How to respond to tailgating crackdown.

you guys need to quit drinking! You should also give up sex--do you realize how you are cheating your boss of productivity by thinking about sex every couple of seconds? God really messed up--he should have given us a sex drive once or twice a month instead of 24/7!!! Go get castrated and see the improvement in your life!!!

That's a little extreme.
here's my question...and maybe I'm way off base, but if they had not announced changes to the public, and the police simply enforced the laws to a greater degree, would you people be so worked up about it or would you simply accept the fact that the police arent playin games anymore. Regardless of how they enforce it or to whom the law is enforced its still the law and the police represent that law. Seems to me that some of you are getting a little edgy for no reason. I'm 25 yrs old guys and honestly I dont go to Iowa games to get hammered...i go to watch my beloved hawkeyes kick some ***. Dont like the rules??? Then there are many a hawkeye pub all over the state. Pretty simple really. Same with the whole music even admitted you knew that rules, so some cops may give you a break and some might not...depends on the person and maybe even how there day has gone to that point. If they have been dealing with whiny people all day they prolly dont wanna hear you whine either.
This has been discussed well before the new rules were put into place. I was worried by the shakedown in the Myrtle Lot last year. Several of us saw this first hand during the PSU game last year.
Iowa has a MASSIVE problem on campus with student drinking, and party culture. And that needs to be corrected swiftly...I have NO problem with the university and city police cracking down on student parties and such, as minors are obtaining alcohol through these parties. And as freshman they learn that the only thing that matters at Iowa is partying.

HOWEVER when they start to crack down on people that are over 21 and really doing nothing wrong, then I get slightly ticked. Driving down Melrose between the 5-10 police officers on each side all peering into your car...felt like something out of a Nazi Germany check point. They are getting out of hand, University Heights has it right, find the underage drinkers and punish them...but use common sense when dealing with the rest.

And I'm not even 21 so it's not like I'm "ticked at them ruining my drinking" this is about principles for me, this is still America.

Nazi Germany? Are you seriously equating this with Nazi Germany????

And it isn't just you...I've seen numerous references to "Nazi" and Gestapo" in other threads on this an other boards. I'd like to see you try to pull this reference on a concentration camp survivor or someone who lived in Nazi Germany and see what kind of reaction you get.
My plan worked out just as planned this week. I walked down melrose with Coke can in a koozie and was stopped by 3 different LEO's. If everybody did this they would be swamped and their enforcement effort would fail.
here's my question...and maybe I'm way off base, but if they had not announced changes to the public, and the police simply enforced the laws to a greater degree, would you people be so worked up about it or would you simply accept the fact that the police arent playin games anymore. Regardless of how they enforce it or to whom the law is enforced its still the law and the police represent that law. Seems to me that some of you are getting a little edgy for no reason. I'm 25 yrs old guys and honestly I dont go to Iowa games to get hammered...i go to watch my beloved hawkeyes kick some ***. Dont like the rules??? Then there are many a hawkeye pub all over the state. Pretty simple really. Same with the whole music even admitted you knew that rules, so some cops may give you a break and some might not...depends on the person and maybe even how there day has gone to that point. If they have been dealing with whiny people all day they prolly dont wanna hear you whine either.

That's a great point. You had 100 to 200 or so get tickets out of 70,000. If there was no press about this would anyone even care.

I have no problem with the new rules because of my experience at the UNI game last year. We had a group of college students sitting in front of us. One of them was so sloshed he was dry heaving into a popcorn bucket. It was distracting and definitely interfered with my enjoyment of the game. So many people walk to the game and slam a couple of beers on the way to the game. If people can't do that then they have 20 minutes or so to sober up before they go in.

Besides, if it really is that big of a deal to you then buy a root beer. Dump it out and pour in your beer - problem solved.
I agree with Dwayne on this issue. Where does this sense of entitlement come from? To me it is a microcosm of our society and part of the reason that our country has lost it's values. If there are rules in place, follow the damn things. It's not that hard. Your not being violated in any way, shape or form. Again, FOLLOW THE RULES and amazingly you won't have a problem. Oh and btw, this is not a constitutional/civil rights issue, it's more of a "no one can tell me what to do issue".
you guys need to quit drinking! You should also give up sex--do you realize how you are cheating your boss of productivity by thinking about sex every couple of seconds? God really messed up--he should have given us a sex drive once or twice a month instead of 24/7!!! Go get castrated and see the improvement in your life!!!

This is a classic example of someone trying to cloud the situation at hand. Again, it's the universities property! What they say goes and what the cops say goes! If you don't like it, then stay at home and drink yourself to death for all I care. If you want to attend the games as I'm sure you do, then follow the rules. It's not that hard.
I am amazed at how many people are just ok with being told what to do in their life. Let me ask Dwayne, Patrick, 83Hawk and any other people that think we are overreacting a question. If you lived in a house for 20 years and the government came up to you and said we are bulldozing your house to build a highway (which eminent domain gives them the right), would you just accept it and move on? Judging by how you say we should react to these tailgating rules, the answer would be yes. But my guess is you would be ticked off and "fight" it.

