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  1. blkngoldUofI

    DJK busting out his mic skills

    On facebook DJK is a Hawkeye legend who is hosting some type of pre game or game watch thingy in Chicago for the NIU game. I find it hilarious that he considers himself a Hawkeye legend. Apparantly because he holds 2 Iowa recieveing recoed he is a legend when we all know that if McNut was a WR...
  2. blkngoldUofI

    Rodney Coe

    When a kids profile pic is of him holding guns any coach with a brain would turn and run the other way. Kid has had issues from the start with grades so mentally he isn't drawn in like he should and then to have a profile pic like the one he has just isn't good. I smell trouble!
  3. blkngoldUofI

    This upsets me..

    At least Iowa can fill their satdium up no matter who we play. ISU has a hard time selling 40,000 tickets to a normal game and without Iowa and Nebraska on their home schedule this year just what game will ISU easily sell out and please leave a schedule of the ISU games and what cahnnel they...
  4. blkngoldUofI

    Woods, B. Ferentz vs Isu

    If Knott is covering CJ and CJ is in the slot don't any of you clowns think that Iowa is going to run the ball with 6 people in the box? Like I stated b4, we could go back and forth all night and day but now knowing that Knott is the best LB in college football I will back off and let you have...
  5. blkngoldUofI

    Woods, B. Ferentz vs Isu

    LMAO u act like they never played football, can't handle or haven't had any contact are two different things!
  6. blkngoldUofI

    Woods, B. Ferentz vs Isu

    IS he the next Seneca Wallace?
  7. blkngoldUofI

    Woods, B. Ferentz vs Isu

    So you know that Garmon, Hill, Bullock, Rodgers can't see a hole and hit it and get 5 yards or more a carry? Iowa's backs are not game breaking type of guys but I'm sure they can carry the ball effectively against 4 man fronts and 7 in coverage!
  8. blkngoldUofI

    Woods, B. Ferentz vs Isu

    Reasonable, rational debate?? We could go back and forth all damn night and day if you want to nit pick every matchup out there. Knott going to match up with CJ on every play? If so then that is a good thing for Iowa's running game, see how I did that??
  9. blkngoldUofI

    Woods, B. Ferentz vs Isu

    Rush four and the running game will kick in, Iowa's offesnive line is a strength of this team. You want to double TE down the field and leave 4-5 defenders to stop the run it will be a fun game for Iowa, so just stop trying to be a smart *** and wait till the game is played on the field. And...
  10. blkngoldUofI

    Woods, B. Ferentz vs Isu

    That is because it's hard to find them on TV. And that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Iowa has ALWAYS been on TV, ALWAYS! All Iowa fans can agree that the only thing that will shut up the Clown fans is a W, and the best thing to happen would to be going on a 15-20 game...
  11. blkngoldUofI

    Woods, B. Ferentz vs Isu

    For me it's not the players or the coaching staffs that make this game ISU's super bowl it's their fan base that makes it that way. When all they can hang their hats on the whole year is beating Iowa then you have an ISU fan. They could go 1-11 or whatever they go and I would bet that any Clown...
  12. blkngoldUofI

    Fran Gets Paid

    Cograts to Fran, guy has earned it and will not rest. Iowa will be dancing in 2013, just have to believe people!
  13. blkngoldUofI

    What penalty in football ticks you off the most.

    Well it is a judgement call isn't it? and in my judgement most deep balls are poorly thrown and under thrown resulting in the DB running into a WR that has to STOP and come back to the that really fair on a defense? But thanks for making my point for me dog. If the ball were well...
  14. blkngoldUofI

    What penalty in football ticks you off the most.

    pass interference should not be a spot foul due to the fact that most balls are under thrown and the defensive back has no way of knowing if the ball is short or not. its a jump ball situation IMHO and the offense shouldn't be rewarded for a crappy thrown ball.
  15. blkngoldUofI

    License Plate: "ISU 3OT" - Weird?????

    I have a guy where I live that has a tattoo of a clone ******* ob a tiger hawk and his license plates even state how much he hates the hawks. so when I know ill be around him at a sporting event or a kids concert I deck out in my hawkeye gear and am polite as I can be to him. I mean come...
  16. blkngoldUofI

    Reggie Evans - Glass Artist;

    love his hawkeye tattoo on his right biceps also ...........mel could easily turn into a version of Reggie with a bit more of an offensive game if he has the right attitude towards rebounding and defense.
  17. blkngoldUofI

    Do you have concerns with your son(s) playing football?

    I believe if you teach your kids the right way to do things such as tackle and playing the game the right way you have an advantage. things are going to happen no matter how much you protect your kids. I want my boys' to play football....heck I even teach my 6 year old to see what he hits when...
  18. blkngoldUofI

    New Uniforms???

    I would love them uniforms ONE time a year, right around veterans day witht the red, whit and blue tiger hawk on the helmet!
  19. blkngoldUofI

    I would welcome Royce on our team...

    Royce has to strike while the iron is hot and get his money in the NBA. but I would take the hawkeyes white over their white any day of the week. our white will stay four years and leave behind a legacy few will or could ever match. don't care about who produces NBA talent, I want wins at the...
  20. blkngoldUofI

    CF Helmet Concepts

    Wouldn't mind a yellow version of the current helmet.