What will Kinnick be like for PSU?

Time to re-think the whole playoff business. It just adds money and creates more of a culture where football is king,and coaches are the princes.
Take it down a notch. Screw national title games. Just de-emphasize it a bit.
Back to the future,where there are no conference title games,with only traditional bowl games as a postseason.

If fans are serious about reining in this beast,they have to speak out agains this escalation and fight against the playoffs.
I'm am probably one of the few people that don't boo any visiting team when they come into our stadium. I think that's classless, but that's me. I do boo bad calls by the ref, and all that bull **** that MSU was doing at last years game.

As others have said, I hope the Iowa fans are classy and do not, as a whole, exhibit poor behavior towards this team. I think it would be embarrassing for Iowa fans if this happens. We are better than that.

The students had nothing to do with this particular tragedy and they will be at Iowa to play football. I'm sure many of the University staff and students are deeply ashamed by what happened. Instead of feeling angry for those players that still think of Paterno as this god that could do no wrong, have pity for them. Try to think about it from their point of view. They knew this "legend" and had him up on a pedestal and now they have to come to grips about what a liar he was. He was far from perfect. It will take time and being honest with themselves. If any of you have been disillusioned by a person in your life, you'll know what I'm talking about.

This has been and continues to be an awful tragedy. It brings out a multitude of very strong emotions. The key is to temper those emotions and direct that passion to helping the victims in this tragedy. There is so much we may never know about this entire ordeal. The focus has been on Penn State, Paterno and it's administrators, and deservedly so. They are the ones in positions of authority that could have been heard more easily, had they spoke out. But how many ordinary people like you and I in PA, KNEW about this guy and did nothing? I still don't know how the mother of one of these children didn't scream and scream until she was heard by the press, the law...someone. Because of the type of crime this is, people choose to look the other way; it's disgusting and appalling and we want to pretend it didn't happen. What do we do in our daily lives now to make sure this isn't happening around us in our schools, neighborhoods and families?

Sexual abuse of children and the secrecy around it, wasn't invented at Penn State. It goes on every day all around us. There are estimates that 1 out 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys is sexually abused before they are 18. What are we doing to make sure this isn't happening around us?
I'm am probably one of the few people that don't boo any visiting team when they come into our stadium. I think that's classless, but that's me. I do boo bad calls by the ref, and all that bull **** that MSU was doing at last years game.

As others have said, I hope the Iowa fans are classy and do not, as a whole, exhibit poor behavior towards this team. I think it would be embarrassing for Iowa fans if this happens. We are better than that.

The students had nothing to do with this particular tragedy and they will be at Iowa to play football. I'm sure many of the University staff and students are deeply ashamed by what happened. Instead of feeling angry for those players that still think of Paterno as this god that could do no wrong, have pity for them. Try to think about it from their point of view. They knew this "legend" and had him up on a pedestal and now they have to come to grips about what a liar he was. He was far from perfect. It will take time and being honest with themselves. If any of you have been disillusioned by a person in your life, you'll know what I'm talking about.

This has been and continues to be an awful tragedy. It brings out a multitude of very strong emotions. The key is to temper those emotions and direct that passion to helping the victims in this tragedy. There is so much we may never know about this entire ordeal. The focus has been on Penn State, Paterno and it's administrators, and deservedly so. They are the ones in positions of authority that could have been heard more easily, had they spoke out. But how many ordinary people like you and I in PA, KNEW about this guy and did nothing? I still don't know how the mother of one of these children didn't scream and scream until she was heard by the press, the law...someone. Because of the type of crime this is, people choose to look the other way; it's disgusting and appalling and we want to pretend it didn't happen. What do we do in our daily lives now to make sure this isn't happening around us in our schools, neighborhoods and families?

Sexual abuse of children and the secrecy around it, wasn't invented at Penn State. It goes on every day all around us. There are estimates that 1 out 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys is sexually abused before they are 18. What are we doing to make sure this isn't happening around us?

