Good example of why Darboh

i see this thread went over most peoples head
my point was that Darbogh stated clearly early on, that the way dicipline was handled was a concern
i never said that the Coker situation affected his decision
sorry kids are not perfect, they do screw up
I neither implied nor said i knew anything about the Coker situation, but there are a lot of people out there talking about it being a BS suspension

So if not Coker, then he had a problem with us kicking Robinson off the team for smoking weed? Or DJK for being associated with a drug house? Or maybe the one game suspension Derby got for breaking a window while drunk? If he expects bad behavior to be swept under the rug, I don't want him. If there are more examples of wrongful suspensions, I haven't heard about them.
i see this thread went over most peoples head
my point was that Darbogh stated clearly early on, that the way dicipline was handled was a concern

Ok, then let's play the game, rather than just accepting your premise to begin with can you cite the source where he said this?
Ok, then let's play the game, rather than just accepting your premise to begin with can you cite the source where he said this?

I heard that from my uncle's best friend's sister's hairdresser's cousin's dog's vet. "inside sources" are the most reliable.
Its not like Iowa has beaten Michigan in many recruiting battles EVER anyway. I mean seriously this is normal. Michigan was down for a few years and that allowed us to get the upper hand on them for a while but I dont see why anybody thought that would last. Michigan will always beat us for recruits its just the way it is. Doesnt matter if the kid is from Des Moines, Cedar Rapids or anywhere else.
I get the OP's post, I don't know how much to believe this impacts recruiting. There are things that do put us behind the 8 ball though. Thinks like freshman can't talk to the media, no twitter, etc. These are not big things in the overall picture, but kids do factor this kind of stuff in in making a college choice.

I understand why the Captain has these rules, but they do/could have a minor impact on recruiting.

I find it weird that all the basketball players can talk to the media and tweet, but the football players can't. Just seems weird.
it was in a interview a couple months ago done by HR staff
i don't really care if you believer it or not, the info is out there for anyone to find
unrealistic suspensions does affect recruiting
you really seriously think Coker came here with the intention of breaking any rules
or that he would deliberaty break them
it was in a interview a couple months ago done by HR staff
i don't really care if you believer it or not, the info is out there for anyone to find
unrealistic suspensions does affect recruiting
you really seriously think Coker came here with the intention of breaking any rules
or that he would deliberaty break them

Again I say, he made his decision before Coker, what other examples of unjust suspensions did he have to base this statement on? If had a problem with ARob or DJK's suspensions, I don't want him. But if you have other examples, please share. Otherwise, if he really made that statement, that's code for, if I get caught smoking weed, I'll be in trouble at Iowa, so I'm not going there.
As DJL just stated Darboh had made his decision before the Coker suspension occurred.

Could you please enlighten me as to what the new unjust policy the University has in place in regards to athletic code of conduct. Thanks
What strikes me as odd, is that a kid most would consider very unlikely to break the law, would be focused on a programs punishment policy for those that do...

Would even go so far as to comment on it and make it a focal point to his recruitment.

Seems odd that is all I am saying...
If the rumor I have heard about Coker is true, he very much deserves to be suspended.
chose Michigan over Iowa
he said the diciplinary actions worried him
i myself was critical of himbut with the way this Coker situation is unfolding
this is a good example of why we can't get better players when players get suspended by the University President or AD and they can hide behind student privacy laws
lets put it this way if it ever comes out why and the public and it was nothing that deserved a suspension in the eyes of the big boosters Sally Mason and Barta are going to look for new jobs
Every time I think I've come up with all the ways this post is messed up, a new one pops into my head.

factually incorrect
logically erroneous
skewed perspective

It's truly remarkable.
Let's see....on his trip to Iowa City he sees the Hawks play Northwestern. On his trip to Meeechigan he sees UM v. tO$U.....yep, I think he chose wisely. Probably didn't help that Hartlieb was steering him away from IC, either.
Let's see....on his trip to Iowa City he sees the Hawks play Northwestern. On his trip to Meeechigan he sees UM v. tO$U.....yep, I think he chose wisely. Probably didn't help that Hartlieb was steering him away from IC, either.

Not funneling Darboh TO Iowa City is not the same as steering him AWAY from Iowa City. Kind of like how playing not to lose isn't the same as playing to win. You might end up with the same result either way, but how that result materialized is where the difference lies. Hartlieb played it on the fence, and wanted to help Darboh make the best decision for him; he didn't sound to me like he was steering Darboh anywhere. And I applaud him for the way he handled the whole thing.
maybe he was talking more about how often people get busted for minor stuff in Iowa City. I know I would be scared to play for Iowa because of this.

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