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  1. T

    Wisconsin 70 Austin Peay 3

    I think it was 35-3 at half.
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    Wisconsin 70 Austin Peay 3

    My god - take your medication.
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    Does Iowa have a shot at the Stokes Girl?

    Sweet, Bluder is a class act.
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    Wisconsin 70 Austin Peay 3

    This is what I was curious about. I can kind of understand if the 3rd stringers were in a large portion of the second half. I've always thought that Iowa should run up the score a little more - say in the 40's. However 70 is just stupid.
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    Wisconsin 70 Austin Peay 3

    Hey - you spelled what wrong.
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    Wisconsin 70 Austin Peay 3

    I'm not a fan of it either. I'd rather get beat by Arizona than score 70 on a team like Austin Peay.
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    Wisconsin 70 Austin Peay 3

    Whatever internet tough guy.
  8. T

    Wisconsin 70 Austin Peay 3

    who peed in your cherios?
  9. T

    Wisconsin 70 Austin Peay 3

    This score blows my mind. Did anyone watch this game? Way to run up a score. Or were they just that bad? I have never heard of them. I haven't seen ayone run up a score like that in years.
  10. T

    Iowa NCAA Stat Rankings #1 Total Defense

    No kidding - maybe we should schedule Austin peay.
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    ISU Fan Gets OWNED

    I agree with you but the way I look at it is - if you don't want a fight - don't start a fight.
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    ISU Fan Gets OWNED

    A friend of mine was at the game last year and had a beer can thrown at his head for doing nothing but being a hawk fan. I guess he should have recorded it and put it on the internet so he could get up on his high horse and point fingers at all those mean Cyclone fans. Grow up Clonedude, if a...
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    ISU Fan Gets OWNED

    ISU fans staged and recorded this just so they could post it and act like the victim. If this same scenario played out anywhere else the outcome would be the same, including ames. Those mean old hawkeyes are picking on the sweet innocent ISU fans again. Give me a break.
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    ACC is horrible

    The unstopable Georgia Tech triple option didn't fair to well against Turner Gill and Chuck Long either.
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    Paki O'Meara Big 10 Special Teams POTW

    Good to see, the kid deserves it after all the nasty things people have said about him.
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    I don't understand the complaining...

    Exactly, the game should be about the game. I will continue to go to the games and support my team regardless of whether or not I'm allowed to drink myself into a coma on my walk to the game. Besides, all of you who are saying this is the beginning of the end are being a bunch a chicken...
  17. T

    How to respond to tailgating crackdown.

    That's a great point. You had 100 to 200 or so get tickets out of 70,000. If there was no press about this would anyone even care. I have no problem with the new rules because of my experience at the UNI game last year. We had a group of college students sitting in front of us. One of...
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    Weather for the big game

    Wouldn't it be nice to have a job where you got paid for being wrong half the time. Weather forecasters and sports writers have alot in common in that respect.
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    A Little Late to the Party

    Has anyone checked out the other boards? Penn state fans seem sort of indifferent. Nebraska fans seem pretty happy. Wisconsin fans are mad but think things may get better when the ninth game is added. OSU fans are irate - I guess they are mad that their side is not easy enough. What a bunch...
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    Nebraska's Schedule is Brutal

    If Nebraska were to win the conference the first year it would make the big ten look weak. I think what happened to Penn State will happen to Nebraska. Sometimes you (Nebraska) have to be carefull what you wish for.