I cannot agree any more strongly. I also do not boo the opposing team, but that is probably your least important point here.
I don't think it will be as bad as some expect. By then some form of punishment will already have been meted out. The outrage will have been expressed and emotions calmed.
I won't boo PSU players unless they deserve it for some unsportsmanlike act on the the field.
I'm am probably one of the few people that don't boo any visiting team when they come into our stadium. I think that's classless, but that's me. I do boo bad calls by the ref, and all that bull **** that MSU was doing at last years game.

As others have said, I hope the Iowa fans are classy and do not, as a whole, exhibit poor behavior towards this team. I think it would be embarrassing for Iowa fans if this happens. We are better than that.

The students had nothing to do with this particular tragedy and they will be at Iowa to play football. I'm sure many of the University staff and students are deeply ashamed by what happened. Instead of feeling angry for those players that still think of Paterno as this god that could do no wrong, have pity for them. Try to think about it from their point of view. They knew this "legend" and had him up on a pedestal and now they have to come to grips about what a liar he was. He was far from perfect. It will take time and being honest with themselves. If any of you have been disillusioned by a person in your life, you'll know what I'm talking about.

This has been and continues to be an awful tragedy. It brings out a multitude of very strong emotions. The key is to temper those emotions and direct that passion to helping the victims in this tragedy. There is so much we may never know about this entire ordeal. The focus has been on Penn State, Paterno and it's administrators, and deservedly so. They are the ones in positions of authority that could have been heard more easily, had they spoke out. But how many ordinary people like you and I in PA, KNEW about this guy and did nothing? I still don't know how the mother of one of these children didn't scream and scream until she was heard by the press, the law...someone. Because of the type of crime this is, people choose to look the other way; it's disgusting and appalling and we want to pretend it didn't happen. What do we do in our daily lives now to make sure this isn't happening around us in our schools, neighborhoods and families?

Sexual abuse of children and the secrecy around it, wasn't invented at Penn State. It goes on every day all around us. There are estimates that 1 out 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys is sexually abused before they are 18. What are we doing to make sure this isn't happening around us?

Well said. I tend to believe that the student section may well be where any problem may arise but who knows. With it being a night game and all of the tailgating it could be bad. I personally don't expect anything out of hand in Iowa City.
Oh yes you will. You'll seen a ton of it. Most Pedo State fans have not gotten the message, apparently, based on the near-record fundraising for the first part of this year and the idiotic reaction defending Paterno following the release of yesterday's report.

Until there is a loud and clear "We're sorry" coming out of Happy Valley, PSU coaches, players and fans deserved to be shunned.

I agree that Penn State's fans will show up, but I disagree that players and fans deserve to be "shunned." If the shoe were on the other foot (God forbid) and we learned that this shameful event happened at Iowa, I think we could agree that the fans and the players would bear no guilt for what happened. The best that they can do now is join the chorus of those who recognize the shameful conduct of PSU's administration, including Joe Paterno, and conduct themselves with dignity.
I'm am probably one of the few people that don't boo any visiting team when they come into our stadium. I think that's classless, but that's me. I do boo bad calls by the ref, and all that bull **** that MSU was doing at last years game.

As others have said, I hope the Iowa fans are classy and do not, as a whole, exhibit poor behavior towards this team. I think it would be embarrassing for Iowa fans if this happens. We are better than that.

The students had nothing to do with this particular tragedy and they will be at Iowa to play football. I'm sure many of the University staff and students are deeply ashamed by what happened. Instead of feeling angry for those players that still think of Paterno as this god that could do no wrong, have pity for them. Try to think about it from their point of view. They knew this "legend" and had him up on a pedestal and now they have to come to grips about what a liar he was. He was far from perfect. It will take time and being honest with themselves. If any of you have been disillusioned by a person in your life, you'll know what I'm talking about.

This has been and continues to be an awful tragedy. It brings out a multitude of very strong emotions. The key is to temper those emotions and direct that passion to helping the victims in this tragedy. There is so much we may never know about this entire ordeal. The focus has been on Penn State, Paterno and it's administrators, and deservedly so. They are the ones in positions of authority that could have been heard more easily, had they spoke out. But how many ordinary people like you and I in PA, KNEW about this guy and did nothing? I still don't know how the mother of one of these children didn't scream and scream until she was heard by the press, the law...someone. Because of the type of crime this is, people choose to look the other way; it's disgusting and appalling and we want to pretend it didn't happen. What do we do in our daily lives now to make sure this isn't happening around us in our schools, neighborhoods and families?

