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  1. E

    Mitch King Signs Future Contract with...

    Also, Saints signed Adrian Arrington from the practice squad. Whatever that means.
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    Coach Ferentz sighting at Cedar Rapid Kennedy

    How old is Stephen?
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    Ferentz Passes on Visit to Henderson

    Exactly. Playin hard to get. Brilliant move by KF...
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    First time listening to ROME

    Sorry, someone peed in my wheaties this morning. I believe that its fine to have an opinion. That opinion can be different than mine. I will respect that. I don't believe that everyone must share my opinion. I will not call people names for having an opinion different than mine. I...
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    First time listening to ROME

    Okay. To start with, I can understand not liking Jim Rome and/or his radio show. Thats fine. You don't have to listen. However, one thing that really makes me upset is when people believe that their opinion must be shared by everyone or else something is wrong with them. Second. I'm not...
  6. E

    Rivals free board says KF has an in-home...

    Nope. Won't work. and KF knows it. More like this: The phone rings minutes before Kirk's scheduled arrival. Seantreal answers the phone, nervous, anxious, maybe its his future coach. "Hello"? Seantreal says in a soft, shaky voice. "Seantreal, its Kirk. Look I know we talked about...
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    Your Ranking For Iowas Runningbacks Next Year

    1. What exactly would a defense do differently if they were gameplanning for JH instead of Greene? Its not like the offensive plays are different depending on the running back. Plus they were fairly similar in style. Do you think teams gameplanned differently for when Wegher was in the game...
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    Think Wegher is Happy He Committed to Iowa?

    I think a lot of people saw Wegher chew up some yards and score on that last drive and they want to appoint him as the starter going into next year. I'm affraid I'm going to come off as a Wegher basher which I'm not, I love the kid. But here's the deal. Arob is a better running back than...
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    Offer your ideas: Offseason Football Topics

    I like this idea. Also, I would be interested in knowing the role of each member of the coaching staff during a game. Who is in the box, who is on the sideline, who is KF listening to on the sideline, how often are adjustments made during the game on the sideline and is it KOK that...
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    Running Backs next season

    Hampton was a better freshman running back than either Robinson or Wehger. Will he be better following his injury? I don't know. I thought that I had read that he was back and practicing at full speed with the team but coaches didn't want to blow his red shirt that late in the season...
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    Clayborn and Bulaga

    Not4cy = misinformation bank on it.
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    Clayborn =

    I'm down with Adrian "The Predator" Clayborn.
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    Ferentz ~ Parker Connection

    Who were the coordinators for Hayden in his last years? I know that wasn't the original question but I'm curious.
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    Clayborn =

    What if the Predator was a defensive end at the university of iowa.....
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    The Big Human

    Who is Kyle Williams? I remember a guy named Bonecrusher. If I remember correctly he ruffled some feathers at Iowa during camp or something, dropped out before class started or was asked to leave by the staff, enrolled at Purdue, played LB for a season, had some off-field issues then...
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    Regarding expansion, does the NYC media market...

    ...even care about college football? Would expansion to Syracuse or Rutgers really generate an increased media following for the B10? It seems to me that NYC is much more of a pro sports city than college sports. A few years back I did a "study" on the number of D1 college football...
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    Here's what I don't get about expansion...

    13 game schedule + 1 bye week + true round robin = perfect
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    Here's what I don't get about expansion...

    Many P10 and BigEast schools had two bye weeks this season in order to finish on Dec 5 when the big conferences had their championship games. I'm not sure how I feel about two bye weeks. I know KF has said many times he likes to be done by thanksgiving. But if everyone else wants to be...
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    Here's what I don't get about expansion...

    The biggest reason that I've heard to favor B10 expansion is so that the B10 is relevent later in the season when other conferences are still playing. This was JoPa's number one point for expansion in the interview that I heard weeks ago. And I've heard this over and over from others regarding...
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    How to refer to what has happened here at HN

    I'm pretty sure this is what happened: Some dork in a windowless room stacked too many lord of the rings figurines on a shelf and it collapsed knocking over a 5 week old half-full bottle of mountain dew that spilled onto a server shorting it out and erasing all data. Approximately.