I will get crucified for this post.

Those of us that get like us are called employers. Those that don't get like us are usually called employees.

It bothers me to post things like this, and it is probably inappropriate, but an eye for an eye .

I didn't start the personal insults, you did.

i'm not an employee - pretty much a generalization from you - again.

go back thru the thread and take some time to list what iowa's competitive advanatage(s) are.

did you read Faith's blog on iowa facilities/campus/buildings compared to other schools he's visited? not too flattering.
Those of us that get like us are called employers. Those that don't get like us are usually called employees.

It bothers me to post things like this, and it is probably inappropriate, but an eye for an eye .

I didn't start the personal insults, you did.

I was waiting for this and it is 100% inaccurate....the best, most successful, most well liked employers and upper managers attack things from a very positive perspective. They have gripes, as do I about myself, my dealership and my football team, but they do NOT air their grievances like this….those people are cancerous to business and cause problems, not fix them.

If you’d like I can give you a myriad of personal examples and even people to call if you like…..
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ABSOLUTELY no competition from any other state institution, say what? So what are the only16,000 less people at Jack Trice Stadium doing on a weekly basis?
I'm excited about signing our third straight really good recruiting class. We've brought a lot of talent in recently. Still young, but it will pay off shortly.
these posts are just mind boggling.

OP - answer this question - what is Iowa's competitive advantage over the rest of the big 10?

did you read faith ekaktie's blog about his impressions of the campus compared to other places he looked at?

I'm a bit surprised that Iowa hasn't built a new dorm since I was there in the 70s.
i'm not an employee - pretty much a generalization from you - again.

go back thru the thread and take some time to list what iowa's competitive advanatage(s) are.

did you read Faith's blog on iowa facilities/campus/buildings compared to other schools he's visited? not too flattering.

My response about the employer/employee thing is directed at the poster who I quoted, not you. That's why I quoted it. He became insulting, so I got insulting back to him.

In response to your other two points, Iowa has competitive advantages with the recruit's parents. Academics, etc.We have competitive advantages in facilities over most B12 facilities, and over the Big 8. Have you ever been to Lawrence, or Columbia? I'm completely serious here. I'm speaking of athletic facilities, Lawrence is actually kind of a neat campus.

There are other selling points. (I prefer selling points over competitive advantages, because I think this is truly a function of sale and marketing). I also think sales are marketing are quantifiable, and results oriented, as should be the compensation structure of those that pursue these tasks (which college football coaches do)

Regarding the young man's blog. No, I didn't read it. Also, I am less concerned with his blog than the "selling points". If you ever talk to some of these recruits, you might, or might not, end up feeling the same way about his blog that I do. I wouldn't bet a bunch, but I would bet you $20 in a friendly wager.

I've talked to recruits before. They're not always the sharpest, and sometimes you leave with the feeling that they aren't the best citizens either. Especially the basketball recruits. That's not racist either, it just is what it is, and nothing more.

My response about the employer/employee thing is directed at the poster who I quoted, not you. That's why I quoted it. He became insulting, so I got insulting back to him.

In response to your other two points, Iowa has competitive advantages with the recruit's parents. Academics, etc.We have competitive advantages in facilities over most B12 facilities, and over the Big 8. Have you ever been to Lawrence, or Columbia? I'm completely serious here. I'm speaking of athletic facilities, Lawrence is actually kind of a neat campus.

There are other selling points. (I prefer selling points over competitive advantages, because I think this is truly a function of sale and marketing). I also think sales are marketing are quantifiable, and results oriented, as should be the compensation structure of those that pursue these tasks (which college football coaches do)

Regarding the young man's blog. No, I didn't read it. Also, I am less concerned with his blog than the "selling points". If you ever talk to some of these recruits, you might, or might not, end up feeling the same way about his blog that I do. I wouldn't bet a bunch, but I would bet you $20 in a friendly wager.

I've talked to recruits before. They're not always the sharpest, and sometimes you leave with the feeling that they aren't the best citizens either. Especially the basketball recruits. That's not racist either, it just is what it is, and nothing more.

