Here are some ready-made excuses for you guys if Iowa does 8-4 or better

Do you honestly think those posters (myself included) who think Iowa will have a bad year WANT Iowa to have year?

We would admit we were wrong and be happy as hell on the plane ride to the bowlgame. No excuses needed. Go Hawks.

I agree with this for the most part.....but there are some on here that will be upset that a good year would mean KF gets credit. Oh they will kick and scream and cry, about how Iowa is winning in spite of him, but don't doubt for a second they will be upset about it.
I agree with this for the most part.....but there are some on here that will be upset that a good year would mean KF gets credit. Oh they will kick and scream and cry, about how Iowa is winning in spite of him, but don't doubt for a second they will be upset about it.

I'll be happy as a clam. I've stated on here several times that I'd love to eat crow on my 5-7 prediction. And if they have a good season, kf deserves ALL the credit.

8-4 is a possibility, a slim possibility. The best path for Iowa to get to 8-4 is to start 5-0. 5-0 is a good possibility. But how many KF teams have started 5-0? Kirk's teams seem to find a way to lose a easy game early while picking up a upset in conference. Road wins at Iowa State and Minnesota would be a nice way to start.

5-0 means Iowa still has to win three more conference games to get to 8-4. Michigan State, Wisconsin and Purdue possible. A home win against Northwestern would be nice. Ohio State, Michigan and Nebraska would big upsets.
Bumped for those of you who need to rationalize this unexpected (for you) turn of events. If the ready-made excuses don't do it for you guys (and you know who you are), feel free to make up your own.

Tell me how many of you now feel that KF and co f*cked up what should have been a 10-win season?
D-Line and QB play much better than predicted. (We knew the 3 LBs would be studs.)
Kirk finally saw Miller's rant on playing Canzeri more.
Reese Morgan is a great position coach.
We didn't lose a running back to a major injury this year. Thank you, AIRBHG!
Hey, we beat expectations for the first time since 2009. See you in Tampa!
what I really like Desi is... is how you have posted For two months but now you are running in here gloating and wagging your finger?

Where you been the past two months - if you were so sure of everything how come you haven't been reminding us everyday?
This would be the first time EVER KF would avoid the three year seven wins or under stretch! That would be huge news and a big sign the program is moving in the right direction. I will be the first to point this out, as it will cause a change in the sig.

However, the signs for this year and next are that the trend will continue.

Will the SIG be changed? :)
what I really like Desi is... is how you have posted For two months but now you are running in here gloating and wagging your finger?

Where you been the past two months - if you were so sure of everything how come you haven't been reminding us everyday?

It's much classier (not to mention rational) to make a prediction and take a bow when it's all said and done, don't you think?
oh yet another thread looking to start a fight... I love the moral superiority of the optimist regime.

This comment makes me laugh. The trolls here who post anti-everything would never post anything to start a fight.
Never ever.
Tell me how many of you now feel that KF and co f*cked up what should have been a 10-win season?

Yeah. I mean if they had held on against No Ill, they would have a chance to win a bowl game for their 10th win. Not that I'm complaining, this season has really exceeded my expectations.

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