Well-Known Member
Duff, if you had a child that had a very promising pro athletic career ahead of them after college, would you be OK with them taking HGH or any other PED?![]()
Not until thry were done with college.
Duff, if you had a child that had a very promising pro athletic career ahead of them after college, would you be OK with them taking HGH or any other PED?![]()
Prohibiting 17 year olds from using PEDs is a parents job not the NFLs job.The crux to allowing or turning a blind eye from those that are paid to perform is the repercussions to the young amature athletes. These guys view the short term rewards and say why not me? Who at 16 -17 is worried about health risks associated to these drugs in their 40's and 50's? In my opinion if it is an illegal substance in the eyes of the law it should be prohibited.And...this isn't the same as underage drinking as alcohol is not an illegal substance.
Not until thry were done with college.
Some 17 year olds don't have parents.
Some 17 year olds don't have parents.
Not until thry were done with college.
I used to naively think that only a few pros were juiced up, which made it unfair. Now I pretty much think they all are, so I say let em shoot, snort, inject, or lather on whatever PED they want.
Thats an amature competition.
One makes you set yourself on fire and see how fast you can run around the block. The other is like coffee on steroids.
Please define amature. I thought the basketball, track, volleyball, etc athletes were pros.
They are. The games are amature. All athletes should have to test clean.
You really, would have no reservations about your child using these substances?![]()
The Games stopped being amateur the moment they started allowing professionals to play.
Can you imagine modern-day Roman Gladiators on 'roids?!?!?
I'll take season tickets please.........
How is that different than the NFL? Just the swords¿
These games we all enjoy now were an evolution away from the gladiators to something a civilized society could enjoy, short of death to the loser. Now we have MMA and UFC and a call on this board that PEDs are acceptable and even desired all for the sake of entertainment.
Seems like civilization is going backwards while technology delivers it at even more speed, fidelity, and frequency.