Sickening comments by Clayborn.

Again, outside of stunts, it seems the coaching staff is overly concerned about gap discipline. However, if you put to much emphasis on that, I believe you take away some of the talent you have at rushing the passer. How often have you seen any d lineman on Iowa try to blow up the field in pursuit of the QB. Not often, that's for sure. The scheme has eliminated the d line imo. I don't know if that is to protect the green LB's or not but it has definitely been the approach this year.
Seriously top 15??? He was a second rounder last year by draft experts and that is why he stayed. He had a terrible year and now he is top 15. I hope he does as I love the guy, but I say 2nd or 3rd round. Stock has dropped
Again, outside of stunts, it seems the coaching staff is overly concerned about gap discipline. However, if you put to much emphasis on that, I believe you take away some of the talent you have at rushing the passer. How often have you seen any d lineman on Iowa try to blow up the field in pursuit of the QB. Not often, that's for sure. The scheme has eliminated the d line imo. I don't know if that is to protect the green LB's or not but it has definitely been the approach this year.

And maybe that is the reason we have improved our rush defense so much this year. But we had very little success getting to the QB this year, and with new LB's and a new starter at one corner that is one thing we as fans were counting on to ease them in.
Seriously top 15??? He was a second rounder last year by draft experts and that is why he stayed. He had a terrible year and now he is top 15. I hope he does as I love the guy, but I say 2nd or 3rd round. Stock has dropped

He was A projected top ten pick for the 2011 draft by virtually every source this preseason. And every mock draft I have seen still has him top 15. There is no way, barring a disastrous combine, that he slips past the 1st round.
Seriously top 15??? He was a second rounder last year by draft experts and that is why he stayed. He had a terrible year and now he is top 15. I hope he does as I love the guy, but I say 2nd or 3rd round. Stock has dropped

You obviously haven't been paying attention to the draft boards. I haven't found a one that doesn't have Clayborn around the 15 mark. At the beginning of the year Mel Kiper had him top 5. He will still go top 15. The scheme has really neutralized Clayborn's abilities this year. Some has been his doing, but a lot has been double and triple teams and a reluctance of the coaches to move him around. Also, Iowa playing such gap discipline and consistently giving QB's the 4 to 5 yard pass at will has contributed.
I will say this again and again. Roth, Babineaux, Hodge, Greenway. No comparison to this below average D we have now. 3 seconds and the QB was hit!!
I hope you are right as I love the Hawks in the NFL, but I don't think it's going to happen unless he has an all world combine.
Then the players should be ashamed and KF should open up every position for reassessment including his coaching staff.

actually Ferentz should resign because the guys clearly don't want to play anymore and that is on him. Not KOK, not the special teams, not the lack of rush defense today...........HIM!
I hope you are right as I love the Hawks in the NFL, but I don't think it's going to happen unless he has an all world combine.

Clayborn will no have issues with the NFL Combine. Clayborn is looking forward too Combine. The " loss of will to win" comment will be brought up in the interview process.
I think He is just stating what really is going on. I mean I hate the fact that he and every member of the team quit, Hell i even quit when Gray got that first down run, but lets not forget he did leave millions on the table last year to come back and help the team win this year.
The combines are a formality and are where guys that come out of fresno St. Troy, and other mid majors can impress. Multiple year BT starters will be judged by their career. If a guy can not get it done in October with a bowl trip on the line, that speaks volumes about their character and heart. What do you think they will do in January with a trip to the Super Bowl on the line?
Sadly, they played like a team that didnt care so much today

Today? Today. How about Indiana and Northwestern? Heck, at this point, we should be thankful they finished 7-5 instead of 5-7. Iowa football 2010 is the poster child for the "entitlement generation". Can you imagine what is going through the mind of some Hawkeye greats with Clayborn's comments? Pathetic. Good riddance..
This comment is being blown out of proportion, he's not saying they didn't try to win or they quit he's just saying they loss that competitive fire. Everyone needs to remember this is a kid who turned down millions and probably hurt is draft status.....TO BE A HAWKEYE one last year.
I haven't even read much of this thread. All I can say is that it's been a long time since I've felt embarrassed to be a hawk. i am sickened by the lack of guts on this team. I don't know what the hell happened but it makes me sick. The team deserved better and fans who pay a lot of money, myself included, deserve better.
This comment is being blown out of proportion, he's not saying they didn't try to win or they quit he's just saying they loss that competitive fire. Everyone needs to remember this is a kid who turned down millions and probably hurt is draft status.....TO BE A HAWKEYE one last year.

to play in the rose bowl and win a big 10 title outright, not return to this craphole of a season.
Well Mr. Clayborn also lost himself a **** ton of money because of his crappy season. Should be clear to him that he can't even sleep walk through college and be dominant. Hes gonna get a ****ing reality check if he thinks he will pull that stuff in the NFL. 2nd round and riding the pine for his whole career if he doesn't change.
I'm sure he wouldn't of returned if he knew this was the season they'd have....I'm just saying people being so harsh on a guy who risked Millions of dollars to contribute to this team this year. How many of you would of done the same.
I don't understand why people are blasting Clayborn for speaking the truth. He didn't say "I lost the will to win." He said "WE lost the will to win."

And that is exactly right. It starts at the top with the coaches. We weren't playing to win games most of the year. We seemed to be playing at the level of the competition. When we got the lead... We played to just hold on for our dear lives and hope the other team didn't score enough times to beat us. I hate Beilima(spelling?) but at least they were playing to win. I would rather have Ferentz running up the score and getting a cushy lead than to be losing games late in the fourth quarter.

The coaches showed NO emotion and believe it or not... that does rub off on the players. What is the point of writing down people's names on a notepad to talk to them after the game or at the next practice...when by that time it is already too late? Give them a good kick in the *** when the game is still going on and we can get some fire and passion and win.

This has been one of the most disappointing seasons ever, because we had the talent to win the big ten this year... but we didn't play to win it. I'm really upset with the team and how the coaches handled this entire season.

And for people bashing others about making comments about how much Ferentz is getting paid...

The point is... In the real world, when people get paid a lot of money to do something and then they don't do it... They get fired. It should be no different here.

I'm not saying we should fire Ferentz, but he at least has to change something, because this isn't working and we are tired of mediocre seasons when we are capable of so much more. Last year we were only a few points away from having this same record.

Our coaching staff has repeatedly refused to change our plan of attack...and when we do(Michigan State) it seems to work for us quite a bit, but then we change back.

I feel like we when something is working... they want to change it...and when something isn't....they refuse to. It doesn't make sense to me.

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