Penn State Football: Seven Reasons To Hate Iowa

Haha, that guy mad. Seriously, you can tell that Iowa's domination over Penn State the past decade has really been burning that guy. And the 31-6 prediction...really?? Good luck scoring 31 points Penn State.
I can think of 45 convictions I mean reasons not to like PSU.

This was my favorite section I think

Another “Little Brotherâ€￾As if it’s not bad enough that we had to sit through games against the 2nd best team in Ohio (Ohio), the 3rd best team in Illinois (Illinois) and the worst team in the state of Pennsylvania and Big East (Temple), now we get to watch the second (maybe third- I see you Iowa Western CC) best team in IOWA? By losing to Iowa State, the perennial doormat of the Big 12, Iowa secured their spot as the worst football team in the worst football state in the country.

I didn't realize football in the state of Pennsylvania is that much better at this point. I forgot how good Pitt is this year.

Yea, that part of his post made absolutely no sense. You want to call ISU better? I don't have a problem with that. We have the same record, but they beat us so they get the edge. But worst football state? I guess he forgot about North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Delaware, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, New Jersey, Nevada, Montana, and Connecticut.

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