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  1. shuman346

    Your gut feeling on the PSU game this year

    It is probably too late for anything of consequence to happen that will jeopardize this coming season. All bets are off after that though.
  2. shuman346

    Talked briefly with Reese Morgan today

    i have enjoyed watching both Stanzi and Vandenberg. I have a hard time comparing either of them because they played on different teams. The only way I think you can is by comparing how they fared as juniors at this point. In Stanzi's junior year he had unproven RBs (again), a stud...
  3. shuman346

    Delaney - Firing Coaches

    I would have no problem what so ever with Delaney having the ability to suspend coaches and what not but absolutely no way should he singularly have the ability to fire any schools coach. If it is a a consensus amongst all of the other schools presidents and AD's I would probably be alright...
  4. shuman346

    Starting RB

    No one has any experience to speak of so the guy who gives us the best chance to be successful will get the nod. My guess is Bullock or Hill.
  5. shuman346

    What will Kinnick be like for PSU?

    Well said. I tend to believe that the student section may well be where any problem may arise but who knows. With it being a night game and all of the tailgating it could be bad. I personally don't expect anything out of hand in Iowa City.
  6. shuman346

    I need a creepster ruling

    I fly back to Iowa for one game every year and take my nephews to football game and have been praying for an opportunity as that. Definitely not creepy at all. Imagine how you would have cherished an autograph from Ronny Lester and company.
  7. shuman346

    NCAA champ having a little fun in Montana

    Good luck with the fly fishing. There is lot more rock bass and tree bass out there than trout
  8. shuman346

    My thoughts on what should happen to Penn State

    I doubt it will be that severe but it would suffice for my thoughts.
  9. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess

    I expect all of that and am fine with it. I've just been pretty reserved about this whole situation and decided to put my opinion out there.
  10. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess

    I agree completely and aside from the victims that is the real tragedy.
  11. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess

    I would have no doubt of that. I was the only one wearing purple in my section last season in Grizzly Stadium and I took a lot of hell for it. Definitely nothing like what I have seen per usual in Kinnick.
  12. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess

    100% agree. It's scary really. I've attended a few games in Missoula and the game day atmosphere is unbelievable. It is like a smaller version of Kinnick. The stadium is always sold out and the crowd is every bit as rowdy as Hawk fans. It's just too bad that there are these situations.
  13. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess

    I actually drove to Missoula and was one of about 12 a holes wearing purple for the playoff game last year. It wasn't what I had in mind.
  14. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess If I remember correctly, there has been 11 instances of reported sexual assaults in the last year on campus and there has been little or no action taken in...
  15. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess

    Livingston is known as the "Gateway to Yellowstone." Lots of recreational things to do near this area.
  16. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess

    I agree that there must be a lot of good that comes out of PSU and the intent of my post wasn't to contradict that fact. As someone who is completely uninvolved with the consequences that are coming I would be accepting if the PSU brass did choose to release all players and self impose the...
  17. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess

    I've lived here most of my life. It's beautiful here. Have you ever been able to visit the area? Funny thing is that the University of Montana is in seriously hot water right now as well.
  18. shuman346

    Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess

    I have seen people defending and destroying all sides of this scandal in these threads. One of the defenses for PSU I have a really hard time seeing at all is the idea that none of the athletes, faculty, etc. knew what going on and they should see little or no repercussion from what ever is...
  19. shuman346

    Death penalty: PSU/SMU

    I agree. It would benefit all involved if PSU suspended their own program. Especially PSU. If they appear to defend and or dismiss what has happened it would just create another nightmare for the school. I really don't think the NCAA is going to eat it on this one. Something is definitely...
  20. shuman346

    Death penalty: PSU/SMU

    I could be wrong but I'm sure they would be allowed to transfer without a penalty. The only reason not to wold be if any of them had any sort of knowledge of this mess and that is doubtful.