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  1. B

    Sickening comments by Clayborn.

    I hope you are right as I love the Hawks in the NFL, but I don't think it's going to happen unless he has an all world combine.
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    Sickening comments by Clayborn.

    I will say this again and again. Roth, Babineaux, Hodge, Greenway. No comparison to this below average D we have now. 3 seconds and the QB was hit!!
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    Sickening comments by Clayborn.

    Seriously top 15??? He was a second rounder last year by draft experts and that is why he stayed. He had a terrible year and now he is top 15. I hope he does as I love the guy, but I say 2nd or 3rd round. Stock has dropped
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    Next Year, Most important ever

    Next year will be great! No expectations usually equals success for the Hawks. Nobody will expect us to do anything and that is when we play well. I don't think the media will print any magazines "If the Stars Align" next year.
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    I'm Going to Defend KOK!

    Remember that we played against the worst defense in the Big Ten today. Wiconsin would have put up 70 vs that D today. Tired of KOK
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    We need a Coaching Assessment A.S.A.P

    Same staff we had last year that won the Orange Bowl. Special teams coach needs to go for sure, but the real problem was losing Eads, Angerer, and Spivey. D-Line looked very average without them. Once we lost AZ and Wisconsin we didn't have leaders to keep the team going
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    Sickening comments by Clayborn.

    Clayborn cost himself millions of dollars this year with his performance. Kiper does not even have him in his top ten anymore. I saw a man quit and not have the will to compete anymore after the Wisconsin game. Most of the Northwestern game his hands were on his hips. Not sure how the NFL will...
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    Time to call a spade a spade.We had a team that had no leadership, both on the field and at the coaching positions. Time for the special teams coach to say goodbye. Enough is enough. Take back our special teams errors this year and we are 10-2 this year vs 7-5. I have had enough of sticking up...
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    Still Outback Bowl??

    At this point who cares what worthless Bowl game we play in this year. The season was a disappointment and most of the avid Hawk fans I watched the game with today all indicated that there was very little reason to even care about what bowl game Iowa attends. If the team doesn't care then why...
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    Clayborn: The team "lost its will" to win

    I think this team lacked leadership!! It is very difficult to lose leaders such as Eads, Angerer, Spivey on defense to the NFL and say that they should have a great defense and didn't lose much. They were leaders!! They were missed and maybe the D line was only as good as the poeple behind them...
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    I'm Going to Defend KOK!

    I am looking forward to seeing Vandenberg at the QB position next year. I know only time will tell, but I believe that he has a better arm and will be better able to look off defenders and read the defense. I think Stanzi despite his numbers is a very average quarterback. Ready for next year...