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  1. McNutty

    Music Thread

    Found this band about a year ago, good mix of southern rock and blues. Unfortunately their lead guitarist left the band two weeks before I was going to see them in Bloomington, IL.
  2. McNutty

    How did we miss on Bishop Gunn?

  3. McNutty

    Who likes Hockenson highlights?

    The last that comes to mind was Cadillac Williams and Ronnie Brown from Auburn, I could be way off.
  4. McNutty

    Bash the badgers game thread

    Connor is not sure what the coaches see in him
  5. McNutty

    The premature meltdown on here was magnificent

    We shall call you 2chan
  6. McNutty

    Anyone watching?

    I was at the game until halftime, Bryant made some sick 3’s to beat the clock, we are just running the offense. Nothing to see here
  7. McNutty

    Last time Iowa played UConn...

    Jacob motherlovin Jaacks, we wondered how many national championships we were going to win under the tutelage of the boy wonder
  8. McNutty

    Murray Wier Passed Away this Morning

    I'm saddened to hear this, he was a Hawkeye and Muscatine legend.
  9. McNutty

    Here is the Real Big Ten West Darkhorse

  10. McNutty

    College Football Suicide Pool: Week 2

    Week 1 Michigan Week 2 Florida
  11. McNutty

    College Football Suicide Pool: Week 1

  12. McNutty

    The Experts

    He went Duke, Florida, G'town, UK, Iowa. Made me do a double take.
  13. McNutty

    Need a good live stream link

    Thanks in advance
  14. McNutty

    Heat Directed at JVB

    This is how feels when you **** a stranger in the ***! Am i wrong.
  15. McNutty

    Weisman affect

    I have been a full blown supporter of KF and JVB, now I am questioning my faith. I'm an optimist though so I am thinking Penn State will get at least 30 years for treating us like alter boys. Its almost three I may have been drinking way too long.
  16. McNutty

    what to do when confronted with PSU fans in deadwood on game night eve

    I say give em the ol' Arabian eye goggles so they can honestly say they saw nothing.
  17. McNutty

    Penn State Football: Seven Reasons To Hate Iowa

    I always thought if you go somewhere to laugh at losers, you are the one being laughed at.
  18. McNutty

    Penn State Football: Seven Reasons To Hate Iowa

    Aww poor Timmy had to drink by himself at the hotel bar... probably scared to get his face smashed Gallagher style by some Muscatine Melonheads.
  19. McNutty

    What song were the players hopping to prior to OT at MSU?

    I think you're on to something here.
  20. McNutty

    What song were the players hopping to prior to OT at MSU?

    I really get embarassed at college kids having fun at a football game as well. They are probably just really excited to get home and get a good nights sleep at their drug houses.:rolleyes: