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  1. B

    And to make matters worse...

    Having all those recruits watch that meltdown yesterday, probably doesn't help our chances. Hopefully we can erase that game from their memories in the coming weeks with a signature win somewhere.
  2. B

    It's the coaching

    His coaching isn't great but recruiting is even worse. scherff is being touted as a 1st rounder. He plays on a bad knee and gets burned repeatedly by some nobody. How is that helping the team, were that afraid of ISU that we risk our best player who then gets abused by their terrible d line. We...
  3. B

    Couple things I noticed being at the game...

    Couple things I noticed from watching the game. 1. Our coaches are garbage and were outschemed every step of the way. 2. Our players are garbage. Scherff gives up multiple sacks to some nobody. Our WR are slow and can't seperate. Our d in general can't run with ISU, who doesn't have exceptional...
  4. B

    Play in games are very important

    Did any of us watch the play in games last year? Yeah me neither. It won't stop me from going to the game and being excited about our chances but if we lose it'll feel like we weren't really there. It'll feel a lot like almost winning the NIT which no one watches or cares about.
  5. B

    Let's celebrate!

    I'm going, whose in? Any body else live in OH and want to go get drunk before the game. There's a good whiskey bar downtown called Century bar I think.
  6. B

    Directed to Jon Miller

    Reading through this thread is pretty embarrasing. I'm sure some of it is trolling but wow it is full of butthurt and dumb opinions.
  7. B

    8-4 or 5-7

    Considering what our passing game looked like last year with an experienced qb, I'd say 5-7. Hopefully the running game can sustain drives and the D improves, then I'd say 7-5 at best.
  8. B

    Iowa Done Recruiting Florida????

    Forget the south lets recruit Canada and then the Moon, when we give up there.
  9. B

    Compare Resumes: Iowa and ISU

    We'd have to win out or win the tourney which isn't going to happen. ISU needs two more wins and theyre in. We beat them head to head but anybody that knows anything about basketball can tell you theyre a significantly better team. Next year holds high hopes for us and ISU will be rebuilding so...
  10. B

    This is exactly why Bo could care less about losing Utoff

    Im guessing Uthoff had high school dreams of learning the ins and outs of making mediocre cheeses and encased meats then changed his mind and wanted to be a doctor. Possibly it had to do with the soul crushing style of basketball they play. It must get old practicing flopping and crisp passing...
  11. B

    This is exactly why Bo could care less about losing Utoff

    Eww, this thread reaks of butthurt trolls. Im outta here
  12. B

    Our problem is structural, it can't be fixed.

    Here's a list of the problems regarding the football program. 1. KF isn't hungry anymore and coasting on past success 2. Our offense is stuck in the 90's, is easy to gameplan for, and when there was an opportunity to change we ended up with a KOK clone that was run out of Texas once he didn't...
  13. B

    I thought coaching was great today - ITS THE TALENT STUPID

    I'd like to think our defense played well, but how many red zone opportunities did they just blow. They rushed for over 100 yards on us and seemed to move the ball at will. At least our conference is garbage this year, so we'll just lose gracefully instead of getting curb stomped. Nothing I love...
  14. B

    Bring back O'keefe!

    Dont know why we didnt run more but KOK doesnt keep their O from outscoring and moving the ball at will against us
  15. B

    anyone saying it was the dropped passes

    Dropped passes could have saved that mess. Instead they played sloppy and still beat us at home. FML
  16. B

    There are forum posting rules..tacked to top of FB page

    Embarrasing is the only word, for everything
  17. B

    Rhoads is oversignimg

    The B1G could fall into an ACC type conference. I forsee OSU climbing back to the top as a national power while the rest of us beat each other up in mediocrity. We'll always get the benefit of voting power to get into the rankings, like Notre Dame, but when we cross paths with "equals" from...
  18. B

    Thought on next week's ISU game???

    We'll tighten things up this week and grind out a 10 point win. Its at home and Isu is basically the same as n illinois.
  19. B

    It seems Greg Davis was Texas fans KOK..

    Davis coached for Mack Brown who built Texas into a powerhouse then started mailing it in on the recruiting trail after winning a NC. The failures of Davis are a Mack Brown problem. Surprisingly similar situation happening with us and Ferentz, but he didnt get us a NC before taking his foot off...
  20. B

    Site is Infested with Trolls

    Why are there so many isu fans on this site it seems like all their doing is annoying everybody. Should just kick them ******* off or something