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  1. HardcoreHawkI

    Ferentz needs to apologize to Vandenberg

    I can't believe I read that whole original post. I was just dumbfounded by the embarassing reasoning behind the arguments for JVB. You think apology's are in order!? Really! If anyone should apologize, it should be Kirk apologizing to all the fans for a crap season and his bad decisions.
  2. HardcoreHawkI

    Josh Koeppels take on those that boo

    People are different. Who is anybody to cast judgement on another. People Boo, cheer, get butt hurt etc. Be whatever kind of fan it takes to tolerate the pain and joys that come from being a real Hawkeye fan. Which WILL include ups and downs. Go Hawks!! Respect.
  3. HardcoreHawkI

    Penn State Destroys Iowa

    We have no offense period, and had no defense tonight either. So disappointing to where I'm up 4 hours after the embarrassment still confused. Wishn I would've stayed home for this 1
  4. HardcoreHawkI

    Hope and change

    Remember everyone that this is the same coach who had Brad Banks sitting on the bench while Kyle McCann was struggling for wins. Though a 7-5 record like the 2001 squad sounds great at this point.
  5. HardcoreHawkI

    Ferentz Post PSU Quotes

    Classic Kirk Ferentz. Sounds like a politician. Kirk, you already have the job. Boring
  6. HardcoreHawkI

    Worth it to lose half of our o-line to a team that has no postseason significance?

    Upsetting night at Kinnick! What a heartbreaker losing tonight with no offense. Surprise surprise! Meanwhile losing half of our offensive line to Who?? Is Penn St doing anything other than ruining seasons and running up the score in the process? Light is dimming quick
  7. HardcoreHawkI

    Iowa conference tournament

    Alex is goin thru reconstuctive surgery. BS! I've heard and seen a lot about him. He's a stud that will be back......hopefully
  8. HardcoreHawkI

    B1G Wrestling Pre-Seeds

    Hey hawk fans. I'm a part-timer when it comes to Iowa Wrestling. Not by choice, but by marriage. How's St. John doing after his set back? Last meet I saw was against PSU. Do we have a chance for a national championship??
  9. HardcoreHawkI

    Barta: Chair Incident Crossed Line

    Agreed. Fran has done; and is doing what Barta hired him to do. "Light a fire" so to speak. Whatever it takes to compete and represent our University as a Big 10 Div. I B-Ball team. Get those big wins like we used to and should. If it takes a "Will Farrell" like rant. I love it. Fran deserves...
  10. HardcoreHawkI

    Giants Pwning

    Right on BlcknGold! Can't hate that. Love that Hawkeye pride. True. Il stick w my Cowboys. My dads whole family r a bunch of Texans :) I'm just glad my old man raised us on a farm in Iowa.
  11. HardcoreHawkI

    Giants Pwning

    Right on man. Stick w ur team! Lot of haters out their! Wel get u next year playr ;)
  12. HardcoreHawkI

    Giants Pwning

    Giants????? Really!!? Another Manning? I may be the only Hawkeye/Cowboys fan. Grandpa's fault! He educated me on their cheerleaders! Thank God! Hate vikes,chiefs,bears an Stl. No disrespect nation :) no playoff victorys since 99' if tht helps at all. Congrats Giant fans
  13. HardcoreHawkI

    2013 Recruiting Offers / Interests

    All I can say is thank you Fran n company! I knew we would be better this year. Just the stability and improvement in the last month gives me somthn to do besides snowboard and wait 4 football over the winter 4 the 1st time since Deano n company. Go Hawks!! Love'n Devon,White,Cartwright, Gatens...
  14. HardcoreHawkI

    Tracking 2012 Class Offers

    It is what it is
  15. HardcoreHawkI

    Gambrall staying at 197

    Agreed. GG at least had a chance a the lightr weightclass. I thought I was watchn "The Santa clause" w Tim Allen when I saw him step on the mat! He's not fat but c'mon! Hes gotta be 1 of Brands sacrificial lambs. Good luck GG! On another note; how bout Ramos taken down #1!? Love Iowa wrestling...
  16. HardcoreHawkI

    Tracking 2012 Class Offers

    Riight. Hadn't heard tht yet. Well I can't say how I feel about this kid now. My time would b short on this app. I was reading some old recruiting info. This kids embaraasing his family n me. Unreal
  17. HardcoreHawkI

    Tracking 2012 Class Offers

    Am I? Whats the deal w this Amara Yarboh kid? Guess I'm hearn all hype. Enlighten me b4 the burning @ the stake.
  18. HardcoreHawkI

    Tracking 2012 Class Offers

    Darboh is the man. He got his shot @ life in Iowa. Came from Sierra Lione w no parents and made a friend on a Iowa lil league baseball team. They raised him into the stud Iowan he is now! Gotta keep it here in the Hawkeye State! Hopefully IowaCitys "vices" will be ignored and he can break all...