Iowa player sent home from Insight

I know many Iowa fans & not a single one of those people believe that nothing is wrong. Not one. Work with one guy that has wanted KF gone for 4 years. The only folks I see that literally think absolutely nothing is at the very least off, are people on this site.

Birds of the same feather flock together. It's apparent that you work with people who don't know anything about football and that just like to b!tch.
yeah, right. people that post on this site, or any website, are a small, small fraction of the fanbase, and typically the loons come out to play on such websites. this one is no different, and you are representative of the loon factor of the fanbase.
I know many Iowa fans & not a single one of those people believe that nothing is wrong. Not one. Work with one guy that has wanted KF gone for 4 years. The only folks I see that literally think absolutely nothing is at the very least off, are people on this site.

He has wanted Kirk gone for four years? You mean their is someone in the world more delisuional and negative then you. Good to know.
The only thing wrong with this program is 18-23 yr old young men make dumb decisions.
Gee, if only we could play with mature adults over 30,eh?
Until then, we will have to live with a few youthful indiscretions,or hope to have 120 college age guys be perfect,like you?

We should just wish for the staff to cover up and/or ignore issues with players. Maybe we'd fit in with the larger brand names that way. Screw discipline and control.
I keep saying everything is fine.
Nothing is wrong.
Its not like any players are getting sent home from Tempe.
There's nothing wrong, program's in good shape.

If it weren't we'd be seeing coaches leave, players leave, so until we see something like that I wouldn't get real concerned.
Exactly, since our player attrition rates are roughly around average, and our coaching attrition rate is far better than average. I'm glad you brought your initial reaction in line with reality.
Exactly, since our player attrition rates are roughly around average, and our coaching attrition rate is far better than average. I'm glad you brought your initial reaction in line with reality.

We're in agreement.
Its not like our coaches are leaving for divisional rivals or anything like that.
We're in agreement.
Its not like our coaches are leaving for divisional rivals or anything like that.

You can't even follow your own complaints. When one has to Jump from point to point they often have no point. Deliver the next pizza and I am sure your "friends " will share more wisdom.
Yeah, nothing's wrong with this program.

Do us a favor some research so your thoughts have merit because right now they don't. Pick 5 others teams, your choice; hang out on their board and on their sites and report back to us. If they have decidedly less instances than us, we’ll all agree with your position. Since I know they wont you’ll admit you are just bitter and looking for any reason you can to pile on.

Refusal to respond, well also be an admission of guilt.

I wonder if the same people that want more moderation are the same people wanting more government. I would never "want" someone telling someone what to do. Accept it yes but want it no
We do need more moderation, I agree.

That said, people who prove they cannot control themselves need to move on to another site.
The constant little ****ing matches get really old.

If you don't agee with something then just say that and why and leave it at that.

The site shouldn't NEED more moderation. People just need to cut the high school crap.

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