End of an IC/Coralville Era (?)

You’re 76 for God’s sake.

You’re a member of the Midwest WASP demographic who probably came of age in supper clubs with carpet on the walls and amber ashtrays on every table, having Windsor cokes with your Camel lights and chicken oscar every Friday night, likely followed up with a key party at your friend’s trendy-at-the-time split level. I can smell the English Leather and cigarettes now.

Why mention that? Because those times are gone, friendo. The world has passed you by, just like it’ll pass me by some day.

Dining out sucks. The entire experience sucks.

I don't know, breh, I went Twisted Tail in Beebeetown the other day and that place is always legit. Their tenderloin sammich is just freaking money. But, to your point, that's something I could never make at home so that is why I love it.
I don't know, breh, I went Twisted Tail in Beebeetown the other day and that place is always legit. Their tenderloin sammich is just freaking money. But, to your point, that's something I could never make at home so that is why I love it.
I went to high school in that area and have been to the Twisted Tail several times on visits back there. It is one of a kind as far as quality food literally in the middle of nowhere!
I went to high school in that area and have been to the Twisted Tail several times on visits back there. It is one of a kind as far as quality food literally in the middle of nowhere!

Yeah, my dad stops there every time we go to Durty Dodge. Sucked we had to cut our trip short because it took us 25 hours to get from Greenville to Omaha due to weather. Had to spend the night at Dallas Fort Worth airport, so our jaunt around rural Iowa was pretty short. My son stood at that intersection and was totally amazed at how far you could see in each direction. Dude has spent most of his life in upstate cackalack or Japan and has never really seen that area of the country. He loved seeing my grandma's corn and beans in Calhoun County. We didn't even get to see the big farm she has in Pokerhontas county.
You’re 76 for God’s sake.

You’re a member of the Midwest WASP demographic who probably came of age in supper clubs with carpet on the walls and amber ashtrays on every table, having Windsor cokes with your Camel lights and chicken oscar every Friday night, likely followed up with a key party at your friend’s trendy-at-the-time split level. I can smell the English Leather and cigarettes now.

Why mention that? Because those times are gone, friendo. The world has passed you by, just like it’ll pass me by some day.

Dining out sucks. The entire experience sucks.

Lol. Post of the year candidate. You never fail to deliver.
Craft beer is in a major bubble. Once the Millennial kids realize that their obesity is caused in no small part by craft beer they will cut way back. I lost 40 pounds when I quit drinking those double IPAs. One of our big craft beer places in town went out of business a few weeks ago and based on how many there are I can't think they will be the last to go under.

That's apparently because you stopped drinking their beer.
I haven't seen a Perkins around in years, TBO. I thought they folded yrs ago.

Still around, my daughter gets pies for Thanksgiving, Christmas, basically all the holidays at Perkins
in WDM

Most excellent pies

Wouldn't go there for anything else if I was starving to death
Dying on the street, gasping for air, flopping around

If some good samaritan stopped to assist and said: Let's get you inside this Perkins to get some help,
I would politely decline

DM has quite a few, Village Inn is long gone, dead and buried

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This crowd is a strange one. I don't eat out that much but when I do, I enjoy it. You must be picking some crummy places to only want to eat at home.

Carry on
Fry, nothing personal. I enjoy a lot of your posts and you're a good dude. But I'm guessing your servers share the sentiment.
Half hour wait more often than not, $100-120 minimum for four people, sitting three feet away from other people talking about shit I don’t want to hear, food I can make better at home while enjoying cooking it…

You haven’t convinced me…
Half hour wait more often than not, $100-120 minimum for four people, sitting three feet away from other people talking about shit I don’t want to hear, food I can make better at home while enjoying cooking it…

You’re not convincing me.
Then choose a different restaurant. If you don't like a product... find an alternative. I don't like sitting elbow to elbow with another table either....so I don't go places like that.

As for the bill...if $25/person is too much for you...stay at home and make tuna casserole or grill your own burger. The "Hospitality industry" is not your thing, and that's cool.

Sounds like being around people in general is not comfortable for you. Do you go to any Iowa football games? That must be torture.
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Then choose a different restaurant. If you don't like a product... find an alternative. I don't like sitting elbow to elbow with another table either....so I don't go places like that.

As for the bill...if $25/person is too much for you...stay at home and make tuna casserole or grill your own burger. The "Hospitality industry" is not your thing, and that's cool.

Sounds like being around people in general is not comfortable for you. Do you go to any Iowa football games? That must be torture.
If you like restaurants knock yourself out. I didn’t say you shouldn’t do it, all I said was that it sucks.

I’d much rather make better food for less money and enjoy it in the comfort of my own house with friends and family.
I'm guessing the landlord has visions of mo money via a new tenant. I love grilling out, cooking at home but eating out at a quality restaurant is a treat every once in awhile. I'll never make a wig and pen pizza at home that's for sure, and I'm a hopping around all the time, work's a grinder, the house, family and maintenance are time hogs, and I'm usually the chef whenever I'm cooking outside anywhere it seems, so I do enjoy setting on my laurels, enjoying good conversation and ambiance while someone else does all the work. Don't happen very often but my brain and body enjoys it for sure.