It's the coaching

Personally, I'm po'd, but While this game came down to poor execution of certain plays, many of the coaching calls were probably not the best given the game situation. The preparation of a game plan appeared to be there for the first half, but was left in the locker room at halftime. NIU didn't look like a very good team, and as someone stated, would probably win 1 BIG game all year. We were a good team at times throughout the game, and showed pretty good poise at some crucial times (exempting 4th qtr) in overcoming mistakes.

I think that the chemistry is still not there b/n KF and GDGD, where in GDGD may make a good call, but then follow it up with a sh1ty one in trying to appease KF...and visa-versa, thereby not being in sync with each other at times throughout the game. KOK called some bonehead plays in certain situations, but he would not have called a flat pass in that one.

Unfortunately, there is no excuse or explanation how we get schooled AGAIN on a fake punt, other than lack of omitting ones faults, addressing them, teaching them, drilling them in, and reiterate it once more, and moving on. This is unacceptable, and KF needs to be called out on it relentlessly, 'cause it appears that it isn't going to change, and I'd bet that it happens yet again in 2013. As for not playing our talented young guys I cannot figure, but guessing it is the same reason we don't go back to the well on certain plays that work.
I hate to sound like a broken record here, but Ferentz's entire philosophy was suited for this program when he had the likes of Lloyd Carr and JoePa in the conference and they were gonna line up and play football instead of this chicken fighting crap that the game has become. As the game has evolved into a spread out, pass happy basketball on grass competition, Ferentz has simply been left in the dust. I don't necessarily like where football has gone, but unless you are Nick Saban and are getting high 4 stars or 5 stars for every position on the field, you honestly better do something to modernize your philosophy. I can't be all negative, it was nice seeing some blitzes that actually weren't telegraphed or weren't executed by some white kid who looks like he is running in quicksand. We did take one step forward in many aspects of the game, but the aspects where we took two steps back outweighed them, unfortunately.
I hate to sound like a broken record here, but Ferentz's entire philosophy was suited for this program when he had the likes of Lloyd Carr and JoePa in the conference and they were gonna line up and play football instead of this chicken fighting crap that the game has become. As the game has evolved into a spread out, pass happy basketball on grass competition, Ferentz has simply been left in the dust. I don't necessarily like where football has gone, but unless you are Nick Saban and are getting high 4 stars or 5 stars for every position on the field, you honestly better do something to modernize your philosophy. I can't be all negative, it was nice seeing some blitzes that actually weren't telegraphed or weren't executed by some white kid who looks like he is running in quicksand. We did take one step forward in many aspects of the game, but the aspects where we took two steps back outweighed them, unfortunately.

I do agree that despite my wanting this guy fired right now no matter the cost I will say that there were a couple of aspects I really found refreshing. We actually threw the bomb a couple of times and downfield in general a few more (even on 3rd and 1 which I was ok with), went for it on 4th down on our of 35 or 40 instead of punting, had a few wrinkles defensively in terms of the blitz and personnel played on long yardage downs and threw the ball at the end instead of sitting on it and playing for OT(do not like the type of route but I cannot have everything). In general we tried to be more aggressive than I have seen in a long time.

Unfortunately we made so many other blunders, played the wrong guys(Shumpert, Hillard, Miller, Morris, etc.) or did not play the right personnel given what we are trying to do and did not look like a well conditioned team as we were the team with guys cramping and gassed not NIU.
Very bad throw but you simply don't call that play in that situation. The game was tied.

The upside was modest, the downside is you lose the game. It wasn't even a good "let's be aggressive" call - throw long and a pickoff probably sends you to OT. The math here was simple, and they failed the test.
You're dead on. The abundance of horizontal pass calls is boggling. Still, a qb that has seen that route get jumped for the last two seasons + 3 quarters should have had a better read.

There are no skinny post plays for our tight ends under Davis. This is TE U. When is the coaching staff going to use them?
You're dead on. The abundance of horizontal pass calls is boggling. Still, a qb that has seen that route get jumped for the last two seasons + 3 quarters should have had a better read.

There are no skinny post plays for our tight ends under Davis. This is TE U. When is the coaching staff going to use them?

