Xavier Foster Announcement

Well to be fair to Fran, he should have playing time to sell in the future, especially to the bigs. Fran has been pretty successful in landing bigger named bigs in the past when he's had playing time to sell (Cook, Garza, Woodbury, etc).
Logon Duncomb is a 4* Center from Ohio in the 2021 class who’s Dad went to Iowa or something of that nature and apparently grew up an Iowa fan.
Iowa had Moss and Tyler Cook leave early, they were both African American. Iowa's 2020 class has 4 African American kids committed. I really don't think it has anything to do with black and white. It has more to do with are they good enough to play basketball.
If that were the case it wouldn't be 75/25, and starters are more like 90/10. The entirety of both All Star Teams, starters and reserves had 3 white dudes out of 30 players and non of those three were Americans. It'd be no different than saying a Kenyan or Ethiopian is going to win every single major marathon on the face of the earth this year. That's not racist, it's data.

One could argue the reasons (socioeconomic status, etc.), but facts are the facts. Teams made up like ours get pisspounded.
Fran needs to go, can't even land a kid who is a Iowa fan over ISU...worst recruiting class of any P5 conference right now...I guess bringing in guys with no p5 offers guarantee's his kids keep playing....
There's a reason the NBA is 75% black and it ain't because of affirmative action.

I don't know if its necessarily a "bingo" though. Why are most MLB players Hispanic? Why are most hockey players white? A lot of it is upbringing and cultural. Hispanics view baseball as a way out of poverty, similar to inner city blacks with basketball, and a lot of poor countries with soccer. Hunger and poverty are a hell of a motivator.

Also, you're starting to see a massive renaissance of the white basketball player as the game has evolved...especially from Europe. Luka, Jokic, Markkanen, Porzingis, Vucevic, Nurkik...these guys are all current and future NBA studs and they're all young

While I make jokes about this kinda stuff for laughs, its stupid and ridiculous when people use it seriously to attack Fran.
It's not so much that he's going after white kids or avoiding black kids, it's that he sucks at recruiting so bad that he's left with players from a tiny little geographic ares around the school for the most part, and that part of the country happens to be predominantly white.
I don't think the black vs. white thing makes any sense honestly. At least not in any provable way.

While there is an increasing number of white NBA players, they are almost all Euros. White American basketball players are almost nowhere to be found in the NBA. Honestly it's just weird.
Morris was a definite miss on my part. Burton and Shayok were transfers and didn't come to ISU out of high school to develop as Xavier will be so I wouldn't count that. Hell even Nader was a transfer.

Goes further to prove my point. Shayok, after 3 years in college, wasn't anywhere near an NBA prospect. Nader and Burton after two years weren't anywhere near an NBA prospect. Burton wasn't even a starter at Marquette 2.5 years into his career. Fred and Prohm did a great job with those guys.
If that were the case it wouldn't be 75/25, and starters are more like 90/10. The entirety of both All Star Teams, starters and reserves had 3 white dudes out of 30 players and non of those three were Americans. It'd be no different than saying a Kenyan or Ethiopian is going to win every single major marathon on the face of the earth this year. That's not racist, it's data.

One could argue the reasons (socioeconomic status, etc.), but facts are the facts. Teams made up like ours get pisspounded.
Wisconsin went to back to back final fours with predominately white guys from the Midwest.
I don't think the black vs. white thing makes any sense honestly. At least not in any provable way.

While there is an increasing number of white NBA players, they are almost all Euros. White American basketball players are almost nowhere to be found in the NBA. Honestly it's just weird.
It's not weird and you know it even if you won't say it out loud.
It's not so much that he's going after white kids or avoiding black kids, it's that he sucks at recruiting so bad that he's left with players from a tiny little geographic ares around the school for the most part, and that part of the country happens to be predominantly white.

So, currently, on the roster, there are players from Washington DC (Garza), NYC (Joe T), Indiana (Nunge), and Kentucky/Ohio (CJF). It seems to be turning (a bit) lately. Also, when two of the players are the coaches' kids, it may skew the numbers just a bit. :)
I don't know if its necessarily a "bingo" though. Why are most MLB players Hispanic?
That's incorrect, btw. Hispanics made up 31% of MLB players in 2017 as you can see here, that didn't go up 19% in two years.


Not everything is 100% social status, although I admit a large part of it is. Why are MLB pitchers predominantly white? There are definitely differences in physical makeup between different races, that can't be argued. Caucasian males average 5'9", Hispanic males average 5'7". Height is shown to be conducive to both velocity and more obtuse pitch angles. Is that why? I haven't done a study on it. But there's enough to say that physical differences might play some small part, how ever minute.