Dude if what I said was insulting then what is this.....this just proves how out of touch and insensitive you are to reality. And as I said, and you avoided, your employee/employer thing is bumpkus and in fact if you knew me, what I did and how I did it, you’d be embarrassed that once again you said something soooo short sighted. Your posts are full of them…

Again I’ll give you references if you’d like…..
And yes, the U of I is pretty high up on the list of both state run universities, in terms of undergraduate enrollment, and public schools. Obviously it isn't up with the extremely larges, which are places like SUNY, and the California state system, both of which incorporate multiple locations, and in the case of California, multiple separate universities, but it is way up on both lists.

Sorry, once again facts are nasty little things. Just to be clear, in addition to doing a Google search of this, I went on the US DOE's list. Very sorry guys, I'll continue to argue with both fact, and my opinion. It is just more clear in my case when I state something as an opinion, rather than fact.

Some others that make statements should try to do the same.
And yes, the U of I is pretty high up on the list of both state run universities, in terms of undergraduate enrollment, and public schools. Obviously it isn't up with the extremely larges, which are places like SUNY, and the California state system, both of which incorporate multiple locations, and in the case of California, multiple separate universities, but it is way up on both lists.

Sorry, once again facts are nasty little things. Just to be clear, in addition to doing a Google search of this, I went on the US DOE's list. Very sorry guys, I'll continue to argue with both fact, and my opinion. It is just more clear in my case when I state something as an opinion, rather than fact.

Some others that make statements should try to do the same.

ppffftttt....the only one believing you is...well you and those who always act like you!
As much as I'd like to jump on the bandwagon and get after the OP, he actually made a couple good points. Sally Mason could care less about the athletic dept. Although I think our recruiting class this year is pretty solid so far.
ppffftttt....the only one believing you is...well you and those who always act like you!

Rather then me telling you, and then you telling me, why don't you take 30 seconds and look it up. That way you can have the correct answer from an independent third party.

So before you take the time to do this, I'll bet you $20.00 I'm correct. And then you won't pay me.
As much as I'd like to jump on the bandwagon and get after the OP, he actually made a couple good points. Sally Mason could care less about the athletic dept. Although I think our recruiting class this year is pretty solid so far.[/QUOTE]

Well that seems obvious but we can't fix that and in all honesty, based on some of the PR nightmares athletes have got her into, I kind of get it. I really don't generally care about that end of it, but I do have a worldly perspective unlike some, and I can see why she may not care all too much....

Just like I'm frustrated by the football team, but not dimwitted enuff to over state our problems or our failings. That’s not how the reactionary types operate however and their business’s endeavors typically show that attitude.
Chad, I have to say your "you people", "I'm holier than you" posts are getting very annoying. Everytime someone has a diferent opinion than you you say the same thing.
"You people are all the same in the workplace and on this board, you guys are whats wrong with this society. I dont put up with your type. I manage people at a car dealership."
Dude stop it already. Its reall old, repetitive and annoying. Every thread you are in turns into this crap.
Chad, I have to say your "you people", "I'm holier than you" posts are getting very annoying. Everytime someone has a diferent opinion than you you say the same thing.
"You people are all the same in the workplace and on this board, you guys are whats wrong with this society. I dont put up with your type. I manage people at a car dealership."
Dude stop it already. Its reall old, repetitive and annoying. Every thread you are in turns into this crap.

Who is Chad? Curious. Because what you stated in this thread, if it is what I think it is, is what really ****** me off.

I state an opinion, and also some fact. Others disagreed respectfully. I had no problem with any of it, until the "you people" thing started.

I took the you people thing as being direct at me. I probably shouldn't have engaged, but I did.

So, if you could please, who is Chad?

Rather then me telling you, and then you telling me, why don't you take 30 seconds and look it up. That way you can have the correct answer from an independent third party.

So before you take the time to do this, I'll bet you $20.00 I'm correct. And then you won't pay me.

If you are talking about the university size crap I couldn’t possibly care any less….I’m just talking about your general opinion/fact rant……

And friend I don’t wager, but a more honorable, dedicated to the Truth, and start forward cat you’ll never meet. If I owe it, you’d have before you missed it. I don’t have many bosses, but the one I do knows before anyone can tell him if I did something wrong. I’m the guy who calls you while you are on vacation to tell you I was late…..that’s how I lead my men and what I expect of myself. That why I take such offense to the tripe I read on these boards. It isn’t how positive, hard working people lead others now-a-days, but it doesn’t keep you guys from 24/7 airing your grievances, like it will help…..

