I need a creepster ruling

I think your kid was a little young to have know these guys, so I would have left them alone.
I served 8 years in the US Army and I can tell you that it made me proud to have people come up and shake my hand when I was out in public in my uniform. That happened all the time, whether you were at Target or in the airport.

I know this isn't exactly the same thing, but I feel like the players certainly wouldn't mind the attention. When someone knows what they are doing is important to other people they should be proud of that. That's part of earning a chance to play Big Ten Basketball. I feel like it's better to walk up and shake their hand and wish them good luck next season than it is to sit back and find yourself staring at them.
If you had a kid who was a huge fan and say...10 or 12 years old? Fine.

Your kid is 3, much to young to know who they are...good decision not to talk to them. That would have been for you and not the child.

And creepy.
If you had a kid who was a huge fan and say...10 or 12 years old? Fine.

Your kid is 3, much to young to know who they are...good decision not to talk to them. That would have been for you and not the child.

And creepy.
I disagree. That kid could bring those signatures to show and tell as a 5 year old. He will have a cool story, with pics, to tell the rest of the class before nap time.
If you had a kid who was a huge fan and say...10 or 12 years old? Fine.

Your kid is 3, much to young to know who they are...good decision not to talk to them. That would have been for you and not the child.

And creepy.

In all fairness, the kid is a very old 3.
:rolleyes: :D
I served 8 years in the US Army and I can tell you that it made me proud to have people come up and shake my hand when I was out in public in my uniform. That happened all the time, whether you were at Target or in the airport.

I know this isn't exactly the same thing, but I feel like the players certainly wouldn't mind the attention. When someone knows what they are doing is important to other people they should be proud of that. That's part of earning a chance to play Big Ten Basketball. I feel like it's better to walk up and shake their hand and wish them good luck next season than it is to sit back and find yourself staring at them.
Nice post, DP, and good to have you back home.....

I agree with all you said.....

In all fairness, the kid is a very old 3.
:rolleyes: :D
Some kids are, Scorpio, they can be taught many things between birth and three years old. I always talked to my children in complete sentences from the first, and after a while would start using two sentences. They would eventually start talking in sentences.....

Little things like that work wonders.....

I would also correct their usage from the first, even though they couldn't grasp the concept they would eventually start using the correct word/words automatically having learned from relentless repetition.....

I also cured their asking me to buy them something every time we went to the store, whatever store it would happen to be. The Very First time they would ask me to buy them this or that. I would kindly reply: No, and if you ask me again, I will take you out to the car, and put you in the trunk until I am finished shopping. Worked like a charm.....

You should have hid in the apparel rack & started snapping shots with your phone. That's not creepy at all.

Actually, I can't find myself ever approaching them when I see them & give them their space. They get hoarded enough throughout the year. But, I agree, with kids is a different story.
If you had a kid who was a huge fan and say...10 or 12 years old? Fine.Your kid is 3, much to young to know who they are...good decision not to talk to them. That would have been for you and not the child.And creepy.

The 3 year old wouldnt have understood. Also had my 4 year old son who will be 5 next month. He understood when I told him they were Hawkeye bball players, but he asked if Marble was there, which obviously he wasnt.
I think the guys would have appreciated it and would have loved taking pictures with your son. Woodbury and Gesell are a couple of the most humble kids you will ever meet and they would have gladly obliged for a quick picture.
I fly back to Iowa for one game every year and take my nephews to football game and have been praying for an opportunity as that. Definitely not creepy at all. Imagine how you would have cherished an autograph from Ronny Lester and company.
Would I have gone up by myself and asked for a pic if I was you? No, but at the same time I don't think it qualifies as "creepy" at all. They're used to that, and since you had kids it would be very normal. They might not know who the players are now, but once they turn 5, 6, 7 they will be old enough to understand a little more and if any of those guys happen to make it to the next level your kids will have a picture with those guys which will be very cool for them later on. Not creepy.
The players would have no problem with the kids or any adults. Fran is trying to re-build the fan support and is all for the players mixing it up with all the fans. Remember the Alamo? Hail ( is the word HELL permissible on this forum) no, I say remember the basketball court after we beat highly ranked Purdue. The players just loved being with the fans. Considering the location of where you met these guys, what's the chance of Iowa fans being there???? They knew they would be approached in that store before they even arrived there. These are college basket players from IOWA and its to be expected. None of the interviews of the players that I have seen indicate an attitude of arrogance and entitlement. That's one of the great things about being a HAWKEYE. :)
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I think the guys would have appreciated it and would have loved taking pictures with your son. Woodbury and Gesell are a couple of the most humble kids you will ever meet and they would have gladly obliged for a quick picture.

Dude, you don't know these people.

Just leave them alone, in peace, to get their free gear under the table.

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