I'm not arguing the point about the effect of economic opportunities (or lack thereof) at all. I'm just arguing it on face value. Name me a basketball team in the last 20 years with 17 white kids out of 20 that's contended. Data tells us it isn't going to be successful historically, for whatever reason you want to argue.
So, currently, on the roster, there are players from Washington DC (Garza), NYC (Joe T), Indiana (Nunge), and Kentucky/Ohio (CJF). It seems to be turning (a bit) lately. Also, when two of the players are the coaches' kids, it may skew the numbers just a bit. :)
Is the upper midwest more white than the east coast, west coast, or south Atlantic US?
Wisconsin went to back to back final fours with predominately white guys from the Midwest.

If that were the case it wouldn't be 75/25, and starters are more like 90/10. The entirety of both All Star Teams, starters and reserves had 3 white dudes out of 30 players and non of those three were Americans. It'd be no different than saying a Kenyan or Ethiopian is going to win every single major marathon on the face of the earth this year. That's not racist, it's data.

One could argue the reasons (socioeconomic status, etc.), but facts are the facts. Teams made up like ours get pisspounded.

But what happens when in 2 years from now, when we are closer to a more suitable ratio for you and have more brothers on the team? Got a lot of lot of them committed. Are they not gonna be piss pounded because the make up of the team is more African American? There's nothing fact about that. Black guys get beat just like white guys. Having more of them is not going to make Iowa good at basketball. Having more good players, regardless of race is going to. To say differently is kind of racist.
That's incorrect, btw. Hispanics made up 31% of MLB players in 2017 as you can see here, that didn't go up 19% in two years.


Not everything is 100% social status, although I admit a large part of it is. Why are MLB pitchers predominantly white? There are definitely differences in physical makeup between different races, that can't be argued. Caucasian males average 5'9", Hispanic males average 5'7". Height is shown to be conducive to both velocity and more obtuse pitch angles. Is that why? I haven't done a study on it. But there's enough to say that physical differences might play some small part, how ever minute.

I'm not arguing the point about the effect of economic opportunities (or lack thereof) at all. I'm just arguing it on face value. Name me a basketball team in the last 20 years with 17 white kids out of 20 that's contended. Data tells us it isn't going to be successful historically, for whatever reason you want to argue.

But what happens when in 2 years from now, when we are closer to a more suitable ratio for you and have more brothers on the team? Got a lot of lot of them committed. Are they not gonna be piss pounded because the make up of the team is more African American? There's nothing fact about that. Black guys get beat just like white guys. Having more of them is not going to make Iowa good at basketball. Having more good players, regardless of race is going to. To say differently is kind of racist.
Whoa dude. I've been pretty careful to not take the low road on this, and I know it's touchy. But don't go there.

If you're going to accuse me of being racist, come out and say it plainly and we'll debate. beating around the bush with innuendo is for scrubs. Tell me straight up you think I'm racist in bold red letters if you think so so there's no confusion or interpretation. I guarantee you I'd do the same for you if I thought so.
That's incorrect, btw. Hispanics made up 31% of MLB players in 2017 as you can see here, that didn't go up 19% in two years.


Not everything is 100% social status, although I admit a large part of it is. Why are MLB pitchers predominantly white? There are definitely differences in physical makeup between different races, that can't be argued. Caucasian males average 5'9", Hispanic males average 5'7". Height is shown to be conducive to both velocity and more obtuse pitch angles. Is that why? I haven't done a study on it. But there's enough to say that physical differences might play some small part, how ever minute.

I'm not arguing the point about the effect of economic opportunities (or lack thereof) at all. I'm just arguing it on face value. Name me a basketball team in the last 20 years with 17 white kids out of 20 that's contended. Data tells us it isn't going to be successful historically, for whatever reason you want to argue.

Well 31% of hispanic MLB players is a hell of a lot when you consider the population of those Carribean Islands vs the population of white people in the USA. I don't think much of it has to do with genetics as it does with culture. I went vacationing in the Domincan and every male employee I talked to at our resort played on a baseball team of some form or another

Its a whole other discussion, but the way youth sports are run in America is ridiculously flawed...especially with soccer and baseball.
But what happens when in 2 years from now, when we are closer to a more suitable ratio for you and have more brothers on the team? Got a lot of lot of them committed. Are they not gonna be piss pounded because the make up of the team is more African American? There's nothing fact about that. Black guys get beat just like white guys. Having more of them is not going to make Iowa good at basketball. Having more good players, regardless of race is going to. To say differently is kind of racist.

Iowa just destroyed an SIUE team that was almost entirely black.