Anything else brother….
Who is Chad? Curious. Because what you stated in this thread, if it is what I think it is, is what really ****** me off.

I state an opinion, and also some fact. Others disagreed respectfully. I had no problem with any of it, until the "you people" thing started.

I took the you people thing as being direct at me. I probably shouldn't have engaged, but I did.

So, if you could please, who is Chad?
Someone had mentioned a melt down was coming. I sure son't want to make that poster wait.

National signing day is closely approaching. Iowa is nowhere to be seen. Again. At best, 5th in the B10 (B12?). Nowhere nationally. And this is one of their better recruiting classes in many years.

One of the largest public institutions in America, with great facilities, a solid budget, 7 home game (8 next year in all actuality) and usually the likes of Indiana, Minnesota and Purdue on the schedule. With at least regional national television for a majority of games, and EVERY game televised for exposure. And ABSOLUTELY no competition from any other program, college or professional, in the entire state for a fan base (and in the real world, for recruiting either).

And we get no recruits. We throw running backs under the bus due to pressure from the U. (Yes, I am basing this on something. No, I'm not getting into details right now). We can only get 7 wins. We have a coach who threw a player under the bus, by his inaction, to protect the 6th highest head coaching salary in American college football.

And the only donors that complain (large donors, by the way), get drowned out by the lifelong farmers in the I Club, which is 100% ineffectual. And we do nothing.

Our AD, and Head Football Coach lets the U get rid of our best running back. His family has said he had no choice. He had wanted to stay at Iowa, but his staying was not possible.

Is this what’s wrong with the mentality of Iowans in general? It’s good enough? And God help you if you have goals for more than this, because those same I Club farmers mentioned above will say “quit complainingâ€, and “your expectations are unrealistic’’.

So am I concerned about the future of Iowa football? I’ll answer this way. I can’t see any improvement for at least 2 years. That should speak loudly about our inability to recruit, keeping assistant coaches, and coaches for that matter, well beyond their time to go (including one who if I mention his name, I'll really get crucified), and almost 100% complacency amongst the fans, who if they ever read this e-mail would reply “You’re not a true fan†and “I sat through 30 losing seasons in a rowâ€. (as if that’s something to be proud of, especially since they made no effort to apply any pressure to get things changed).

And yes I am a donor. And yes, I'm considering becoming a non-donor. And yes, I realize my tickets will be swooped up, and the demand will remain high.

Anyone else as disappointed and concerned by this as I am?

It's official. Farming is killing Iowa football.
Chad, I have to say your "you people", "I'm holier than you" posts are getting very annoying. Everytime someone has a diferent opinion than you you say the same thing.
"You people are all the same in the workplace and on this board, you guys are whats wrong with this society. I dont put up with your type. I manage people at a car dealership."
Dude stop it already. Its reall old, repetitive and annoying. Every thread you are in turns into this crap.

Your serious....I'll tell you what...if you are typically on the opposite end of the world than me on how you attack life, then I'm okay with that. Meaning if you are one of the cats who are consistently negative and upset that the coaches are doing things wrong, then so be it. Glad I got to you. If you are actually someone who thinks it is over the top and you are pointing out that I too can be over the top and I’m not really being a very good witness of Christ then it is duly noted. I can be quite a jack arse and as I general rule, I’m pretty honest with myself. I have many failings, but one of them isn’t hanging out on a message board and continually with out stop complaining about my football team and its coach…so I say which camp are you in?!

OPs.....those people are whats wrong with society by the way...:D
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Chad, I have to say your "you people", "I'm holier than you" posts are getting very annoying. Everytime someone has a diferent opinion than you you say the same thing."You people are all the same in the workplace and on this board, you guys are whats wrong with this society. I dont put up with your type. I manage people at a car dealership."Dude stop it already. Its reall old, repetitive and annoying. Every thread you are in turns into this crap.
Who is Chad? Curious. Because what you stated in this thread, if it is what I think it is, is what really ****** me off.I state an opinion, and also some fact. Others disagreed respectfully. I had no problem with any of it, until the "you people" thing started. I took the you people thing as being direct at me. I probably shouldn't have engaged, but I did.So, if you could please, who is Chad?

cmhawks is Chad. He spouts the same old stuff in every thread whenever someone has an opinion that is not directly in line with his opinions. Then he goes on to generalize those people with differing opinions to be "the problem with society". Its getting brutal to read.

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