Yes, this is a disappointing stretch of Iowa football

Let's just call a spade a spade. The program, which has a river of resources flowing through it, is not looking good. This staff royally screwed up last year, which gets people thinking they have lost it or simply are not motivated. This year the team is extremely average. In both years there have been some ridiculous losses that should not happen. The icing on thus whole cake is a fat cat coach with a swimming pool of money, private jet time and.....poor results on the field. If people want to call for a coaching change, there is certainly ample reason. Its all about winning baby and we ain't doing enough of it.

Excellent post.

Lack of financial support certainly isn't evident.

Productivity with amble financial support certainly is.
The team had a small freshman playing ML. No DC, a guy playing guard who was weaker than any of our 5th year DT's and a borderline walkon RB.

If Mac and Gettis don't get hurt, the team can probably overcome the other issues.

Same kinds of statements I used to make.
Not gonna say its not. Iowa is 14-9 since the start of the 2010 season, which isn't where the coaching staff wants to be, isn't where the players want to be and isn't where the fans want to be.

The same can be said for the coaches, players and fans of the following schools, who have a national title lineage and are among the winningest programs in the history of the sport. Their all time rank in winning percentage is in parenthesis:

Since the start of the 2010 season:

Texas (3): 11-10 (one win vs ranked opponent)
Miami (14): 12-13 (two wins vs ranked opponents)
Florida (16): 13-10 (bowl win vs unranked PSU, zero wins vs ranked teams)
Tennessee (9): 10-13 (zero wins vs ranked opponents)

Iowa (59): 14-9 (4 W's wins vs ranked teams, including a #5 & #12)

So we're losing to the garbage teams? Doesn't exactly make me happier that we are capable of beating ranked teams, but we lose to teams worse than us that we should beat.
So we're losing to the garbage teams? Doesn't exactly make me happier that we are capable of beating ranked teams, but we lose to teams worse than us that we should beat.

To me, that's the problem. Assuming we're the fourth-best team in the conference for the last decade, I don't think I'd mind always getting beat by the top 2 or 3 teams if it meant never losing to Indiana, Northwestern, and Minnesota, or whichever team happens to pull the upset every year.
There are really two groups of Iowa fans right now, a split fan base, while both WANT the Hawks to be successful.

The first group thinks everything is mostly ok & that normal ups & downs happen.
The second group thinks changes need to be made, on various levels.

There's some truth in both.
But I will say the second group is the one that is growing.

And there's another group that is sick and tired of the excuses and want the leader to stand up and simply say 'we have a problem and I will see to it that it will be handled'....

instead we get the countless excuses and deflections while gladly accepting 4 million a year;

1. Can't win at Iowa
2. 'We got what we deserved' (ie -> we are soft and not working hard)
2. Playing the percentages (regardless of the situation or momentum swing)
3. Not executing (every year offensively)
4. Lost half our recruiting classes multiple years (some recruits never play even with the starter making countless mistakes)
What is troubling to me is the end of last season and the inability of Iowa to capitalize on an extremely soft schedule and a down Big 10. Next season the defense could actually regress. This is going to be a long off season. Iowa is going to have a huge rebuilding job on the d-line again and will replace 6 starters on defense. Iowa has to head into next season planning on outscoring foes.
I'm hoping Kirk picks up some stud Juco Dline talent.
Wow. Are there any lengths that Mr. Jon Miller won't go to defend his man KF? I mean really?

KF is the highest paid coach in the Big 10, correct? And really it isn't even close when you consider the cost of living in IC compared with other places in the country. 3 million/yr in IC is the equivalent of about 10 million a year at USC or Stanford.

BUT... KF does deserve everything he gets IMO. Iowa rakes in a ton of money, and Iowa fans continue to be willing to fork out more and more every year for tickets, parking privileges, food, etc. Who should get the most of all that money that is raised? KF, no doubt. He deserves it for what he brings in to the AD.

If people don't want KF as head coach, they need to stop supporting the program and it's huge ticket prices, etc. If people stop coming to the games, then Iowa's hand would be forced if they can no longer afford KF's salary. Until then, I doubt much changes? It's about making money, not winning. If Iowa goes 6-6 every year, but everyone keeps coming to the games and forking over their hard earned money, Iowa will keep KF. Why wouldn't they?
This isn't the '60s and '70s anymore. The times have changed, and we're a much better program than that now. So pardon me if I'm not elated with 6-7 win seasons.

This. And one other aspect of changing times is that in the 60s and 70s, Iowa played USC, Penn State, UCLA, Notre Dame, Syracuse (then good), and Miami, and etc etc etc in non-conference play. Bob Commings had teams that at 5-6 or 4-7 with those schedules would have been 6-6 or 7-5 playing three patsies, ISU, and going 3-5 or 2-6 in conference. A couple of Nagel's 5-5 teams would probably be 8-4 with a schedule like this.

