Yes, this is a disappointing stretch of Iowa football

I have yet to hear a single sound bite or action from a player or coach that tells me they give a **** about these bad losses. Ferentz acts like he is hanging around to get his full pension and mailing it in each week. You can't read the players' body language at all, hard to tell if they are winning or losing most games.

This an apathetic program with enough talent (both players and coaches) to win games but not enough to get over this funk and win alot of games.
What is troubling to me is the end of last season and the inability of Iowa to capitalize on an extremely soft schedule and a down Big 10. Next season the defense could actually regress. This is going to be a long off season. Iowa is going to have a huge rebuilding job on the d-line again and will replace 6 starters on defense. Iowa has to head into next season planning on outscoring foes.

That was supposed to be this season. How is that workin' for ya?

Us fans knew that going into this season so why did KF and staff not get it. See Iowa St. and almost Pitt and ...
If you were a defensive recruit, would you rather go to a solid program where the DC sits in your living room actively soliciting your abilities, or would you get more excited to go to a program where the DC is really old, can't walk around much, and is as likely to be in the hospital as he is be at the game?

It's no affront to NP but change is inevitable. Everybody's number comes up at some point. It's time for him to go with dignity and respect.

If NP hangs on another year and the D is as bad as we think it will be, the KF era will be on the ropes. At least in the eyes of the fans.

This place is starting to reek of John Lickliter.
Like politics - don't vote for someone if you don't think they can do the job.

when you get your ticket renewal - send it back w/ no check and a note that says you will renew when there is a coaching change... $$ talks

If i'm the AD - no scandal, stadium is full, people pay premium $ to sit between the goal lines, 18 of 18 in this years' senior class graduated or will on time, still travel great to any bowl game compared to competition, I-Club spring fundraising still great - why would you even think of changing??
Ok, Im not taking anything away from the 2 orange bowls. Those were great teams, however you also need to realize they went to the orange bowls because they werent able to win a conference title and make the rose bowl.

No it isn't. I could be wrong on this, but it's Iowa, Indiana, and Minnesota that have the longest Rose Bowl droughts. If I missed someone, that's still pretty poor company.

So we should blame KF that the 2002 BCS trip was not to the Rose Bowl? We went undefeated in conference play, and even if we had not taken the stupid loss to ISU we end up in the exact same game. There was absolutely no possible way for us to win the title outright. Once OSU and Miami were placed in the NC game the Orange bowl had the next pick. We were their #1 choice. So in that particular year the Orange Bowl decided we were the 3rd most desireable team in the nation. The Rose never got a chance to take us, which they most certainly would have done. Get your stuff straight people.
A bit of perspective to ease the pain is the gist....

I am thinking that Norm probably retires after this season. I really wouldn't mind Mike Stoops as a defensive coordinator. If he could keep his temper tantrums to a minimum, he would provide sideline coaching and the emotional intensity that appears to be lacking on this team.

A bit of perspective to ease the pain is the gist....

I am thinking that Norm probably retires after this season. I really wouldn't mind Mike Stoops as a defensive coordinator. If he could keep his temper tantrums to a minimum, he would provide sideline coaching and the emotional intensity that appears to be lacking on this team.


Mike Stoops will never be DC on a KF staff. That would be Oil and Water. Liked him as a Hawkeye but I was a homer then.:D He is a Tool. Same goes for Bielema.
It's all about that church of whats happening now and wins and loses. The coaching staff is stale and unwilling to change and it is tough to watch due to a philosophy. I understand the lose to Sparty but Minny, PSU and Moo U are terrible. Not sure what it is but something needs a change.
Jon; I for one,appreciate some perspective like these numbers.
We are all very disappointed when the Hawks lose,but for me it is the 24 hour rule...I complain for 24 hours and then I get perspective and look for the Hawks to bounce back.

KF has been a steady hand at the helm and I do not want to find out how Iowa would do without him for another decade....just me. I think fans always assume the grass would be greener,and it usually is not.

Look at Tarp starting tonite for the Patriots. If Iowa has Tarp,Nielsen,and Gettis last year, we probably go 11-2 at worst. We lost out lb corp,which killed our defense. And losing Gettis hurt our offense bigtime. And losing ARob also....
Hey Jon you better jump all over you buddy Deace..."Jon, Kirk called, checks in the mail bro." He just said that in front of your national audience after you went through your post here. I'd be all bent out of shape cause he sounded serious.
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I have yet to hear a single sound bite or action from a player or coach that tells me they give a **** about these bad losses. Ferentz acts like he is hanging around to get his full pension and mailing it in each week.

I would imagine the players don't like to lose and i do not believe KF is hanging around for his pension...
So we should blame KF that the 2002 BCS trip was not to the Rose Bowl? We went undefeated in conference play, and even if we had not taken the stupid loss to ISU we end up in the exact same game. There was absolutely no possible way for us to win the title outright. Once OSU and Miami were placed in the NC game the Orange bowl had the next pick. We were their #1 choice. So in that particular year the Orange Bowl decided we were the 3rd most desireable team in the nation. The Rose never got a chance to take us, which they most certainly would have done. Get your stuff straight people.

^This. The 3rd most desireable team in the nation that year.

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