How many yards did CJF have yesterday? I'm too lazy to look up the stat line but I think it was like 2 catches for 15 yards (with the TD). Criminal. Once we started gouging them with the run, O'Keefe would have PA'ed to him a few times right down the seam and the kid would have had at least 80 yards, which is probably about where someone as big as him should be winding up. Maybe he just isn't that good and I'm still attributing his recruiting rankings to him, but from where I sat, it sure looked to me like he was open a fair number of times.
I would be happy if we just asked him not to show up for any more football functions.

Let's turn this over to the best and most passionate assistant on the staff that can motivate, evaluate personnel and hold players accountable for on the field performance. We might actually win some games instead of constantly 'cleaning up a few things' but repeating the same outcome. 4 million bucks does not buy much these days.
For years I sat in row 4 behind the IA bench, I could never understand how a head coach had no interaction with his players on game day, the only thing I ever heard KF say was either Keep working hard out there, or there are plays to be made out there. The sidelines were just plain boring and our teams resemble that demeanor
For years I sat in row 4 behind the IA bench, I could never understand how a head coach had no interaction with his players on game day, the only thing I ever heard KF say was either Keep working hard out there, or there are plays to be made out there. The sidelines were just plain boring and our teams resemble that demeanor

Great pic. As they say... worth a thousand words.

This team was not ready to play today. There were bad penalties, blown coverages on defense, and a fake punt everyone saw coming. Throw in some questionable play calls where Iowa should have probably been running it and there you have it.

Northern Illinois was down to their 3rd string RB, and their best WR was out. There is no excuse Iowa should not have won this game. None.
This rings true today....again.
One thing about captain cool is he never ceases to amaze me. Gotta love having two kickers run onto the field at the crunch time... ON IOWA!!
The salary thing is 100% justified in getting rid of him. And Barta for giving him that insane extension and contract.

It's time to move on.
His coaching isn't great but recruiting is even worse.
scherff is being touted as a 1st rounder. He plays on a bad knee and gets burned repeatedly by some nobody. How is that helping the team, were that afraid of ISU that we risk our best player who then gets abused by their terrible d line. We couldn't run on one the worst run d in the country.
Rudock throws the ball into coverage multiple times.
None of our wr or te gets open.
Were afraid to kick fg so we desperately go for it on 4th whenever theres an opportunity.
I'm emberassed by these players getting run the way they did yesterday. What a bunch of mental midgets.
His coaching isn't great but recruiting is even worse.
scherff is being touted as a 1st rounder. He plays on a bad knee and gets burned repeatedly by some nobody. How is that helping the team, were that afraid of ISU that we risk our best player who then gets abused by their terrible d line. We couldn't run on one the worst run d in the country.
Rudock throws the ball into coverage multiple times.
None of our wr or te gets open.
Were afraid to kick fg so we desperately go for it on 4th whenever theres an opportunity.
I'm emberassed by these players getting run the way they did yesterday. What a bunch of mental midgets.
Why was Scherfff ******* playing? So fuggin dumb its painful.
Remember when Bullock got lit up last year running out of bounds? Yea, i know Bullock doesnt remember cuz he was knocked out COLD and continued to play..

Why was Scherfff ******* playing? So fuggin dumb its painful.
Remember when Bullock got lit up last year running out of bounds? Yea, i know Bullock doesnt remember cuz he was knocked out COLD and continued to play..

That was a terrible decision to let him play simply because he could have gotten hurt or had his career ended. He wasn't even 70% and Marl Moorehouse said he was limping when he got off the bus prior to the game. You should have been able to beat a terrible and reeling Iowa State team even without him yet the staff thought he needed to play.

It was a stupid choice and they were lucky it didn't bite them in the rear if Scherff had gotten injured again.

Just baffles me why they thought he was good to go because he clearly wasn't.
That was a terrible decision to let him play simply because he could have gotten hurt or had his career ended. He wasn't even 70% and Marl Moorehouse said he was limping when he got off the bus prior to the game. You should have been able to beat a terrible and reeling Iowa State team even without him yet the staff thought he needed to play.

It was a stupid choice and they were lucky it didn't bite them in the rear if Scherff had gotten injured again.

Just baffles me why they thought he was good to go because he clearly wasn't.
Duh, Kirk knows everything and is also a doctor. He knows whats best and should never be second guesses because 2002

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