.......

    But we can't be having him missing easy field goals ESPECIALLY pat's.
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    Afraid Yet?

  19. H

    Is this the best Iowa team ever?

    No but the chemistry is great