Weisman affect


Well-Known Member
Don't discount the affect Weisman's absence had on this game. I'm not saying Iowa wins tonight if Weisman is 100%, but he brings a toughness and energy to this club when he is in the lineup. Tonight was similar to the first 2 weeks of the season. Flat. There has definitely been a difference in the enthusiasm the last 4 weeks. He is a difference maker on this club. Losing Scherff hurts. But getting Weisman healthy next week will help.
I have been a full blown supporter of KF and JVB, now I am questioning my faith. I'm an optimist though so I am thinking Penn State will get at least 30 years for treating us like alter boys.

Its almost three I may have been drinking way too long.
Weisman's absence definitely affected our loose. Their isn't a hole lot you can due when you're stare goes down, even if you're Kurt.

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