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  1. D

    If Iowa Basketball was a stock? Buy, Sell, Hold?

    I am selling AFTER tonight's game. Win tomight to reap a quick pop at low risk (a loss won't cause much of a dip). In case it isn't clear-- @NW is no place to be left holding the bag.
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    If buying recruits becomes approved by NCAA, would Iowa become a force?

    Perhaps some teams currently at the top of the recruiting heap such as Texas will stay there but a lot of the others (specifically from the sec) that gain recruits simply because of location (e.g. Alabama and LSU) will no longer be able to sign up so many good players. Secondly, teams could...
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    If buying recruits becomes approved by NCAA, would Iowa become a force?

    A recent article stated that Iowa has the 11th most valuable (money-wise) program. In that context, would Iowa become a national recruiting power ranked yearly in the top-20 if bidding for recruits is allowed by the ncaa? I ask because Iowa is one of few programs with a mismatch between brand...
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    RB next year

    If it's purely ypc, there are RBs with a few inches on Mark, some are even on the Iowa team. But a healthy Weisman with his tyle of running almost always bursts into the second level, delivers pulverising hits, never loses yardage, churns out first downs, keeps TOP in Iowa's favor...the benefits...
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    RB next year

    A healthy Weisman is the best back in the B1G, problem is he performs devastatingly only for 4-5 games. Maybe Kirk should use Leshun and Canzeri for the first half of the season and unleash the Golem later. This way, we have Weisman blasting into hopefully dinged up defenses instead of the other...
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    is there even a remote chance

    It's going to be tough sledding when their OL coach is called CystalBall.
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    Here are some ready-made excuses for you guys if Iowa does 8-4 or better

    It's much classier (not to mention rational) to make a prediction and take a bow when it's all said and done, don't you think?
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    Here are some ready-made excuses for you guys if Iowa does 8-4 or better

    Bumped for those of you who need to rationalize this unexpected (for you) turn of events. If the ready-made excuses don't do it for you guys (and you know who you are), feel free to make up your own. Tell me how many of you now feel that KF and co f*cked up what should have been a 10-win...
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    That was blatant and had me shocked at the no call. It would appear that their head thug has taken a page out of the Saints hit-book.
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    Can someone clarify why there was no penalty on MSU's thuggery on Powell? I was sure a 15-yarder was on the way. I watch with commentary muted, so don't have the talking head perspective.
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    Defensive stats through 5 games

    Last year's defense was by no means an abysmal defense -- they ended up with a respectable national ranking. If the offense had been ranked about the same, I suspect Iowa would've won 9 games. So there is only so much scope for improving the defense -- if we only move up 10-15 spots over last...
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    Hawks 2 Point Favorites vs MSU

    I got a different impression after watching them against Wisky. Miller was certainly a difference maker but at all other positions, tOSU at best matched the Badgers. That doesn't equal the kind of depth you imply. Meyer has done his utmost to give the impression of a top-5 team but there are...
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    wisc vs. osu

    Both Wisky and tOSU are solid teams though Wisky surprised me with both their physical play and mental toughness. A little bit of bad luck (missing a chip shot FG, and giving up that low percentage last-second TD before the half) cost them. Abedacabadra treated tOSU's number one corner like a...
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    The Second Coming of Chuck Long...

    Even though Rudock emits a good vibe, it's a little too soon make such a call. I will be satisfied if JR stays capable of maintaining cool under pressure and ends-up an above-average B1G QB. I offer Tate Forcier as a cautionary example. If you watched Forcier the first few times at Michigan...
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    Prediction Reshuffle: Do You Feel Differently about 2013?

    I hope that a re-prediction thread like this gets started at least 2 more times this season. It would likely mean that Iowa football is doing something right. It would also mean that everybody here would have an accurate prediction to hang their hat on at season's end.
  16. D

    "Just one of those games"

    I get exactly what Kirk meant -- he downplayed the whupping and offered Fleck encouragement without being condescending. "One of those games" means this was a once-in-50-games type occurrence where everything snowballed against WMU, and thus isn't necessarily indicative of wmu's talent/coaching...
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    Superman Wears #11 And He Plays For The Iowa Hawkeyes

    I am not about to go look but if some threads are to be believed WMU is chockfull of Florida guys.
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    Hawkeyes Rout Western Michigan

    This reader expects to find the final score mentioned somewhere in that nice write-up even if only in the stat-summary. If this game turns out to be the turning point for this program that it very well could, the article will get dug up from the archives many years from now -- only to leave...
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    Official Iowa v Directional Michigan Game Thread

    Should we be a disappoint? ST and D have as many TDs as the O.
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    Superman Wears #11 And He Plays For The Iowa Hawkeyes

    Honestly, I didn't think KMM had the speed to run away from anybody. Quite an eye opener.