First time listening to ROME


Well-Known Member
Listened to ROME and I will never do it again. Holy Crap I had no idea this guy was a talking robot!!

I listened today because Shonn Greene was his guest. His speech pattern and delivery are ape like and when he monologues his pauses are eternal. His voice is as monotone as any radio voice I have ever heard.

How in the world did this guy get so popular?

He is definately not for the academic types.

I am now a dumberer person for listening to him. I am wondering if his vocabulary is larger than that of an eighth grader.
Are American Male sports fans that uncultured to have a guy like this idiot get so popular?

The fact that Jim Rome has a nationwide listening audience is proof that civilization is in decline.

Sorry to offend anyone but you would have to be slightly retarded to stay a listener of this guy.
Speaking of dumber for having listened. Geez. This is harsh coming from the "Cats are the root of all evil" guy.
Okay. To start with, I can understand not liking Jim Rome and/or his radio show. Thats fine. You don't have to listen. However, one thing that really makes me upset is when people believe that their opinion must be shared by everyone or else something is wrong with them.

Second. I'm not sure exactly how you are defining "academic types" but I'm having trouble envisioning you as some kind of PHD. What is your field of study, Academic Guy? Narowmindedness? Narcissism? I didn't know that you could get some kind of advanced degree in these fields just by exhibiting their traits. I do have a masters degree in earth sciences, just trying to figure out what I can do to be an "academic type" and therefore listen to more appropriate radio programs.

I could go on and on about this post but what really ticks me off is that I am defending Jim Rome. The guy is a tool but I enjoy listening to his show at work because it entertains me. I do have to say, however, that Jim Rome is much less offensive than this poster.

Ozhawk, please respond and let me know what radio shows I can listen to that will help me to become more cultured, academic and less retarded than I currently am and more like you.
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Listened to ROME and I will never do it again. Holy Crap I had no idea this guy was a talking robot!!

I listened today because Shonn Greene was his guest. His speech pattern and delivery are ape like and when he monologues his pauses are eternal. His voice is as monotone as any radio voice I have ever heard.

How in the world did this guy get so popular?

He is definately not for the academic types.

I am now a dumberer person for listening to him. I am wondering if his vocabulary is larger than that of an eighth grader.
Are American Male sports fans that uncultured to have a guy like this idiot get so popular?

The fact that Jim Rome has a nationwide listening audience is proof that civilization is in decline.

Sorry to offend anyone but you would have to be slightly retarded to stay a listener of this guy.

I'm not intellectual but I think Rome has intelligent takes on the sports world. He cuts through the BS a lot and tells you what's really going on.

What I think the problem with him is his negativity. He enjoys a little too much dwelling on mistakes athletes make both on and off of the field/court. The dude just can't seem to wait until some athlete fails on the field or in his personal life so he can mock him.

Also can't stand the eeehhhhhhhh! voice buzzer and some of the other lame little songs he plays over and over.
Okay. To start with, I can understand not liking Jim Rome and/or his radio show. Thats fine. You don't have to listen. However, one thing that really makes me upset is when people believe that their opinion must be shared by everyone or else something is wrong with them.

Second. I'm not sure exactly how you are defining "academic types" but I'm having trouble envisioning you as some kind of PHD. What is your field of study, Academic Guy? Narowmindedness? Narcissism? I didn't know that you could get some kind of advanced degree in these fields just by exhibiting their traits. I do have a masters degree in earth sciences, just trying to figure out what I can do to be an "academic type" and therefore listen to more appropriate radio programs.

I could go on and on about this post but what really ticks me off is that I am defending Jim Rome. The guy is a tool but I enjoy listening to his show at work because it entertains me. I do have to say, however, that Jim Rome is much less offensive than this poster.

Ozhawk, please respond and let me know what radio shows I can listen to that will help me to become more cultured, academic and less retarded than I currently am and more like you.

Aren't you doing exactly what makes you upset? Or are you Jim Rome? Settle down, it's a message board.
I like him. He's an acquired taste. He's probably one of the best inverviewers out there though. Try him again, you might like him. If not that's OK.
I never thought I would see a post on this message board that got people to defend Jim Rome. Well done.