Sexual abuse of children and the secrecy around it, wasn't invented at Penn State. It goes on every day all around us. There are estimates that 1 out 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys is sexually abused before they are 18. What are we doing to make sure this isn't happening around us?

Great job outta you, Freaky! Couldn't agree more.
If Iowa plays Penn State on October 20th, it means that disgraced institution lacked the moral rectitude to suspend football for at least one season, the very least we can expect them to do.

Ergo, everyone from that sh!thole burrow of debauchery should be treated with vitriolic scorn.

Go read Ped State's message boards, or quotes from the trustees and current players who are still, STILL defending Paterno and the program. They don't get it, they won't get it, they willfully refuse to get it, so they need to be educated about it.

I was of the mind that they should be accorded some modicum of grace until I read and heard their continuing denial and rationalization. Screw those sick ba$tards. If they have the nerve to show up in Iowa City on October 20, let it rip and don't hold back.
Saying the PSU fans and students aren't culpable is BS! They are part of the culture and are perpetuating that culture with gusto. They could get that statue removed. They could pressure the institution to do the right thing. Instead, they are rioting and threatening the board if they take any action.

Sorry, but I am not going to watch that program play and I would hope that other fans would feel the same way. Buy your ticket, support the Iowa athletic department, but don't be complicit in this disgusting situation by showing up like nothing is wrong.

I would also suggest that it is time we start pressuring the Iowa athletic department and the B1G. If the B1G feels like the rest of the conference is apathetic, they will not be inclined to do anything. But if fans threaten to take action, that might lead to action.
Say penn st doesnt have a season, that means Wisconsin comes back on our schedual, going back in time to when we had 11 teams. haha.
If this happened at Iowa, and was covered up for years by so many people, I could no longer support the program.

I think fans of the conference need to send a universal message and stay outside of the stadiums for the game vs PSU. Realistic? probably not.
Saying the PSU fans and students aren't culpable is BS! They are part of the culture and are perpetuating that culture with gusto. They could get that statue removed. They could pressure the institution to do the rightr thing. Instead, they are rioting and threatening the board if they take any action. Sorry, but I am not going to watch that program play and I would hope that other fans would feel the same way. Buy your ticket, support the Iowa athletic department, but don't be complicit in this disgusting situation by showing up like nothing is wrong. I would also suggest that it is time we start pressuring the Iowa athletic department and the B1G. If the B1G feels like the rest of the conference is apathetic, they will not be inclined to do anything. But if fans threaten to take action, that might lead to action.

My thinking goes along with what CAARHawk says here. The facts have been presented that esteemed leaders of the Penn State football team and the university as a whole had knowledge of the these crimes and allowed there campus and facilities to continue to support this monster's atrocities with young boys.

The proof has been presented. The question everyone needs to ask themselves is .....do I continue to support, play for, and attend an entity that knowingly did this?

Were current players and students GUILTY of this crime? NO


Penn State students: GET OUT OF THERE! You are either paying financially or with athletic talents to attend a guilty university. You have a choice to stay or leave. There are plenty of other fine universities to attend or play for who would gladly take you in.

If you stay, expect the bad reputation, media, booing, and penalties that the university YOU attend and REPRESENT have brought upon itself. You have a choice to leave.

If this had happened at Iowa, who I have supported over 30 years, and my kids were attending, they would be out of there.
Well, that isn't EXACTLY my thinking. My thinking is that big changes need to be made to change the culture there, but there doesn't seem to be the will to change the culture. On the contrary, it seems the culture has reared it's hideous head and has stopped the board from acting appropriately.

The students could do the right thing and present as big a show as they did last year at the time of the firing, but on the side of right this time. Instead they still seem bent on trying all they can do to maintain a sick system.

Fine, if they want to do this. But I don't need to condone their behavior by showing up to watch them play football.
I will be there pulling for my team and I will be courteous to their fans. However, I have lost respect for Penn State and the players and coaches and administration at Penn State. It can't be business as usual in Happy Valley.

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