Well that is what we "overreactors" are doing, is fighting for our house. This isn't just about not being able to carry a beer down Melrose or not being able to play music or drinking games. This is about principle and the fact that for years the previous rules were acceptable and generally not causing harm to anyone. Most people behave responsibly even if they have had plenty to drink the morning of a game. To be harrassed by cops for just hanging out within your own tailgate and drinking a beer and listening to music is not cool. And it's not just this year's rules. The last several years rules have been made to slowly bring about change to make tailgating be the utopian image that Barta and others have. I am tired of it and these latest rules are the straw that broke the camel's back.

If my house it gonna be torn down, I'm gonna stand up for myself. After all that's what America was founded on. I'm ashamed that so many of you have forgotten that.
I agree with Dwayne on this issue. Where does this sense of entitlement come from? To me it is a microcosm of our society and part of the reason that our country has lost it's values. If there are rules in place, follow the damn things. It's not that hard. Your not being violated in any way, shape or form. Again, FOLLOW THE RULES and amazingly you won't have a problem. Oh and btw, this is not a constitutional/civil rights issue, it's more of a "no one can tell me what to do issue".

Have you ever worked for the Taliban? It's an eerily similar message.
I am amazed at how many people are just ok with being told what to do in their life. Let me ask Dwayne, Patrick, 83Hawk and any other people that think we are overreacting a question. If you lived in a house for 20 years and the government came up to you and said we are bulldozing your house to build a highway (which eminent domain gives them the right), would you just accept it and move on? Judging by how you say we should react to these tailgating rules, the answer would be yes. But my guess is you would be ticked off and "fight" it.

Well that is what we "overreactors" are doing, is fighting for our house. This isn't just about not being able to carry a beer down Melrose or not being able to play music or drinking games. This is about principle and the fact that for years the previous rules were acceptable and generally not causing harm to anyone. Most people behave responsibly even if they have had plenty to drink the morning of a game. To be harrassed by cops for just hanging out within your own tailgate and drinking a beer and listening to music is not cool. And it's not just this year's rules. The last several years rules have been made to slowly bring about change to make tailgating be the utopian image that Barta and others have. I am tired of it and these latest rules are the straw that broke the camel's back.

If my house it gonna be torn down, I'm gonna stand up for myself. After all that's what America was founded on. I'm ashamed that so many of you have forgotten that.

Wow...that is quite a leap.
Has anyone else considered these new rules will lead to less drinking and less drinking will lead to a less hostile environment for opposing teams? I know we should be just as loud and crazy without any alcohol consumption, but we probably won't. I use the word "we" to describe the overall crowd. Thoughts?
Has anyone else considered these new rules will lead to less drinking and less drinking will lead to a less hostile environment for opposing teams? I know we should be just as loud and crazy without any alcohol consumption, but we probably won't. I use the word "we" to describe the overall crowd. Thoughts?

It's probably a push. For every person who gets just drunk enough to get louder than they otherwise might, there is probably one who is too far gone to stand up and even yell. Drunk people don't always know what's going on during a game.
Has anyone else considered these new rules will lead to less drinking and less drinking will lead to a less hostile environment for opposing teams? I know we should be just as loud and crazy without any alcohol consumption, but we probably won't. I use the word "we" to describe the overall crowd. Thoughts?

"You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall?" Ok, I've used this before to mock Dwayne Twill. It's definitely something to consider, but the facts most likely won't support it...we will yell/cheer regardless of the alcohol in our systems.
"You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall?" Ok, I've used this before to mock Dwayne Twill. It's definitely something to consider, but the facts most likely won't support it...we will yell/cheer regardless of the alcohol in our systems.

lmao. I love it. To DTills post, I had not considered the trade off and his post is equally funny. I'm of the opinion we need as many people on that wall as possible. The type of people we don't talk about at parties.
Wow...that is quite a leap.

Obviously you were not smart enough to refute his post, so you make a lame retort. What exactly was quite a leap? Everything he said was spot on. If you enjoy having your freedoms stripped away then fine. Not everyone is like you, thankfully.
trust me, i bet most cops are ticked off about this new law. sure, some are out to pick a fight, but so are some people in general, take this thread as an example.
Obviously you were not smart enough to refute his post, so you make a lame retort. What exactly was quite a leap? Everything he said was spot on. If you enjoy having your freedoms stripped away then fine. Not everyone is like you, thankfully.

There's a difference between having one's home taken through eminent domain and feeling entitled to walk down the street drinking beer when it's against the law.
Maybe it's quite a leap because one is "your property" being your home and the other is NOT your property. Again, not, not, not, not, not your property. I guess I don't understand why some don't get that. It's not yours, it's the universities and these cops are only enacting the laws that they were sworn to uphold. The UNIVERSITY is asking these POLICE to uphold these policies, which they are now doing. ON THE UNIVERSITIES PROPERTY! Not your home, your yard or your drive way. If you want to continue to tailgate with the old status quo, then sit at home in your driveway. I'm sure the Iowa City PD will leave you alone.
Best way to respond to tailgating crackdown? Someone buried on this thread or another said they walked down Melrose with a can of coke in a couzee...if enough do that, it will be a terrible waste of time for the cops!

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