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  1. 5

    Canzeri Practicing

    Todd Blythe tore his ACL in the spring and came back in the fall as well, didn't he? Had a pretty good year, if I recall. These things heal much faster than they used to, although this is still pretty remarkable. Who knows when he'll be fully cleared and in game shape, though. By the Big Ten...
  2. 5

    Hate mongering.

    You don't know much about these kids, do you? Hint: where did they meet Sandusky, and why were they there? And what does any of that have to do with what happened subsequently?
  3. 5

    Auburn Football Tragedy

    Yes, eleven of them.
  4. 5

    Auburn Football Tragedy

    I simplified nothing in your argument. It was simple to begin with. You know next to nothing about what happened, and pretend you have the "root cause" already. It's an incredibly sweeping generalization of yours. And the analogy was apt. Children growing up playing cowboys and indians is...
  5. 5

    Auburn Football Tragedy

    So anytime a black male is shot, the cause is "ghetto/thug/rap music"? Conversely, i suppose every time a white person is shot it's because we watch too many westerns? Your arrogance and simple-mindedness are noteworthy, even on the internet.
  6. 5

    Torn ACL confirmed...

    Why are we taling as is there's a rash of ACL tears for our RB's if, since the end of the 2004 season Canzeri is only the second RB we've had tear an ACL? Nothing is wrong with the S&C program.
  7. 5

    I will get crucified for this post.

    I'm excited about signing our third straight really good recruiting class. We've brought a lot of talent in recently. Still young, but it will pay off shortly.
  8. 5

    Did J.J. make it to Iowa City today?

    Seriously? We have a lot of adults hanging on every tweet from a 17 yr old, and every time one can be construed negatively we freak out, and every time one can only be construed positively we swing completely in the other direction. I don't think it's Jaleel that's bi-polar.
  9. 5

    Iowa's Attrition Compared to BIG Schools

    Even assuming that the OP is worth much, you still must factor in that the Big Ten will have better numbers than the other conferences. Then factor in geographical issues (the further away they come the more likely they are to leave) and you're left with stats that show we are very much in the...
  10. 5

    Iowa's attrition vs other major programs?

    Why do you guys think we don't oversign? The Big Ten allows teams to oversign by 3 and we often do.
  11. 5

    When are the coaches going to be held accountable for anything?

    It doesn't surprise me in the least that everyone you know is removed from reality.
  12. 5

    why do we have sokol?

    We had one QB on the roster for 2013. That is scary. Any notion this is a reflection on Ruock is just silly. We still probably take a HS QB, also.
  13. 5

    Good example of why Darboh

    This is not true.
  14. 5

    Good example of why Darboh

    Every time I think I've come up with all the ways this post is messed up, a new one pops into my head. factually incorrect logically erroneous self-contradictory skewed perspective self-important It's truly remarkable.
  15. 5

    Iowa player sent home from Insight

    Exactly, since our player attrition rates are roughly around average, and our coaching attrition rate is far better than average. I'm glad you brought your initial reaction in line with reality.
  16. 5

    Nebraska naming coaches

    Of course you can. There are certainly legitimate criticisms of our coaching staff. I have yet to see you mention one, however. Perhaps someday you'll blindly stumble upon one.
  17. 5

    Nebraska naming coaches

    What else could/should have happened by now?
  18. 5

    Nebraska naming coaches

    Why, to appease the small very small portion of the fanbase that can't figure that out for themselves? And if that was your point all along, you sure didn't express it very clearly by demanding he announce someone now, and accusing him of being lazy.
  19. 5

    Nebraska naming coaches

    You do understand that we can't name anyone to a position that isn't currently open, right? We have a DC right now. His name is Norm Parker. We can't hire a new permanent replacement until University guidelines involving the job search have run their course, and we can't hire anyone on an...
  20. 5

    Nebraska naming coaches

    It's just baffling that people think this is what's going on.