As for Rome and his show...meh. He does seem to speak one sentence at a time, never linking them together for a complete thought even if they are related. I don't think the original poster was talking about the views/opinions of Rome, just the delivery, it is a bit slow and stale. With no sidekick or producer chiming in, sometimes you do wonder if the radio has cut out until he comes back with another 4 words.
Aren't you doing exactly what makes you upset? Or are you Jim Rome? Settle down, it's a message board.

Sorry, someone peed in my wheaties this morning.

I believe that its fine to have an opinion. That opinion can be different than mine. I will respect that. I don't believe that everyone must share my opinion. I will not call people names for having an opinion different than mine.

I will not say that someone is retarded, lacking culture, or non-academic because they enjoy something that I don't.

I just find that kind of attitude to be really offensive. Maybe its just me.
Wow calm down dude!! He was giving us his opinion. That makes him narrow minded? Is his opinion doesn't agree with yours, I guess he must be. Rome is a love/hate thing. I personally don't like him - his callers are ridiculous - but I'm not going to call anyone names if they disagree with me! Did you take your meds today!!??
Rome IS an acquired taste. Personally, I think he's an idiot and I value his opinion about as much as the average ISU fan. I also believe he suffers from having a small male member, if I can say that in mixed company.
Hey Clones, I (Jim Rome) have an awesome thread for you today.


Today's thread is going to be a good one.


I think you can rack it, because this is going to go down as one of the best threads ever.



Welcome, back Clones. As I mentioned, today I am going to have a really good thread.


In today's thread Clones are posting that I am great. Great thread.


Let's take a poster. It's Steve Garvey a/k/a Rome-Lover from So Cal

"I think Rome has intelligent takes on the sports world. He cuts through the BS a lot and tells you what's really going on."

Great post. Rack it.


Terrific call from Steve Garvey of SoCal. Wasn't that a great call?



Welcome back clone fans. We're having a great thread here today.

Let's recap. Here's that classic post from Garvey of SoCal.

"I think Rome has intelligent takes on the sports world. He cuts through the BS a lot and tells you what's really going on."

Great post.


Well, Clones, looks like we are out of time. Great show today.

Tomorrow, we'll recap today's show for those who missed hearing all of today's show.

I'm Out.
I listened for the first time today as well and I agree with some of your points.

He had nothing but positive things to say about Greene, so I didn't find myself disagreeing with anything he said.

However, his delivery (if today was common) seemed awkward at best. Never really linking a complete thought. I kept waiting for someone else to reply to what he was saying, but it was just silence. They should have 3-5 second advertisements to fill the time between his sentences.

You call it non-academic, but whatever it is just seemed awkward to me. Of course I am very impatient so waiting for his next sentence was torture...
Listen to rome over the course of 3 or 4 months. Then you can understand his show.
I listen to at least some of his show darn near everyday. Once you understand the show, callers, emailers, texts and inside jokes it can be pretty funny.

Him disliking Iowa does suck, but I don't need his input on Iowa anyway.
I like him. He's an acquired taste. He's probably one of the best inverviewers out there though. Try him again, you might like him. If not that's OK.
His interviews are full of "What were you thinking when" and "How does that make you feel" questions. Let’s not forget his "Talk about when" questions that aren’t even questions. It also annoys me how he addresses the person he is interviewing by their first name about ten times during the interview. His interviews should be the triple U sponsor.

That being said I still listen to him because I can’t stand Kottler and the Round Guy on the Champ.
Okay. To start with, I can understand not liking Jim Rome and/or his radio show. Thats fine. You don't have to listen. However, one thing that really makes me upset is when people believe that their opinion must be shared by everyone or else something is wrong with them.

Second. I'm not sure exactly how you are defining "academic types" but I'm having trouble envisioning you as some kind of PHD. What is your field of study, Academic Guy? .
Masters in Philosophy Just this past year thank you very much

bachelors in Nursing a LONG TIME ago.
I also get a little tired of his in-your-face, hyper-masculine BS.

On the subject of Cowturd... I don't really have a personal problem with him, but I think he's a poor researcher. I find myself disagreeing with him too often to take him seriously. That's probably just a personal preference, though.

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