I agree with Jon that we're far from the most storied program to be having a couple of mediocre years, but I too am tired of the "my God, this is so much better than losing for 20 straight years" argument.
Not gonna say its not. Iowa is 14-9 since the start of the 2010 season, which isn't where the coaching staff wants to be, isn't where the players want to be and isn't where the fans want to be.

The same can be said for the coaches, players and fans of the following schools, who have a national title lineage and are among the winningest programs in the history of the sport. Their all time rank in winning percentage is in parenthesis:

Since the start of the 2010 season:

Texas (3): 11-10 (one win vs ranked opponent)
Miami (14): 12-13 (two wins vs ranked opponents)
Florida (16): 13-10 (bowl win vs unranked PSU, zero wins vs ranked teams)
Tennessee (9): 10-13 (zero wins vs ranked opponents)

Iowa (59): 14-9 (4 W's wins vs ranked teams, including a #5 & #12)

Florida and Tennessee play much tougher schedules and play in a much tougher conference.

With that said, these disappointing stretches we have gone through as Iowa fans are nothing compared to what lots and lots of other schools go through. They go through 2-10, 3-9, 1-11 type seasons. 6-6 for Iowa State is almost considered a good season the for them. Think how miserable it would be to look forward or feel good about 6-6.

We're lucky and we're spoiled.
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I don't know and don't feel like investing the 20 or 30 minutes to figure it the least

Geez Jon, a little on edge aren't we? The question wasn't really meant for an answer. I can do my own research. Don't compare Iowa to these programs. After all, we are just little ol Iowa.;):rolleyes:

I could not care less about the other programs. Apples and oranges sir. It's the inconsistency of the Iowa program from week to week that concerns me. It seems in college football that after a certain amount of time, coaches tend to get a bit stale in their current situation.

Many times they leave for another school or make changes to their staff to get some freshness back in the program. I don't think we'll see much of either from Iowa and it's starting to show a little in the weekly results.

Perception is reality to fans Jon weather or not you or others want to believe it. My "PERCEPTION" of Kirk Ferentz is he gets more conservative as each year goes by, gets shorter with his answers in press conferences, i.e. sounds a bit pizzed off at some questions and lastly doesn't really look like he's having a lot of fun most games. The not having fun part is the biggest thing I've noticed. Right from when he steps off the bus through the game.
It like when you were in high school and did poorly on a test and told your parents "but everyone else did bad too..." and they say "I don't care how everyone else did, I care about how you did."

That is how this is. I don't care how Texas does. I care about the Hawkeyes.

I don't like having to try to find comfort in other teams losing to feel better about the Hawks doing poorly. I would rather have the Hawks do well so that I don't have to care about if other teams win or lose. It SHOULD be irrelevant.
This is getting pathetic...check Jon's bank account. Any big deposit's from the IA athletic dept. I love listening on the radio to you and Deace...but the posts you come up with on here are making you look like the PR manager for KF and the football team. They have got the media running scared in this current climate.
So we're losing to the garbage teams? Doesn't exactly make me happier that we are capable of beating ranked teams, but we lose to teams worse than us that we should beat.

Bingo. For all the talk about how Iowa beats or stays close with the good teams, there are just flat out far too many losses and close games against bad/inferior teams, and there's no excuse for it.

Iowa IS underachieving because of these kinds of losses.
This is getting pathetic...check Jon's bank account. Any big deposit's from the IA athletic dept. I love listening on the radio to you and Deace...but the posts you come up with on here are making you look like the PR manager for KF and the football team. They have got the media running scared in this current climate.
I hope you're making a joke here.... but I admit this HN is split between those who want change and those who stand firmly behind KF. Kinda like the political situation in the country. Huh... but I think the solution is some where in the middle of the two extremes. Again, sorta like the political situation.:)
Maybe there will be a staff realignment in the off season. I think it would be a first step.
Florida and Tennessee play much tougher schedules and play in a much tougher conference.

With that said, these disappointing stretches we have gone through as Iowa fans are nothing compared to what lots and lots of other schools go through. They go through 2-10, 3-9, 1-11 type seasons. 6-6 for Iowa State is almost considered a good season the for them. Think how miserable it would be to look forward or feel good about 6-6.

We're lucky and we're spoiled.

I hate to say it, but I'm with moped guy on this one. Well said.
This is getting pathetic...check Jon's bank account. Any big deposit's from the IA athletic dept. I love listening on the radio to you and Deace...but the posts you come up with on here are making you look like the PR manager for KF and the football team. They have got the media running scared in this current climate.

Ah yes, another classic hit...the "if you don't agree with me, you cannot possibly be objective and there must be an ulterior motive" posts.
This is getting pathetic...check Jon's bank account. Any big deposit's from the IA athletic dept. I love listening on the radio to you and Deace...but the posts you come up with on here are making you look like the PR manager for KF and the football team. They have got the media running scared in this current climate.

cheapshot, these are the days I wonder why I waste time reading these boards, better off putting up xmas lights. Jury is still out for me if the Hawks finish 7-5 and get into a decent bowl I will consider this a decent season, 6-6 definately disappointing but not disaster